Start with a college teacher

Chapter 832 Fermentation

Chapter 832 Fermentation (2)

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has the heart.

No one thought that Professor Shen's casual point of view could cause such a big sensation.

The media also specifically asked Shen Guanglin to confirm whether the views of Carl Lewis could be released to the outside world, and Shen Guanglin said yes.

Therefore, the media reported Professor Shen Guanglin's views on this Olympic Games, reported that he invited Li Ning to jointly establish a sports brand, and also reported that Professor Shen said that Carl Lewis took doping, which is not a good thing.

It was just an ordinary interview, but things fermented like this.

Shen Guanglin actually said that Carl Lewis also took stimulants and was also a drug king, which immediately touched the nerves of many people.

What kind of era is it now?
There is extreme freedom of speech, and China and the United States are extremely friendly.

In this era, the media dare to report anything and criticize anyone. They are the most courageous, but they bear the least responsibility and consequences.

You know, Carl Lewis is not only an idol in Citigroup, but also a sports idol in China.

It is even written in some textbooks that Citigroup’s famous sprinter, Card Lewis, had a 9-meter score of 86 seconds.

Now, Shen Guanglin dared to question Carl Lewis, which made everyone unable to understand and accept.

In this era, there are some folks who worship the sun and the beauty, but not many, but there are really many media, and their views are really varied and their thoughts are mixed.

And the violence of public opinion in the media in this era is more terrifying than ever, especially when you don't have your own voice channel.

For example, Gong Xue, a well-known Chinese actress, was once the dream of a generation.

In 1984, the movie "Under the Bridge" made Gong Xue a double actress. However, a certain gangster claimed during the trial that they had insulted an actress with the surname Gong.

As a result, the spearhead of public opinion was aimed at Gong Xue. In desperation, Gong Xue quit her acting career, got married and left her hometown.

Moreover, no one can check and balance the media in this era. They can report truthfully or wantonly fabricate lies.

For example, in a few years there will be another incident of public opinion manipulation, about the fire at the Friendship Hall in a certain oil city in the Western Regions.

A certain newspaper even fabricated the words "Let the leaders go first", and their report said that the leaders had almost no casualties, and all the children were killed and injured.

Seeing that Shen Guanglin questioned Carl Lewis' grades, some media came to ask for confirmation. At first, everyone thought that Shen Guanglin would say an apology, saying that he accidentally said something wrong last time, and the incident was over.

Unexpectedly, in the face of the media's inquiries, Shen Guanglin intensified, and he beat everyone to death with a stick.

Shen Guanglin was blunt, and directly clarified what he said last time. There is no problem: "In this era, one person who runs the [-]-meter sprint counts as one. As long as he can get in the top five in the Olympics, there is probably a problem in nine out of ten. If you don’t believe me, you can put it in my laboratory for testing.”

The media reported Shen Guanglin's words again, which completely ignited public opinion.

Although Shen Guanglin was a well-known and respected scientist, everyone still felt like Meng Lang had such irresponsible words coming out of his mouth.

Shen Guanglin is talking nonsense, how can he say that, does he not care about international influence at all?
Moreover, in the face of Shen Guanglin's argument, the first to react was not the overseas media. After all, they are far away from each other, and as long as it is what Professor Shen Guanglin said, they still have to consider the basis and authenticity of what Shen said. .

The domestic media, especially the southern newspapers, were the first to respond and fight back.

After all, the hatred from last time is still there.

Because of Shencheng's reaction and 404's support, the last media war was actually anticlimactic.

However, everyone was unconvinced and always wanted to borrow another thing to reignite the flames of war.

This time, someone Shen took the initiative to raise the topic. After the media cut the head and tail, the report became: "One who runs the [-]-meter sprint counts as one. As long as he can get the top five in the Olympics, nine out of ten are all problematic."

This method of reporting has also become a Chinese characteristic.

For example, Edison once said, "One percent of success is talent, and 90.00 percent is sweat. But that one percent of talent is the most important, even more important than that 90.00 percent of sweat."

When it comes to China's media, it becomes "success, 90.00% is talent, [-]% is sweat."

Taking meaning out of context, it is their true nature to fear that the world will not be chaotic.

In the media reports, Shen Guanglin's arbitrary behavior and irresponsible statement, wouldn't it be ridiculous to spread it?
Is this what a scientist should say?It's simply irresponsible at all, and it's too childish.

So, the editor-in-chief of a southern magazine immediately wrote a signed article: "Apologize!"Scientist" Surnamed Shen".

The scientist also put quotation marks on it, expressing a strong disapproval of the title, even a bit ironic.

In the article, the author even listed the greatness of the sport named Carl Lewis, and also wrote that Shen Guanglin was so proud and complacent because of a small achievement that he could comment on the heroes of the world across the industry. Such a ridiculous behavior, such an outrageous behavior, really Surprised by Youbang, Shen, please restrain yourself.

Write a thousand words without modification, full of voice and emotion, and brilliant literary talent.

At this time, Shen Guanglin was directing the experimental process of lithium battery manufacturing in the laboratory, and then someone told him about the media's criticism of him.

Shen Guanglin laughed it off, he was just a clown, and continued with his subject.

To manufacture lithium iron phosphate batteries, it is necessary to think about what is used for the positive electrode material and what is used for the negative electrode material. After careful consideration, it is finally packaged and tested.

According to a report by a newspaper in the south, this matter is easy to deal with, and at worst, it will just continue to put pressure on eastern Guangdong. Of course, such an easy-to-use tactic cannot be used only once.

Our Great Wall Group paid so much tax in eastern Guangdong, it is not for you to scold our chief scientist.

When the matter was reported back, Yuedong really responded quickly, and immediately took down the editor-in-chief.

However, this time things are different from last time.

The last time it was a war initiated by a newspaper in the south, the reasons mentioned were all unfounded reasons, and they were suspected of discrediting patriotic enterprises.

Therefore, there is no moral problem with their being dealt with.

This time it was different, this time they were free of speech, and they were criticizing Shen Guanglin Menglang's behavior, so they were sanctioned, and they felt that they were more wronged than Dou E.

Therefore, the old editor-in-chief was knocked down, and the new editor-in-chief stood up again, and the new editor-in-chief was knocked down again, and someone stood up again.

Until, Guangdong East became ruthless and gave the newspaper a stern warning. If you continue to do this, it will stop publishing.

The world is so unfair!

The mouth of the people is better than Fangchuan!

A journal in the southern department is honest, but media in other places have also been activated.

(End of this chapter)

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