Start with a college teacher

Chapter 829 The road ahead is difficult

Chapter 829 The road ahead is difficult (1)

During the research trip to Great Wall Motors, everyone gained a lot.

In particular, these people from Capital University took advantage of the summer vacation to travel and gain knowledge. They felt very excited, and even felt a little proud.

After all, Professor Shen is a member of the Capital University, one of his own. How rich is Professor Shen to be able to manage such a large industry?

Shen Guanglin also said that Great Wall Motors and even Great Wall Group are not Shen's company. Shen just made a small contribution in the process of the company's development.

Now it's even more enviable. We want to make some contributions like this.

Shen Guanglin further explained, if I don't make a good deal with the company, where will the funds for my laboratory come from?
This is also true, what kind of person Professor Shen is, he is a genius, a genius who has made achievements in various fields, we still need to be a little self-aware.

I heard that the charter king of Xiangjiang donated another [-] million yuan to Professor Shen's laboratory, or US dollars.

Capital University does not collect so much money throughout the year.

During this visit, the colleagues of Capital University gained insight, the bald old Zhang gained strategic guiding ideology, and only Shen had gained loneliness.

Isn't there that saying, know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.

Don't look at the stalls of Great Wall Motors, but they are not as optimistic as everyone thinks.

For this reason, Shen Guanglin convened a meeting with the senior officials of the Great Wall Group and the middle and high-level managers of the Great Wall Motor. The purpose of the meeting was nothing else but to recognize himself.

It is needless to say who the competitor of Great Wall Motors is, and of course it is their good neighbor SAIC; and the current competitor of BMW X1 needless to say, the target is Santana, which is beyond doubt.

However, Santana has been on the market for five years, and has accumulated a lot of customers, and most of them are good reviews.

Great Wall Motors has just been launched, and the first wave of cars were bought by its own people, not counting. Whether they can compete in the market competition in the future depends on their subsequent performance.

As early as when Great Wall Motors was preparing to go public, Boss Shen vowed to go to Citigroup to participate in greater competition. Only by occupying the market there can he be regarded as leading the times.

But after he actually understood the situation of the entire Citigroup auto market, he stopped saying so.

Because it's no secret how Santana has done these years, everyone will know after thinking about it.

The price of Poussin's factory in China is 18 yuan, and 19 yuan has already gone to the customers.

And how much is the pricing for their exports to Citigroup?

It's depressing to think about, only $8500, and that's still retail.

If the calculation is based on the official exchange rate of 1985 to 1 in 2.6, that is to say, the same Santana is shipped to Citigroup, including packing, transportation, taxes, dealer profits and other expenses. , and it only sells for 2 RMB per set.

Wuling Hongguang of later generations would not dare to sell it like this.

It's not that Santana doesn't want to sell at a high price, it's a factor of Citigroup's auto market, and it can't all be due to Poussin's reluctance to make progress.

You know, how much do Mercedes and BMW sell in Citigroup?It's only [-] to [-] US dollars.

What is the best car sold in Citigroup?

Toyota from Fuso.

How much do they sell for a car?

And only a little over $[-].

Therefore, selling cars is really not as profitable as selling computers and game consoles.

Shen Guanglin's Apple Computer Company can make hundreds of millions of dollars in profits a year in Citigroup, defeating Nintendo.

In Citigroup, cars are really not expensive, and a car worth more than one hundred thousand dollars is an ultra-luxury car.

Everyone understands that this kind of capital-intensive and resource-intensive industry may not make a lot of money in the end. Everyone talks about how important the automobile industry is. In fact, it may not be a good industry from the perspective of making money.

It is estimated that selling cars may not be as profitable as selling appliances and air conditioners.

Fortunately, China has imposed a tariff of more than 300% on imported cars, otherwise this market would not be able to survive.

Everyone researched and studied, and the result of the research is: in foreign countries, even the BMW X1 of Great Wall Motors is really difficult to compete with others, unless it wins at a low price.

After all, no one bought Poussin for $8500.

Does the technology and quality of Great Wall Motors really have obvious advantages? It has the advantage of a hammer, and it is not bad if it does not fall behind.

What they have are just some ideas that others have not thought of. The ideas themselves are not valuable. Even if they apply for a patent, others can ignore you and copy you.

The most important thing is that the auto industry cannot be managed by one company. It has many upstream and downstream links and requires the cooperation of many auto supporting manufacturers.

There are so many parts on the car, as long as one point is unqualified, it is the weak link of the whole car.

Great Wall Motors does not dare to entrust the processing of parts to those machinery manufacturers, because in the current quality control environment, you have no idea what they can produce.

What is weaker than parts and components is material manufacturing and processing. China does not say that it is poor in this regard, but it has not paid special attention to it, and even some formulas have not changed for decades.

Indeed, some technologies can be imported.At this stage, Fuso, Citigroup, and Western European countries have not blocked China. As long as they have money, they can buy any technology.

But the problem is, if you buy everything if you lack everything, the Great Wall Group doesn't have that much money.

Where is the way out for steam manufacturing?
All Shen can think of is to use Brother Maozi from the north.

It's been a few years, and they won't be able to support the next Olympic Games.

Wouldn't it be a pity to waste such a large amount of inheritance if you don't inherit some of it?

It is said that the Three Kingdoms once purchased a lot of military weapons and equipment from Brother Mao Zi, worth tens of billions of rubles. At that time, the exchange rate of rubles to US dollars was 1:1.

Later, Brother Maozi disintegrated, and the ruble depreciated by more than 1 times. Brother Ah San was very smart when he repaid the debt. He only paid back rubles, and in the end he only paid back a few million dollars.

It's really immoral to do this, but in this era, if someone Shen doesn't do it, others will.

So, after much deliberation, Shen Guanglin still focused on promoting the progress of the automobile industry on Brother Maozi.

Skoda is very good and has accumulated technology, but it is not enough, far from enough.

Brother Maozi really has too many good things, and it will be of great benefit if you gather them casually.

If you are afraid of being scolded, why don't you try another shell?

Instead of using the Great Wall Company's signboard, go to another company and find a different agent. Let's try to separate the relationship as much as possible.

Such a gluttonous feast, if you can't go in to get a piece of it, I'm afraid it will be stabbed in the back by future generations.

In the later generations, how many people sighed when looking back at history, Huaxia did not grasp such a critical opportunity, so that it spent several times the money and did not complete the technological breakthrough.

Those special steels, those special materials, and those high-tech technologies were all taken away by others.

How big is the loss of Maozi's disintegration?Some people say that it is even greater than the losses during World War II.

This is not an issue that Shen should blame for his concern. It is already very good that Shen can be responsible for himself, for the Great Wall Group, and make a small contribution to China's industrialization.

(End of this chapter)

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