Start with a college teacher

Chapter 831 Chapter 866 Smart People

Chapter 831 The Eighth Sixth Sixth Smart Man (1)

The deceased is like a husband who does not want to leave day or night.

The timeline does not depend on human will, it is still slowly moving forward.

In the summer of 1988, in Beijing, not too far from Shanghai, the Chinese Olympic delegation was formally established.

Soon after, they will officially set off to fight for Seoul.

Before leaving, everyone was optimistic from top to bottom, because judging from the competition results of the past two years, everyone felt that Huaxia would have more than fifteen gold points, and the worst would be ten.

However, while the entire delegation was full of joy and confidence, there was also a fly in the ointment, that is, there was one missing sponsor, and the Great Wall Group did not participate in the sponsorship.

Seeing that the Great Wall Group has remained silent, many people came to ask if the Great Wall Group would like to sponsor the Olympic delegation.

As Shen Guanglin said before, he does not sponsor.

what is the reason?
Shen Guanglin said in a joking tone, because Seoul is not a blessed place for the Chinese sports delegation.

This is based on history. In the 1986 Asian Games in Seoul, the Chinese delegation narrowly beat Bangziguo 94 to 93 with a gold medal on the last day. In fact, we lost in the medal table.

And in the 1988 Olympic Games, if it wasn't someone who had experienced it, they would not believe the results of the Chinese delegation.

It's just that the Great Wall Group has sponsored all the previous large and small sports events. They have always been keen on charity and sports. Why didn't they sponsor this time? It's hard to justify without giving a reason.

You know, the Great Wall Group used to be a big sponsor of sports events. Whether it is football, volleyball or various sports events, as long as there is no money for sports, if you find them, they will usually give generously.

Now such an important Olympic Games, the Great Wall Group does not express it, it cannot be justified.

This question was thrown to Shen Guanglin again.

All right, let's sponsor. What Shen said before was all angry words. Now that the atmosphere has been heightened here, the Great Wall Group is not short of such money anyway. It is always good to support the country's sports cause.

The more difficult the sports career is, the more encouragement and support is needed.

There is only one point, Shen Guanglin made a special request: he is absolutely not allowed to sponsor the men's football team.

Football is a sport that everyone is very concerned about, especially this is the first time our Chinese men's football team has entered the Olympics.

There are not so many reasons why, the last World Cup didn’t suffer enough, the money was earned by Shen himself, and he can sponsor whoever he wants, this is his freedom.

Shen made so much money just to seek the freedom to spend it.If spending money is not enjoyable, then what's the point of earning so much money.

Others asked again, Seoul is so close to Huaxia, would Professor Shen go over and take a look, and appreciate the heroic demeanor of the athletes on the field.

Can't go, can't leave.

Professor Shen has so many things on his hands. He is busy making lithium batteries, and his sister is still pregnant. How can he make the trip.

No, even Yang Rong came to invite him to attend the inauguration ceremony of Yinbei Automobile, but he didn't have time to go.

They gave the same answer: I can't go, I can't leave.

Yang Rong made a special trip to Shanghai to invite Shen Guanglin. He didn't see any perfunctory elements in Shen Guanglin's tone, but he was very happy to introduce the current situation of his company.

This is the first company in China to implement shareholding reform, and now it is finally going to issue shares to the public. This is a great attempt and the greatest historical moment in the auto industry.

Shen Guanglin doesn't like to hear these words. Didn't you say that the greatest historical moment in China's auto industry was the successful acquisition of Skoda by Great Wall Group?

In the future, isn't the successful listing of Yinbei Automobile on NASDAQ also the greatest historical moment in China's auto industry?

In the future, is it true that Yang's expulsion to Citigroup is also the greatest historical moment in China's auto industry?

However, it is not easy for Yang Rong to be able to reach this point. He has finally embarked on the path he used to take in history.

Yinbei Automobile is about to enter the business so soon, Yang Rong is indeed a capable person.

But facing Yang Rong's ardent invitation, Shen Guanglin still chose to refuse.

Shenyang can indeed escape the summer heat, and it is also a tourist attraction, but he really can't leave, and he really doesn't want to go.

However, Yang Rong is his old subordinate after all. In the process of the establishment and development of Great Wall Motors, Yang Rong had no credit but hard work. Therefore, Shen Guanglin still took out 100 million yuan to buy the shares of Yinbei Motors.

Really can't take out more, otherwise it is not a shareholding, but an acquisition.

Seeing that Professor Shen is really only willing to participate in and support Yinbei Automobile, Yang Rong is very happy despite regrets, but he actually has other purposes for coming here.

"Professor, we shipped a lot of useless auto parts from Europe before, can you sell them to us? The main business of our Great Wall Motors now is to make family cars, and those parts are used to make trucks. Are they used now? Arrived."

It turned out that the reason why he was so diligent was for this purpose.

Yang Rong has been in charge of the operation of Great Wall Motors for quite a long time, so he is more familiar with the good things of Great Wall Motors than anyone else.

Shen Guanglin is not a stingy person either, "Sure, just buy it at the market price. You can talk to Lao Zhang about this matter. Now he is in charge of the entire automobile sector, and I am not in charge of the specific operation."

"Brother Zhang Cheng just disagrees, so I came here to talk to you. These auto parts are useless, and they occupy the inventory for nothing. Why don't they dispose of them to us? They just happen to be used for waste."

Yang Rong continued to narrate his reasons, with an attitude for the good of Great Wall Motors.

Shen Guanglin couldn't be bothered, so he said: "Well, you just say that I said it, and let Zhang Cheng deal with these parts to you at the market price, which can be regarded as helping you start a business. In the future, don't ask me for such trivial things , go connect yourself."


Yang Rong got the imperial edict and left happily.

But Shen Guanglin felt that this matter might not be that simple, so he turned around and told the secretary to inform Zhang Cheng that the item could indeed be sold, but it must be at the market price, and the company's interests could not be lost.

The boss has been working for a long time, he is not afraid of anything else, but he is afraid that some people will spread the imperial decree and misinterpret it.

After all, it is said that Zhang Cheng is not such a stingy person. It is impossible for the previous general manager to ask the current general manager to do something without giving him any face.

Sure enough, the feedback from Zhang Cheng was: Yang Rong had no money and wanted to buy it on credit first, but he naturally refused. This was just one of them; Isn't this daydreaming?

There are too many smart people and not enough fools.

Both of these things broke through Zhang Cheng's bottom line. Without Boss Shen's consent, Zhang Cheng would definitely not agree.

Yang Rong went back to Shenyang, and never talked to Boss Shen about buying auto parts.

It's not good for a person to be too smart, he would take advantage of every loophole, do you really think Shen is a fool?

In the future, there will always be times when smart people suffer.

The Seoul Olympics opened, held, and ended just like in history.

Through this Olympic Games, everyone has also seen the rapid economic development of Bangzi Country and the great sportsmanship of Bangzi Country.

Of course, everyone was more impressed, and the 2002 World Cup was the one that best reflected the sportsmanship of Bangzi Country, which was really awesome.

The mighty Citigroup can only come third.

The biggest news of this Olympic Games appeared in the 9-meter race. Ben Johnson from Canada won the gold medal with a time of 79 seconds, but only three days later, a doping scandal broke out.

In this way, Ben Johnson's gold medal was cancelled, and Lewis replaced the gold medal in the first place. His score was 9 seconds.

In this way, Lewis won the gold medals in the men's 100 meters and long jump, ending his Olympic journey.

The Olympics is over, but the topic of the Olympics is not over.

The results of the Huaxia representative team were terrible. Bangzi table tennis player Liu Nankui won the gold medal in men's table tennis, and Chen Jing won the championship in women's table tennis. However, she then went to play in Wanwan, and later won a silver medal and a bronze medal.

Looking back at history, people often describe this Olympic Games as being defeated by soldiers and shed tears in Seoul. Especially the little prince of gymnastics lost the most miserably, and was directly scolded by everyone.

Sure enough, as Shen Guanglin expected, he immediately decided to retire and agreed to create a sports brand with Great Wall Clothing.

Doping became a hot topic, and the media and the public were outraged by Ben Johnson's actions.

Driven by the media, it is generally believed that only by combating the use of doping can the sports world be restored to a clear sky and clean athletes like Lewis will not be let down.

However, Shen scoffed at such a statement.

After all, what kind of person Lewis is, later generations will have a conclusion, and he is also a stimulant user.

No one is innocent in Citigroup's short shot.

And even though he was far away in Shanghai, Shen Guanglin was unwilling to be lonely. Facing the media, when commenting on the Olympic Games, he said casually: "Actually, Carl Lewis is not a good bird. He is also a poison king, but he has not been found out. That's all."

(End of this chapter)

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