Start with a college teacher

Chapter 826 The Commanding Heights

Chapter 826 Commanding Heights (1)

"Are you avoiding me? You won't go back to Lie's house even after you've come to the capital."

Li Rong's eyes were full of stories, and she immediately took the moral high ground when she asked.

It's been half a year since he disappeared, but he still looks heroic and gentle in my impression.

Shen Guanglin hurriedly opened the bigger door to welcome his sister in.

Li Rong looked around and did not see any trace of the wild woman, so she expressed her satisfaction, and then began to look at someone Shen, only smiling without speaking.

Shen Guanglin also thought of various lame reasons and excuses, and finally said honestly, "I'm not avoiding you, I'm afraid of seeing Lao Li."

Li Rong laughed angrily.

Shen Guanglin's reason was really strong enough, and she also believed that this was the real reason.

Afraid of Lao Li, well, in fact, she is also afraid.

No, it's been a long time since she had dinner with her parents, and she even wanted to hide out.

It's just that it made it difficult for her to criticize him. This man really made her not know what to say.

Li Rong was not born strong, she was just born strong.

In the past, she has imagined various scenes and designed various plots. For her own man, there are many scenes in her fantasies of Prince Charming singing in harmony or hearty wit fighting against mistresses.

Now, a mistress really appeared at home, but she didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, everyone has been an old couple for many years. Facing Li Rong's "inquiry" at the door, Shen also has a countermeasure.

Because, there is no grievance that cannot be resolved with a meal of fried pork with bamboo shoots. If there is, then two meals.

Sure enough, it's raining after a long drought, so there's no need to say more about it.

it is more than words.

It is also strange to say that the two have not used contraceptive measures for a long time, and they have never had children.

And the younger sister just went on a business trip with Boss Shen, and she actually got it.

Li Rong also went to the hospital for an examination, and everything was normal, including the number of follicles, the thickness of the uterine wall, and fallopian tubes.

But even if there is no child, we can only talk about time and fate.

The next day, both of them got up very late and were woken up by the ringing of the phone.

As if she had a tacit understanding, Li Rong said directly, "Go and answer the phone, it should be from my sister."

Half doubting the letter, Shen Guanglin picked up the phone suspiciously, and it was indeed his sister calling, asking him how long he would be in the capital, did he see his sister, and what did he say.

Shen can only answer evasively, and after finishing the work at hand, he will return to Shanghai immediately, so don't worry.

Things at work are easy to handle, but housework can be a bit difficult.

Fortunately, Li Rong didn't continue to ask what to do next, she already had a psychological construction.

The two quietly packed their things and went out.

All day long, Li Rong didn't go to work, so she ran around with Shen Guanglin and watched him handle the work.

The man who works hard is the most handsome. She hasn't seen him for half a year. She wants to see if he is still as handsome.

Although the two haven't seen each other for half a year, they often communicate on the phone, and they don't seem to be unfamiliar. On the contrary, they have a tacit understanding of knowing each other for many years.

This kind of tacit understanding is reflected in many aspects. One look and one movement can give insight into what the other party means.

For example, last night, neither of them spoke while the vehicle was driving, but Shen just patted her, and she knew what action to do next.

It was a rare trip back to the capital. Shen Guanglin had some formalities to go through at school, and he couldn't get out so quickly.

During the period, some colleagues from the school even asked Li Rong: "Xiao Li, how did you feel when you followed Xiao Shen on a visit and met foreign kings?"

How can it feel?
What they didn't know was that it was another Xiao Li who followed Xiao Shen on the visit.

However, Li Rong still answered with a smile on her face: "It's just a matter of basic etiquette. It's fine if you don't lose your manners or lose face. The kings of foreign countries don't have an extra nose."

Everyone praised this generous statement, and we Chinese people should have such an attitude.

For Professor Shen's long-term absence from teaching activities, the school still gave tolerance and understanding.

Now that Professor Shen is back, the school leaders didn't say anything harsh, but instead gave them various encouragements.For example, I hope that Professor Shen can win the toad palace as soon as possible.

Hehe, everyone knows what Shen Guanglin is thinking about winning the laurel in the Toad Palace.

It's just that if you really want to win a prize, it's not that easy.

Of course, whoever has such an opportunity can't guarantee that he will behave calmer than Shen Guanglin.

There is no shame in pursuing the Nobel Prize with great concentration.

The school leader then asked Shen Guanglin if there was anything the school could do for him, and he would not hesitate to do whatever he could.

Shen Guanglin was no longer so urgent about the Nobel Prize, so in order to change the subject, Shen Guanglin could only explain that he did not return to the capital to seek help and support, but to start a new project and recruit a research team.

New topic?What subject?
The school was very pleasantly surprised.

Is Professor Shen going out again? Let's wait and see.

However, Shen Guanglin said that this time he will lead a team to Shanghai for scientific research, and there is a high probability that he will not stay in the capital this year and next year.

The school suddenly felt a little depressed, and tried to persuade him to stay in the capital, or it would be better here.

Shen also thought about whether to stay in the capital, but the environment does not allow it, both the general environment and the small environment do not allow it, there is no way.

So, he explained that the Great Wall Group had built a new skyscraper in Shanghai and reserved a floor for him as a laboratory. He still wanted to experience what it was like to be a skyscraper first.

The school expressed its understanding.

In particular, after hearing about the new subject that Shen Guanglin wanted to study, the school did not force it.

Professor Shen is actually planning to study lithium batteries. What's the future?Be careful to burn the skyscrapers down.

To be honest, what is there to study about lithium batteries? This is not a necessity for human life, and it will be the same without it.

Who goes out every day with a flashlight?

However, only Shen Guanglin knows how much economic and social benefits a high-efficiency battery can bring, and they don't understand.

The school was surprised that Professor Shen went to study lithium batteries, but still gave blessings.

Professor Shen's enthusiasm for work is high, and he thinks about it as soon as he thinks about it.

Now, he is about to complete a new span. He is jumping back and forth between physics, biology and chemistry.

However, some people persuaded him that research on lithium batteries is meaningless after all, and there will be no Nobel Prize in it.

Shen Guanglin shook his head with a smile, he really wasn't for the Nobel Prize this time, he was just for the progress of the times.

Besides, whoever said that research on lithium batteries cannot win the Nobel Prize, the 2019 Nobel Prize will be given to the inventor of lithium batteries.

It's just that lithium batteries have come out in this era.

However, due to the problem of dendrites, lithium batteries are particularly prone to spontaneous combustion and explosion, which has not been widely used.

As for the problem that dendrites are easy to explode, since Professor Shen wants to study lithium batteries, there is naturally no problem.

Everyone has this confidence.

It is good to have a mature laboratory in a university. Whatever Shen wants, they can prepare it immediately, just like giving orders.

After Shen Guanglin's laboratory collected scientific information on lithium batteries, I don't know whether to be happy or worried.

It turns out that as early as 1985, Akira Yoshino of Fusang used lithium cobaltate and polyacetylene to manufacture the first modern lithium battery. They have basically solved the problem of lithium battery safety.

Moreover, I heard that they are cooperating with Sony. It may not be long before commercial products will come out.

In other words, this commanding height has been seized by others.

What should I do next?
(End of this chapter)

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