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Chapter 824 New Business

Chapter 824 New Business (1)
Strictly speaking, the listing of Great Wall Bank is not a matter of Shen Guanglin alone, because everyone's expectations are also involved.

Speaking of which, the entire Great Wall Group is almost owned by Shen Guanglin alone, and those old brothers who followed Boss Shen to start a business, except for Su Youpeng, hardly anyone else owns any shares.

Relying on shares to attract subordinates is indeed a good means for the rapid development of enterprises.

But as long as one's "forward-looking" is far-sighted enough, even without their help, another person can succeed.

For the traversers, this is hardly considered a "start-up" business, it is the opening of the business.

This is the same as gambling in a casino. Betting without knowing the result is gambling, but betting knowing the result is investment.

Of course, as a good boss of Huaxia, Boss Shen is still very generous in his conduct.

He never treated those people who worked for him badly.

The wages of grass-roots staff must be high, not to mention twice as high as that of the surrounding enterprises of the same type, and it is not a problem to be 50% higher.

As for the management of the Great Wall Group, although their salaries are not too high compared with ordinary employees, their bonuses are really quite a lot.

Every year during the Chinese New Year, Boss Shen spends a considerable portion of the profits as rewards to everyone, which is another form of virtual equity.

Therefore, there is no need for the middle and senior management of the Great Wall Group to be greedy for money at all, and the annual bonuses are enough for them to live a life of wealth and freedom.

And a person like Zhang Peng didn't know what made him so arrogant, claiming every day that he was the uncle of Boss Shen's wife, and his background was extremely deep.

Everyone was afraid that he would respect him, but in fact it was because of Boss Shen's face that they didn't want to argue with him.

If others don't know the truth about some things, doesn't he know it himself?I believed it as I said it, but when Boss Shen wanted to deal with him, he was not merciful at all.

Even, to deal with it seriously, he still has his sister's opinions in it, and I haven't seen anyone thinking about his uncle's feelings.

People, you still need to be a little more self-aware.

Now, no one knows how big the Great Wall Group is, nor who the Great Wall Group belongs to.

If they weren't building the world's tallest building, no one would pay attention to them, even though they were already a giant in China.

In the eyes of the outside world, Great Wall Group is mysterious, and its equity structure is also complicated. No one knows who its actual boss is.

If it weren't for the deep-rooted Great Wall system, they would have no idea what the equity composition of Great Wall Group is.

Now there is no enterprise check, you can do equity dialysis.

Moreover, all the shareholders of the Great Wall Group are also companies, all of which are companies whose names have never been heard.

Shen Guanglin has long registered a large number of offshore companies, using various cross-holding methods to cover up the actual equity composition of the various industries of the Great Wall Group.

Of course, the so-called "offshore company" is not an accurate legal concept.These companies do not operate in the place of registration, but only to enjoy special policies stipulated by the law in terms of registration, supervision, information disclosure, and taxation.

Speaking of offshore companies, there are always many words that are not glorious in everyone's impression, such as tax evasion, money laundering, crime
Normal operators, whoever registers an offshore company, is not for the purpose of seeking benefits and avoiding disadvantages.

Boss Shen’s purpose of registering an offshore company is not only to avoid tax, but also to hide his own wealth. He doesn’t want to be the “richest man” to avoid being killed first.

The advantage of a traveler is that he has a vision that transcends the times. Boss Shen is very familiar with the small operation of registering an offshore company.

The British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Bermuda, and American Samoa are all good places to register offshore companies, and there are also many cross-company headquarters options here.

Of course, Xiangjiang is also a good place to register an offshore company, but the origin of the Great Wall Group is already in Xiangjiang, which is too close to the mainland to hide its identity.

Finding a place to register an offshore company is just like domestic entertainment companies gathering in Khorgos in later generations.

Horgos, the prefecture of YLHSK, is closer to Almaty than WLMQ. Such a remote place has become a tax haven for entertainment companies because of preferential tax policies.

Of course, corporate tax avoidance is possible, but tax evasion and tax evasion should not be.Da Bingbing was immediately knocked down by Xiao Cui because of tax evasion. No matter how strong her waist was, she couldn't stand up.

Xiao Cui's fighting power is fierce. Although he has offended the entire entertainment circle by himself, he has brought tens of billions of income to the country.

Some time ago, someone Shen killed Zhang Peng and dealt with Zhang Peng seriously and seriously. Everyone in the Great Wall Group was in danger.

Shen Guanglin also felt that the old brothers should not be chilled, so he decided to allow Great Wall Bank to go public.

In this case, each of us will share a little share, which will also give everyone a sense of support.

Therefore, when Lao Bao brought the securities company's door-to-door visit, Shen Guanglin agreed in advance, otherwise it would not have been so smooth.

In the future, there will be another story about the listing of Great Wall Bank. It only took a meal to negotiate a listing case. Look, how awesome it is.

Now that Great Wall Bank has decided to go public, it is natural to carry out some financial operations.

Just do what you want, Shen Guanglin is not a procrastination person.

He directly called a team of lawyers and accountants to connect with securities companies, and let them unite to operate the listing of Great Wall Bank.

Of course, the bottom line for the listing of Great Wall Bank is set very high. The most important one is that Shen Guanglin requires absolute control. This is a red line that cannot be touched.

If you lose control of the company because of the listing, what's the point of going public?
I have heard a lot about this kind of shit. The founder of the company was kicked out by the company. It is sad to think about it.

Not to mention the future generations, this is the case with Jobs in this era.

When Shen Guanglin went to Citigroup, he went to meet this future celebrity. He was in good spirits, but he didn't say big things. He wasn't the mysterious Qiao Gangzhu.

People in this era think that Gangzhu Qiao is just an ordinary frustrated entrepreneur who is running an animation production company with a bleak future.

Of course, Shen Guanglin had no intention of asking him to work for him.Gang Leader Qiao's personal style is too strong, and the Great Wall Group may not be able to adapt to him.

Moreover, Mr. Shen is very clear about the context of Apple's development, and he also wants to learn.

I don't know how to create it myself, and I don't know how to plagiarize.

Therefore, Great Wall Group's computer has not yet been launched, and the development of mobile phones has already begun.

The current mobile phone is the size of a brick, and it is called "Big Brother". It is a sharp weapon for pretense and self-defense.

Who would have thought that future mobile phones would be so smart and compact.

Shen Guanglin has also paid attention to it. Now the battery is not the thing that restricts the development of mobile phones.

The current battery technology is too bad, charging for 10 hours, talking for 10 minutes, and later manufacturers advertised that charging for 5 minutes and talking for 2 hours is a very big gap.

Therefore, the development of mobile phone technology is actually the development of battery technology.

Boss Shen suddenly wanted to start developing batteries.

(End of this chapter)

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