Start with a college teacher

Chapter 827 Accident

Chapter 827 Accident (2)

Some people have made unauthoritative statistics. Professor Shen's scientific research career is inseparable from Fuso's scientific community.

I don't know what happened, but he "robbed" many scientific research achievements that should have belonged to Fuso scientists.

Now, Akito Yoshino has completed the research and development of lithium batteries in the laboratory. Are you still here to grab it?
Therefore, on the summer solstice day in 1988, Shen Guanglin announced in Beijing that he was going to enter the research and development field of lithium batteries, and planned to invest 1000 million US dollars to complete the technological breakthrough.

Hearing this news, Akio Yoshino from Fusang was determined to die.

However, what can he do, give up scientific research competition?

He can only say sourly that Professor Shen is optimistic about the lithium battery industry, which shows that our research direction is right.

Shen Guanglin was not in the mood to care about the mood of Yoshino Akira who was far away in Fusang. He couldn't stay in the capital anymore, and he really wanted to go back to Shanghai.

If you don't go back, Lao Li will come looking for you.

Before leaving, Shen Guanglin asked Li Rong if he wanted to go to the magic city together, everyone had a companion.

Li Rong sneered, why, she still wants to enjoy the blessings of being equal.

Shen Guanglin dared not, but his invitation was sincere.

Shen Guanglin did not lie about this point, because he and his sister had no experience in taking care of life, and together they were a pair of stinky chess baskets. Fortunately, they were rich and could hire a cook, otherwise it would be really difficult to survive.

Li Rong still refused, she has her pride, she is in the capital, it depends on when Shen can come back.

It's hard to say, it can take three to five months, and it can last for a year or a half.

After a year and a half, if you dare to talk about it, Li Rong will dare to make you a father.

After all, there was concern in his heart, and Shen Guanglin soon flew back to Shanghai.

During the days when Shen Guanglin was away, my sister was not idle. She found a good place to go for a walk on the university campus.

This university campus is not the Jiaotong University that Shen Guanglin took her to, but the school where teacher Yuanyuan is.

I don't know who recommended it, but my sister even met Li Yuanyuan, and the two became good friends.

Good friends are so cheap.

Didn't it mean that good-looking girls can't be good friends? What's going on with them?

Who can be blamed for this, Shen Guanglin is still to blame for letting teacher Yuanyuan be a car model to participate in the new product launch conference.

Otherwise, how did Li Li know her.

Women are born with a sixth sense. After watching the new product launch, my sister intuitively felt that there might be something wrong with this woman.

So she had to check it out for herself.

The result of the inspection is unknown to Shen for the time being, but the two have indeed become friends.

The Great Wall Motor endorsed by teacher Yuanyuan is on the market, and their first car BMW X1 is very amazing.

Moreover, the name "BMW" is also nice.

When Shen Guanglin was full of ambition and planned to push this car to the European and American markets, BMW did not come to him, but Mercedes-Benz came to him.

They first chased to the capital, and then followed in the footsteps of Professor Shen to the capital city.

Shen Guanglin didn't rest for a while, and Pingzhi came to visit him.

They also know that Professor Shen is a loyal customer of their Mercedes-Benz cars. The number of Mercedes-Benz cars owned by the Great Wall Group in the past can be said to account for more than half of the Mercedes-Benz cars in the entire mainland.

However, now that the Great Wall Group has actually started to manufacture cars by itself, presumably, the relationship between the two companies will start to become delicate in the future.

This time, Mercedes-Benz Motors came to talk to Mr. Shen about the trademark. They were optimistic about the trademark "Mercedes-Benz" and wanted to spend money to buy it.

After all, neither "Mingzhi" nor "Benz" is convincing enough.

Want to buy a Mercedes?how is this possible!

Shen Guanglin would not sell it for any money.

This has nothing to do with money. Shen has always had a bad taste to add trouble to others. He likes to follow other people's path and make others have nowhere to go.

That's right, this is the meaning of life that Shen found after time travel.

It is a noble spirit of internationalism to harm others without benefiting oneself.

Therefore, there is no need to talk about trademark matters at all.

Shen is not short of money.

Moreover, Great Wall Motors not only launched the BMW series, but also launched the Mercedes-Benz series of cars in the future, starting with S and pushing it all the way to the Mercedes-Benz S600.

Now, Shen Guanglin no longer rides in a Mercedes-Benz, he rides a Great Wall sedan produced by himself.

As early as when Shen Guanglin acquired Skoda Automobile, he knew that Skoda had developed luxury cars in history.

Many heads of state in Eastern Europe use Skoda cars.

Therefore, after the successful acquisition by Great Wall Group, they did nothing else but helped Boss Shen build several new cars exclusively for Great Wall Group.

Bulletproof is only the minimum requirement. Others include hot and cold air conditioning, power, comfort, technology and integration, and the high-end route cannot be lost.

From now on, this car will be Boss Shen's exclusive car.

When he first arrived in Shanghai, after getting rid of the harassment of Mercedes-Benz cars, Shen Guanglin took his sister to see the Great Wall Building belonging to them when he was free, and supervised the construction progress.

The Great Wall Building is really too famous.

Not only do they like to watch it, but many people who come to Shanghai for tourism also like to visit this new landmark building in Shanghai.

Everyone come here to take a photo together, and it is not in vain to come to the magic capital.

You know, this is the tallest building in China and even in the world. These people take a group photo in front of the Great Wall Building, just like taking a group photo in front of the curved 101 Building.

It's just that the transportation in Shanghai is not very convenient in this era, and there is only one bridge and one road to Pudong.

On this day, when Shen Guanglin brought his younger sister back from viewing the building, there was a traffic jam in the opposite lane on the road, and everyone was slowly queuing up to pass one by one.

At this time, a black car on the opposite side probably couldn't wait any longer, and rushed to this lane to overtake.

Shen Guanglin was bringing a pregnant woman with him, so it wouldn't be worthwhile to meet the car and collide with him. This was a proposition.

As a result, Shen Guanglin did not have road rage, but was ready to lean to the side and let the other party go first.

However, the opponent's car didn't slow down, but instead honked its horn desperately, as if they were too slow to evade.

Boss Shen couldn't understand such arrogant and domineering people.

He likes to follow the rules and wants others to follow the rules as he does.

However, in the eyes of others, the rules are for the weak to obey, and the strong are omnipotent.

Seeing the car on the other side rushing over so aggressively, Shen Guanglin stopped pretending, turned his head and shouted to the car behind him: "Give him a better memory, so as not to harm others and himself."

However, if a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, Shen Guanglin tightened his seat belt and took the initiative to give way to the lane to let the bodyguard's car pass first.

Of course the bodyguard understood Boss Shen's meaning, the gear was not set high, but the accelerator had already been pressed to the bottom.

All of a sudden, the car roared, and thick smoke came out from the rear of the car, and it hit the car.

The car on the opposite side was really taken aback, and it was too late when it tried to avoid it.

With a bang, the two cars finally collided.

Three people got off the opposite car at once, one man and two women.

I'll go, or you guys can play.

The loss is not the **, otherwise everyone will take advantage of it.

The man looked from the rolled-up hood to the shattered headlights, exasperated.

At this time, Shen Guanglin rolled down the car window: "Oh, there was a car accident, are you all right?"

This gloating tone seemed to have nothing to do with him.

However, the two cars at the front and rear are the same car, and the number is the number of the row. Even people who don't open their eyes can tell that these two cars belong to the same group.

As expected of the car the head of state was riding in, it was hit, except for a little scratch on the front of the car, it wasn't even deformed.

(End of this chapter)

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