Start with a college teacher

Chapter 825 On-site Service

Chapter 825 Door-to-door service (2)
Homeboys spend paper, homegirls spend electricity.

If there is no battery, the life of many housewives will be empty, lonely and cold.

Don't think about it, many girls use electric beauty devices, such as some cleansers, fat removal devices and other electric devices consume a lot of power, which is not what you think.

The history of battery development has been a long time. From the invention of the world's first battery by Alessandro-Volta in 1800 to the present, battery technology has made great progress and breakthroughs.

Of course, the reason why the word Alessandro-Volta is written so long is purely to deceive the word count, because this foreigner is none other than the well-known Volta.

If Picasso's full name is typed out, that is the real word count.

Volt invented the battery, also called the volt battery, so the volt became the unit of voltage.

Shen Guanglin specifically looked up the information, and he also took his sister to Jiaotong University to ask professionals who research batteries.

Jiaotong University warmly welcomed Professor Shen and his party, and cooperated greatly with the work.

From afar, as early as 1911, Modu established a factory to produce dry batteries and lead-acid batteries. This history is really not short.

Moreover, as a member of the expert group of the National 863 Program, it is not difficult for Professor Shen to learn about national policies and development progress, and it is also convenient in Shanghai.

But soon, he despaired.

Because, the country's policy on the development of battery technology does not know who formulated it, but the development of nickel-metal hydride batteries is regarded as the first development element.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin's old friends, Nankai University in Jinmen, are actually the main force in the research of nickel-metal hydride batteries.

Mr. Shen has been in Jinmen for so long, and he studies solar cells every day. He didn't expect that Nankai is still the main force in the research of nickel-metal hydride batteries.

Nankai University also asked Professor Shen if he would like to study Ni-MH batteries together, which was a joy.

Shen Guanglin refused.

Even if he is not allowed to pay by someone like Shen, or the Great Wall Group, this will not work.

May I ask, does the Ni-MH battery have a future?
In the history of Huaxia, they have basically never played a practical role except for cheating money.

Shen Guanglin did not pay special attention to the development of batteries before, but now that he has seen it, he feels that the development of technology does not happen in a cluster.

Even at the national level, when formulating policies, the chosen direction may not be correct.

Who would have thought in this era that lithium batteries are the future?

At present, the commercialization of rechargeable lithium batteries has not yet been realized in the world. Most of our research is on nickel-metal hydride batteries and nickel-cadmium batteries, and the mainstream application products are still lead-acid batteries.

In later generations, lead-acid batteries still have not withdrawn from the market, but whether it is power batteries or energy storage batteries, ternary lithium batteries and lithium iron phosphate are already the main directions.

The energy density and rechargeable discharge times of these batteries are also constantly increasing.

The rapid development of electric vehicles is due to the rapid development of battery technology.

Of course, before the popularity of electric vehicles, mobile phones, laptops, and various power tools were inseparable from the special blessing of high-capacity and high-density batteries.

Alas, this is not good for the traverser, he knows too much.

Accidentally, Shen suddenly stood on the cusp of the times ahead of schedule.

He started researching lithium batteries in 1988, which was earlier than Sony, so he might be able to produce the world's first rechargeable lithium battery.

In particular, the Great Wall Group is already very rich. If he wants to spend money on research and development of lithium batteries, no one can stop him.

In later generations, Zhong, who is not highly educated, can research lithium batteries and grow into a "battery king" within a certain period of time. Shen has spent huge sums of money, has technical talents, and has research directions. Is he afraid that he will not be able to research lithium batteries? battery?
What kind of soft pack battery, hard pack battery, cylindrical battery, square battery, we have money, we can do whatever research we want.

Professor Shen has another job to do here!

Our next step is to study lithium batteries.

However, he still had to go back to the capital for this matter. After all, the capital is his base camp, and the capital is the strongest in terms of data collection ability and the combat effectiveness of scientific research staff.

Shen Guanglin hasn't been back to the capital for more than half a year. Now that he wants to set up a new battery research group and build a strong team, it's probably impossible not to go back.

For this reason, he didn't even tell his sister, and sneaked back to the capital by himself.

Naturally, it is impossible to stay at home, and the Capital Hotel is a good choice.

As mentioned earlier, the Jingcheng Hotel is located in the center of the city, adjacent to the Imperial Palace and the Forbidden City. It is a place that Shen is very fond of. The Tan family cuisine here is very famous.

Shen Guanglin didn't bring anyone with him. He secretly checked into the Capital Hotel by himself, but he didn't want to make a fuss. He wasn't afraid of facing his sister, but he was afraid of facing Lao Li.

Therefore, seeing each other is like not seeing each other.

Beijing, long time no see.

After eating the familiar dishes, Boss Shen went back to his room early to rest.

He has already decided that when the team is formed, he will immediately fly to the magic city.

Quietly enter the village, do not shoot.

As expected of a five-star hotel, the hardware conditions of the Jingcheng Hotel are quite good. Each room has a color TV set, which is produced by the Great Wall Group, which makes Shen very satisfied.

Turn on the TV, and the familiar music sounded from the TV, which was the prelude to the news broadcast.

Oops, it sounds so familiar!
When Shen Guanglin crossed, there was already a news broadcast of this program, but there was no music at the beginning of the news broadcast, and there was no weather forecast after the broadcast.

Later, I don't know which year, the weather forecast appeared, but this opening song never appeared.

Now, Shen Guanglin suddenly heard this familiar melody and trembled all over. This is a step closer to history.

However, what made Shen even more trembling was yet to come.

The last 10 minutes were being broadcast on TV, that is to say, life in a foreign country was very difficult and people were in dire straits when there was a knock on the door.

Shen Guanglin clearly hung up the Do Not Disturb sign, yet someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Shen Guanglin turned down the TV volume and asked loudly.

"Sir, do you want room service?"

A female voice came from outside. It sounded familiar, but it was gentle and nice.

Room Service?

Why, Jingcheng Hotel, you have thick eyebrows and big eyes, have you betrayed too?
For the sake of earning foreign exchange, you don't want to lose face?impossible.

However, Shen really wanted to see what room service was like, so Shen opened the door while saying "I don't need room service".

After all, it's okay to see what room service looks like.

Women are usually picky about men, but men are not picky about women.

Men, what you want is freshness. If you don't believe me, go ask the boss Wang Ping'an.

The door opened, and Shen Guanglin almost peed in fright. Standing at the door was the wife he was marrying: Li Rong.

(End of this chapter)

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