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Chapter 836 Press Conference

Chapter 836 Press Conference

Shen Guanglin commented on the Olympic Games, and the comment on Carl Lewis has been fermented for a long time.

Of course, it is impossible to say that it has not spread overseas. Shen Guanglin is a world-renowned scientist, and everyone is interested in any of his content.

However, the overseas media had no intention of defending Lewis, and their performance was relatively flat, unlike some domestic media who were like cats whose tails were trampled on.

In this era, regardless of Citigroup or Fusang, their media looked at Huaxia in a friendly way, and looked at Shen Guanglin with admiration.

Therefore, it is quite normal for Shen Guanglin to comment on Olympic star Lewis, and everyone does not take it seriously.

Of course, some media also approached Lewis, and they said that Professor Shen from the East said that you also have problems yourself, and nine out of ten you also took illegal drugs.

Of course Lewis was very angry, but when he learned about Shen Guanglin's status in the world, he disappeared. He just said aggrievedly: "Celebrities can't just talk nonsense. Professor Shen's words cannot represent official arguments."

As for any lawyer's letter or lawsuit letter, there is none.

This matter is still in peace, let him pass what needs to pass.

When the media asked why, Lewis also came out and explained, "I believe I am innocent, Professor Shen is my idol, I am very sad when he said that, but I think he misunderstood me, I am not angry, I still love him. "

Look, what you said is so level.

Therefore, criticizing Shen Guang and Lin Menglang was just a unilateral self-indulgence of some domestic media. Lewis didn't really mind it, at least pretended not to mind it.

To be honest, the Citigroup media probably knew a little bit about whether Lewis violated the ban, so they didn't have any intention of getting into it.

Now, Shen Guanglin's team announced to the outside world: Professor Shen is going to face the media publicly, and he wants to give an official statement on his previous remarks.

It's long overdue!
However, the overseas media stationed in China were not active. They were not at all like some domestic media who even flew over from the capital overnight and wondered whether the Great Wall Group could reimburse them and whether there would be any souvenirs for their trip.

This is because your appetite has been spoiled, you are stupid, you are here to scold our Boss Shen, we still have to give you travel expenses, and you want a souvenir!
Eat feces, Pujie boy.

After careful preparation, what was originally just a media meeting turned into a press conference.

There was also a banner on it, which read: Biological Achievements Exhibition of Shen Guanglin Laboratory.

Once entering the venue, there are all kinds of roll-up banners on both sides, all of which are the results of the biology group of Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

Before he knew it, it had been eight years since the establishment of Shen Guanglin's laboratory. In eight years, it was time for the little devil to surrender.

Over the past eight years, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has produced world-class results one after another, and they have also brought huge economic profits and commercial value to Great Wall Group.

Therefore, these credits are worth remembering.

When promoting yourself, if you don't step on others, you can't show your greatness at all.

Of course, the team in Shen Guanglin's laboratory also did the same. They also wrote the process and results of the scientific research competition on the roll-up.

Therefore, the results they showed are as follows: In 1981, a certain result and a certain phenomenon were discovered, and it was written as a paper and published in the 15th issue of "CELL". During the research and development process of this result, our competitors There was Cavendish Lab, Waseda Biology Lab, UCLA, Hamburg University Biology Lab, but they all failed, and only we came out on top in the scientific competition.

Not only this article, almost all the roll-up banners have such content.

Every time Shen Guanglin's laboratory produced a scientific research achievement, it was a victory over a well-known and famous laboratory in the world.

Overseas media came in, they set up the machine with great interest, faced the roll-up, and shot one after another, just like shooting a documentary.

From cells to genes, from genes to targeted drug therapy, to the ongoing genetic engineering, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has been leading the direction of global biological development.

Therefore, it is quite a rare opportunity to see Shen Guanglin's laboratory publicly displaying the results. It is simply a biotechnology exhibition.

As for the domestic media, some of them are okay, and they are relatively neutral. Seeing that Professor Shen Guanglin has made such extraordinary achievements, the expression of pride is beyond words.

However, there are always some media, they come with attitudes and presuppositions, and the drafts they prepare are all about questioning Shen Guanglin and criticizing Shen Guanglin.

At first glance, seeing that Shen Guanglin's biological laboratory has so many achievements, and the achievements were made by defeating their idols, I really don't want to believe it.

They made a secret decision in their hearts: no matter how much you achieve, it can't save you from the bad influence of Meng Lang's actions.

Who knew, Shen Guanglin didn't care about these at all.

In this media meeting, he didn't even prepare to speak by himself, and the whole result presentation was done by Xiao Ma.

Pony has developed self-confidence as early as in England, and it will not be a problem after returning to China.

"My friends, I know that most of you are laymen. It doesn't matter. Let me first popularize science on what is a stimulant, what ingredients are in a stimulant, what are its effects, how long does it take to produce what phenomenon, and how to distinguish it."

This is actually a very professional doping lecture.

Xiao Ma's teaching ability is good, and everyone understands what stimulants are all about.

As for how to detect stimulants, Xiao Ma gave even more examples, such as biological methods, physical methods, chemical methods, and spectral analysis methods. In short, in the face of science, all prohibited drugs are invisible.

"Shen Guanglin's laboratory is the greatest laboratory in the world, especially in the field of biology. We also want to humbly say that we are temporarily ranked second, but our strength does not allow us to do it."

"So, Professor Shen can comment on any athlete in the world."

Everyone nodded and applauded.

"Even so, you don't have any evidence to prove that Carl Lewis took banned drugs!" There are always some media who are not convinced, they just like to dig into the horns.

At this time, the media from Citigroup took the initiative to speak up, "We have already asked, Lewis himself dare not let Professor Shen's laboratory do the test."

(End of this chapter)

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