Chapter 835 Chaos
Killing is better than killing one's heart.

Probably, only Shen, who has been baptized by the information wave of the Internet and Weibo era, can have some experience on how to attract traffic, and those people under him are still too young.

In Shen Guanglin's era, the enemy and us had reached the stage where there was no middleman to make the difference, and everyone who had opinions would end up fighting each other in person.

The bayonet saw red.

Moreover, they also have more routines and a deeper understanding of intrigues, which people in this era have not seen before.

Among all these measures, the common trick used by everyone is: control and evaluation.

The usual practice of later generations is to withdraw hotspots, search for intentional drainage, and wait for the public to forget about it.

Now, the Great Wall Group is also doing control and evaluation, but the effect is not ideal, because this move is too slow, pressing the gourd to float the ladle.

Therefore, it is still necessary to do some counterattack behaviors.

Otherwise, Professor Shen's reputation will be damaged in the long run. Isn't it a waste of time to cherish feathers so much.

Therefore, if this matter is silent, as long as you move, you must push the other party down into the soil.

Under Shen's earnest attention and personal guidance, with goals and directions, strategies and tactics in place, this public opinion war is finally no longer one-sided, and it has begun to become more and more interactive.

In particular, the students of Capital University are extremely talented, worthy of a country of poetry, and their rebuttals are written so viciously that it makes people want to read it after reading it.

Therefore, Jingcheng University has produced a group of famous writers such as Haizi, Ai Qing, and Zang Kejia.

Among them, a classmate wrote an article like this: "The great leader wrote the famous "Farewell, Leighton Stuart" in 1949, sending away Leighton Stuart, the evil representative of Citigroup who oppressed the Chinese people, and the Chinese people have stood up since then. However, now, under the flattery and deliberate inducement of some unscrupulous media people, we have successfully knelt down again."

Not only this article, but another article is also very sharp: "For some unscrupulous literati, what is meant by "born mentally handicapped and hard to give up", the XXX of a certain newspaper perfectly matches this point, he I am used to groveling, flattering, criticizing internally and flattering externally.”

Really don't underestimate the men of science and engineering at Capital University, they are also very enjoyable to flirt with.

Moreover, the Great Wall Group's counterattack still used those people's inherent positions, using names similar to their pseudonyms, as if, overnight, these people rebelled.

Therefore, it is simply an unfair battle for the two groups to directly fight each other like this.

A loose literati alliance can't defeat an organized hooligan group anyway.

In particular, this gangster group is not only talented but also very rich.

Money can turn the devil around.

Even in later generations, those young ladies and big brothers who are the most famous anchors will also be frank, as long as the money is in place, they are willing to sleep with you.

And how much money does Great Wall Group have?Their wealth is of course incomparable to any company in the country.

Therefore, in the face of this public opinion war, they don't need to spend extra money, just using the influence of money is enough.

As for the organizations formed spontaneously by the literati, they only rely on their enthusiasm and "unique" values.

Of course, they are not without the support of the donor's father, but the request of the donor's father is to slander the government, not to directly deal with Professor Shen.

Of course, it's okay to ruin Professor Shen's reputation, it's better to make him sad and come to Citigroup in a fit of anger.

However, after the Great Wall Group took targeted measures and plans in this debate, the balance of victory has begun to tip.

They don't talk about Wude.

Shen Guanglin has always believed in one thing: the power of the organization is powerful, but the power of individuals can vary.

Moreover, an individual is only a member of an organization, and an organization may have no shortcomings, but individuals must have many shortcomings.

If you really start a war, don't make enemies on all sides or fire at the organization. The best way is to separate the individual from the organization first, and then use force against the individual, and the problem can often be solved.

This is the strategy and the key to success.

Thus, the situation began to reverse step by step.

Those who blocked the door to show off are not in the mood to continue to block the door. They have to go back to sort out their mood and regain their lost ground to clean up the old mountains and rivers.

Otherwise, they themselves become bereaved dogs.

Shen Guanglin's research team has a new guiding spirit. With everyone's hard work and money, some Hari Harami phenomena have been thoroughly exposed.

Through the newspapers, everyone has known in advance that the little devils in Fusang cannot march 100 kilometers a day; they also know that the little devils do not drink the water in the toilet when they check the sanitation; moreover, they do not know how to wash a plate seven or eight times .

The newspaper also revealed that people in Fusang like to defecate everywhere, and the garbage in the stadium is not picked up every time.

In fact, doing these things, strictly speaking, Shen and his team are somewhat wicked.

Because, the deeds of some little devils have not been discovered by the boars yet, and Shen Guanglin's team has counted them out in advance.

If you do this, how will these old boars and new boars survive?
In the past, you could lick it moist with just a few words of nonsense, but now you have to find a new refreshing point if you want to lick it again.

What's more, I'm just flattering you a little bit. What you scolded in the newspaper is so vulgar and ugly, you really have no quality!
What is licking the ditch?

Can't you lick it anywhere else?

Therefore, the recent newspapers are full of wonderful things. Some people say that foreign countries are good, and some people say that foreign countries are bad. Everyone is confused about who to believe.

Even, everyone forgot that everyone's original intention was to criticize Shen Guanglin, who asked him to comment on Carl Lewis.

Talking about this is neither nutritious nor meaningful, so let's focus the argument on Shen Guanglin.

What should I do if a dignified professor of Beijing University and a well-known scientist make such irresponsible remarks that cause international disputes?
After all, you have no evidence to prove that there is something wrong with Carl Lewis. It is irresponsible to say such a thing.

It is also based on this situation that the media came to the door again, and they wanted to interview Professor Shen.

This time is different from before. After the debate, everyone can't do it so obviously if they sit on the wrong side. Shen Guanglin has already prepared, and the interview cannot be avoided.

Therefore, on a sunny afternoon, Shen Guanglin still accepted interviews from the media.

(End of this chapter)

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