Start with a college teacher

Chapter 823 Chapter 857 Listing

Chapter 823
No one asks the poor in the downtown area, and the rich has distant relatives in the mountains.

If you don't believe me, just look at the wine at the banquet, and respect the rich and noble people first.

Once a person has a huge amount of wealth, he also has the right to speak and mate, and all scarce resources become no longer scarce with him.

There is a saying that if you take too many righteous paths, it is understandable that some rich people prefer to go through the back door.

This topic cannot be expanded and discussed, and it can be discussed for a whole day.

Boss Shen brought his younger sister to Shanghai, and a large number of people followed him to Shanghai.
It's not that they think Boss Shen is handsome and has the money to follow him. Most of them want Great Wall Bank to be listed.

There are companies specialized in this type in the world, and their job is to guide companies to conduct IPOs, be responsible for amortization and promote companies to go public.

Speaking of which, in Shen Guanglin's plan, none of the Great Wall Group's industrial sectors plans to go public, and these industries are mainly distributed in the mainland. As long as the financial information is not disclosed, it will not be transparent at all.

Among the many industries of Great Wall Group, the only one with relatively high transparency is Great Wall Bank.

Therefore, the purpose of these people following to Shanghai is to set their sights on the Great Wall Bank.

The development speed of Great Wall Bank these years is really extremely fast. Although it has been established for a long time, it has been wasting its life in the past few decades, and only in the past few years when it was merged into the Great Wall Group can it be considered to have made great progress. develop.

Since the acquisition of Great Wall Bank, Boss Shen has set the tone of the company's development, and the storage business has been given by the Great Wall Group. All of these are carried out in an orderly manner under the command of Boss Shen.

Want to go public?
It's not impossible.

Someone suggested asking whether to go public on Nasdaq, but Boss Shen refused.

Nasdaq's management is too strict, and there are too many requirements. Not only are there restrictions on business scale and profit margins, but there are also special requirements on the circulation ratio of stocks. It is really not as easy to manipulate as the Xiangjiang stock market.

Moreover, Great Wall Group itself holds shares in some listed companies, some of which are close to controlling shareholding ratios. If they really want Great Wall Bank to go public, they just need to pay more attention to acquiring a shell company.

However, Great Wall Bank is not in a hurry to go public because it is not short of money.

Although banks can't spend depositors' money, they can take out bank deposits for lending, and the interest earned from loans can be spent freely. This is how the Great Wall Group relies on its rapid expansion.

Therefore, loans are the source of power to support the rapid development of Great Wall Bank.

After Boss Shen arrived in Shanghai, he arranged a villa from the city government to live in.

There may not be many other things in Shanghai, but there are still many old houses and villas, most of which are old buildings during the Republic of China.

Well, Shili Yangchang naturally has some unique buildings.

As mentioned earlier, Boss Shen bought a villa before, but it belonged to his sister, so it was not easy to use it.

Therefore, regarding the relationship between elder sister and younger sister, sometimes it is necessary to distinguish clearly.

This is the same as the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. If the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is not good, it is largely due to the failure of the man to coordinate well.

After the charter king arrived in Shanghai, he couldn't bear the repeated pleas from these offices, and it was really hard to shirk, so he took them to Boss Shen's new villa.

Hearing that the Chartered Ship King was coming, Shen Guanglin decided to entertain them with a large plate of chicken.

"Let's eat ** today."

That's not a civilized word.

There was no particular reason, but Boss Shen suddenly wanted to eat XJ's big plate chicken, so he asked the chef to cook it.

Neither Shen Guanglin nor his sister knew how to cook, so the government had to coordinate and send a master chef from the government guest house to help with the cooking.

In this day and age, most skilled chefs are state-owned.

There may not be no good chefs in the fly restaurant, but more rely on the affordable price and the skills of heavy oil and salt.

The craftsmanship of a five-star chef can be on the table at any time.

This time, the chef who came to cook for Shen Guanglin was a chef from the north. His skills were superb, and he felt like a fool in a courtyard.

In fact, it is suitable to use a big rooster or an old hen to make a large plate of chicken. The oil and water should be sufficient, so that the stew will be fragrant. The chicken oil will finally soak into the potatoes, and the noodles will be mixed in the soup, which is absolutely delicious.

Of course, most of the chickens now are free-range, and they are delicious, but it is not so easy to buy centralized ones.

Boss Shen took his sister to enjoy the shade in the yard, and watched the chef kill chickens by the way.

The rooster brought by the master was very big, with double combs and a high neck. He was very proud, and he didn't have the consciousness to eat in the pot at all.

The old man Bao brought the people from the securities company to watch, looking very interested.

Even if they are impatient, they have to endure it.

Old Bao Bao looked at the busy chef and said with a smile, "You have a good life."

"Isn't a person's life all about eating and drinking, and when he can't eat and drink anymore, that's it." After Shen Guanglin finished speaking, he suddenly felt that what he said was wrong, so he changed his words and said, "Actually, this is specially made to welcome you. , Usually, I eat whatever I have.”

"The chefs of this level have been invited, and whoever you say will believe it."

Well, if you don’t believe it, there’s nothing you can do. Anyway, Boss Shen thinks he’s simple.

Of course, the entrepreneurs of the older generation are simple, and the charter king is so "thrifty" in his daily life that he never hires his own servants, because others know that he has hired someone rich, so he intentionally quotes a price higher than the market. The high price of the market price comes out.

In fact, everyone is the same thing, and no one is stingy when it is time to spend money.

When Shen Guanglin was in Xiangjiang, he often took all kinds of famous wines from Lao Bao, so it doesn't cost money.

Speaking of it, Shen Guanglin's daily expenses are still within the normal range, and he has almost never made a fuss, which can be regarded as a kind of professionalism of a rich man.

At least, Boss Shen didn't spend as much money as Fan Liu did, he didn't think it was worth it.

Of course, Shen Guanglin's simplicity also has some elements of showmanship. He is a university professor after all, and according to the way he spends money, he is already very ostentatious, surpassing most of his contemporaries.

However, compared with the contemporaries of Xiangjiang rich men, Boss Shen is really simple.

They call you and call me at every turn, talking about tens of millions of billions of business, very loud.

However, Boss Shen is not interested in money. To him, tens of millions and hundreds of millions are almost the same as a few dollars or ten cents.

After pretending for a long time, he himself believed it.

No, the people from the securities company haven't found a good opportunity to open their mouths yet. Shen Guanglin said with a smile, "I want Great Wall Bank to be listed, so let's do it."

(End of this chapter)

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