Chapter 830 A Successor (2)

The summer is hot, but it can't stop everyone's enthusiasm for work.

In the hot summer vacation of 1988, Shen Guanglin's lithium battery laboratory and the laboratory for prenatal examination of pregnant women were officially established.

Only Shen Guanglin can handle such two irrelevant things together.

After choosing the location of the laboratory, I finally chose to be on the university campus, which is convenient.

Even though Jiaotong University is very good and they are very enthusiastic from top to bottom, Shen Guanglin still chose Tongji.

Without him, Tongji has a hospital and a medical school, and Boss Shen needs this at this stage.

In the future, my younger sister will have a baby, Shen Guanglin, who is going to be sent to Tongji Hospital, and now I have a good relationship ahead of time.

Of course, Tongji University also paid attention to it. They specially helped Professor Shen coordinate a laboratory.

Although Tongji's teaching and experiment venues are not plentiful, since it is the need of Professor Shen, no matter how big the venue is, it can provide it.

Therefore, although the weather is hot, everyone's enthusiasm for work is even hotter.

With the blessing of a lot of money, various experimental instruments and equipment were delivered continuously.

Experimental instruments are an important part of scientific instruments. The development and progress of science and technology are inseparable from experimental instruments.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin never hesitated to spend money when purchasing these instruments and equipment, even in pursuit of the theoretical advancement of the instruments, he did not hesitate to spend extra money.

Probably, other people think the same way when they buy PCR instruments.

The PCR instrument is really a good thing, and it has almost become the standard configuration of biological laboratories and medical laboratories.

Over the years, PCR machines have brought too much capital flow to Shen Guanglin's laboratory, and they can't spend it all.

He even has the time to build a modern laboratory building on the campus of Tongji University.

Shen Guanglin said that when I leave in the future, I will donate it to your school.

So Professor Shen is doing things well. The joint laboratory was established in name, but the experimental building was built by himself, the experimenters brought it by themselves, and the experimental funds were paid by themselves.

If the experimental site is not chosen to be on the campus of Tongji University, if it is not temporarily occupying their laboratory building for a period of time, then what is the matter with Tongji University.

It is estimated that Shen had this plan when he chose to set up the laboratory during the summer vacation.

The laboratory established in Tongji University is staffed by people from Beijing University. In that case, why not choose Beijing in the first place? Why bother.

But what Professor Shen thinks, everyone should not make random guesses. He said that he doesn't want to go to the capital for the past two years.

Therefore, don't guess the mind of a genius, you won't be able to figure it out after guessing.

Shen Guanglin said that the new laboratory still needs the support of Tongji University, especially the biological laboratory for the detection of pregnant women and newborns, which requires everyone to jointly run it.

Even the Lithium Battery Laboratory will definitely recruit some assistants from Tongji University when school starts.

It's just that the experimenters at Capital University have undergone one or two years of systematic training, so they are quicker to learn and easier to use.

The people from Xiangjiang University that had been promised did not come in the end. They felt that it was too troublesome to travel to and from the mainland. If they were in Shencheng, they could still consider it. In Shanghai, it was too far away.

Moreover, it is not interesting to develop any detection technology for pregnant women.

How could it be boring? Professor Shen paid special attention to this area. The biological laboratory was established the fastest and made the most progress. The joint hospital and medical school were established together.

It is obviously a laboratory, and the various experimental instruments and testing equipment are much more advanced than those of hospitals, all of which are the most advanced equipment of various medical device companies.

As for money, what is money, for technological progress.

Soon, Shen Guanglin used the newly purchased medical equipment for his daughter-in-law.

The medical strength of Tongji Hospital is still very strong. At the request of Mr. Shen, they still performed an amniocentesis test on the younger sister and took samples.

Then, someone from Shen found out the gender of the child along the way.

That's right, it's a boy, and the Shen family has successors.

In fact, if you want to know the gender of your child, you don't need to be so troublesome, just look at a B-ultrasound.

Originally, Shen Guanglin wanted to keep the suspense until the last moment, but now he can't, the screening for Down's syndrome is done, and the baby is fine.

But genetic screening is also going to be done, so can we still know whether the child is an X chromosome or a Y chromosome?

Regarding the Human Genome Project, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has spent a lot of energy and money. Of course there are results, but they have not been announced for a while. Now, Shen Guanglin is using them for his children first.

This routine is probably what Huada Gene will do in the future, and this is another industry that can make money in the long run.

"I thought you would bring your sister along." The younger sister fanned herself while sitting in the gazebo of the hospital, glanced at Shen Guanglin, then stroked her waist and continued to shake the fan: "Did you see my sister when you went back this time?"

Shen Guanglin hid for so long, but still did not avoid this topic, "I still see you, but she is busy with work and can't make it for the time being. Let's talk about it when you are in confinement."

"Didn't you say that my aunt is coming over?"

"She also has children to take care of at home. It's inconvenient. If it's not possible, should I call my eldest sister over?"

After Sister Manli arrived in London, she stopped traveling with her, and it was rare for someone else's family to be reunited.

However, the boss is the most important thing. If she is asked to come, she has to come, and she will be moved back after immigrating.

That's right, Shen Guanglin is such a capricious person.

He also thought of it suddenly.

There are many advantages to letting Sister Manli take care of her younger sister. In this way, when the younger sister has a baby, Lao Li will see Sister Manli when he comes, think about the dirty things he has done, and then look at Shen, maybe it is not easy to be harsh Alright.

Let's laugh at a hundred steps at fifty steps. Everyone is not a good person. It's just to see who is worse.

Moreover, it was time to send my brother-in-law to Maoziguo.

Shen Guanglin thought about it, asked him to bring more money, but put it in the bank, don't really use the money he brought, borrow more from the bank, loan rubles, borrow more, use rubles to buy materials and equipment in large quantities, and finally It’s better to pay back after three to five years.

In this case, after three to five years, the money will not have to be repaid.

Regarding the fact that the baby is a son, my sister was not surprised at all.

It seemed that she knew about it a long time ago. Only Shen was kept in the dark and vowed to keep the surprise at the last moment.

He is lying to himself.

However, my sister has no good ideas about how to explain to the family.

The younger sister said that she hadn't called home for half a year.

Even so, they were in no hurry.

Isn't it obvious what happened? Lao Li and the others probably knew where his sister was, because Xiangjiang's media reported that Professor Shen and his wife were haunting Xiangjiang, and there was a lot of commotion.

(End of this chapter)

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