Start with a college teacher

Chapter 837 Talking Hearts

Chapter 837 Heart-to-heart talk (1)

The press conference was quiet.

The inadvertent proof of others is often more powerful than one's own hysterical justification.

For some media, there is really no more embarrassing scene than this moment.

You want to fight for other people's injustice, but others say, what Professor Shen said is right, things are like this in the first place.

The ministers are about to fight to the death, why did your Majesty surrender first?
Here, can it be said that Lewis is a dou?These media boast that Jiang Wei is too exalted.

This group of people has no good intentions at all, and they are full of bad intentions. On the surface, they have worked hard for more than half a year to maintain Lewis's reputation.

Now, they heard the overseas media say: Lewis said that Professor Shen is my idol, and I dare not refute what he said.

The implication was already obvious: Lewis was afraid of the testing capabilities of Shen Guanglin's laboratory, and he didn't dare to show a tough attitude at all, but said that this did not conform to the procedure.

It's useless to be a licking dog, isn't it?
Licking the dog, licking the dog, licking until there is nothing left.

These media originally wanted to say a few words to find the scene, but they couldn't find any suitable words, so they had to retreat completely.

Up to now, Shen Guanglin has not officially come forward, and the matter has been successfully concluded.

Shen Guanglin has always cherished feathers, he doesn't want to be blamed and questioned for no reason by a Shiba Inu like Academician Ding on TV.

Later, Shiba Inu finally went to Citigroup to have children and never came back.

Those aggressive media are just like the Shiba Inu of the later generations, and now they have finally retreated in despair.

It's just that after they go back, their lives are still the same, as if none of this happened, and they just came to the magic city for a tour.

As for the journey back, it is naturally impossible to take a plane. I haven't found someone to reimburse the air ticket before I came. The Great Wall Group is so stingy that they don't even report the transportation expenses.

Finally, the world returned to peace again.

These days, my younger sister asked Shen to touch her stomach every day, and said happily: "Look, today he kicked me again."

To be honest, Shen Guanglin was a little afraid to touch it, and always felt that such a thin belly should be accidentally blown up.

And, although he was 30 years old, he was never ready to be a father.

Without the support of his parents behind him, Shen Guanglin always felt that he had no confidence in his heart.

But thinking about Shen Houdao who became the second generation ancestor in Xiangjiang, and thinking about the little girl who was still in elementary school in Jinling, Shen Guanglin could only feel sad secretly.

This world is so magical.

Up to now, the younger sister's body is already "tired", and the due date is not far away.

Sometimes, Shen Guanglin looked at the shape of a foot or a small fist protruding from his sister's belly, and clearly felt that it was his little man.

Joy is certain, and emotions are also certain.

The baby is really born, what should Lao Li think about it, and what should my sister think about it?
Shen Guanglin hadn't thought about it seriously yet.

There is a saying that there must be a way for a car to reach the mountain, and there is no hurdle that cannot be passed.

Anyway, the child is his own. In fact, as long as Li Li has no major opinions, everything else is easy to talk about.

As for what other people think, that's out of Shen Guanglin's concern.

If anyone dares to be blind, it is definitely not as light as some people in this public opinion incident.

In this regard, the "Nanji People" of a certain southern magazine has a very right to speak, and he can't help feeling inexplicably sad and indignant: have labor and management been made like this, or should they be handled lightly?
If anyone was going to be blind, Zhang Peng was the most likely one.

Some time ago, Shen Guanglin had someone restrict the personal freedom of his cheap uncle Zhang Peng, and his heart was not soft.

Zhang Peng's attempt to smuggle and sell gallium, the company's core resource, is of a very bad nature. If this matter were placed at the national level, it would be treason.

You know, gallium is an extremely important military material. Zhang Peng stole and sold so much at one time, and he would have to go to a military court.

Of course, these materials are the property of the Great Wall Group, and it is because of the relatively high value that Zhang Peng wants to sell a large number of them.

Now that he was caught and revealed, Shen Guanglin did not let him go easily.

Shen Guanglin also knew that even if he really did not hold Zhang Peng responsible, Zhang Peng would not be grateful to him.

As for how to deal with Zhang Peng in the end, Shen Guanglin wanted to wait and see what the old brothers had to say. He should not be too arbitrary in doing things, and he still had to understand strategies and methods.

Although the weather is hot these days, Shen Guanglin will accompany his younger sister for a walk around the campus every day, get down-to-earth, and meet young classmates, so he won't lose his popularity all day long.

Now the new semester of the university has started, and there are people coming and going on the campus.

College students in this era have not yet started military training, so everyone is going to class from the beginning.

When the university has a comprehensive military training system, it is estimated that it will not officially start until 90 years later.

Moreover, the military training in the 90s was also very interesting. One training lasted for a whole year, so that the university actually became a five-year system.

Seeing that the birth is about to happen, my sister's skin is still so good, and her appearance is also online. There are no spots on her face, and she is still beautiful.

Many students saw that their younger sister couldn't even walk, so they couldn't help asking: Which college's female teacher is this, and she is pregnant. It's a pity.

The younger sister didn't pay much attention to the eyes of the unexpected world, and while walking slowly, she had a conversation with someone Shen:

"Do you want a boy or a girl?"

This is the most routine question, and many families have had such conversations.

"Girl?" Shen Guanglin answered simply.

In fact, Shen Guanglin already knew that the baby in her womb was a boy when he performed amniocentesis genetic screening for his younger sister, so he didn't know whether it was a forced lie or an expression of true feelings.

In fact, my sister already knew that she was pregnant with a boy, otherwise she wouldn't be so determined.

"Then what if a boy is born?" the younger sister continued to ask.

"Then I will compile a book for him, learn from Lin Pingzhi, and cut off a limb."

"You're going to die." The younger sister smiled and punched him, Shen did not hide, and received this loving punch alive.

"I hate it, why don't you learn from Lin Pingzhi? You can also cut off a limb, so that the whole world will be peaceful." The younger sister was angry, but there was a smile in the corner of her eyes. She was becoming more and more "worldly" and never Not the otherworldly fairy.

"I'm learning from Yue Buqun. You see, the newspapers say I'm a hypocrite."

After finishing speaking, Shen Guanglin handed over a newspaper for fanning the wind. Sure enough, there were people secretly alluding to Professor Shen.

"Don't you still care about this?" The younger sister was very surprised. Of course, she knew the direction of the public opinion during this period, and Shen handled it very well. She said that she had learned it.

Of course, this public opinion was originally caused by someone Shen, and it was originally superfluous.

Shen Guanglin took the initiative to stand up and take on the hot spots of the times, which is not without benefits.

At least, the little prince of gymnastics performed so poorly in the Olympics that not many people scolded him. By the time everyone remembered him, he had already retired for a long time.

When we meet again, the little prince of gymnastics is already Mr. Li.

"Lily, do you also think I'm a hypocrite? I haven't listened to your thoughts seriously when we get together less often?" Shen Guanglin asked seriously suddenly.

It was during the period after my sister became pregnant that Shen gave me enough company.

In the past, he was actually interested in seeing the color, and he couldn't bear to give up after he got it.

"Hmph, aren't you? The elder sister you met first, didn't you pursue me again because of my good looks?"

It seems that my younger sister is well aware of this, and Shen's motives were not pure from the beginning.

"Then why did you agree?"

"I didn't think so at first. Since I was in junior high school, I don't know how many people have written love letters to pursue me and have a crush on me. Every time, my sister helped me block it. Later, after I was in college, I never thought about it." Want to fall in love, until one day, my sister brought you home. Although you are a little poor-mouthed and ugly, you are really good. It is because you are good at English, professional and well-informed. I was lied to."

"Really, it turns out that I am so attractive." Shen Guanglin automatically filtered out the things his sister said about him being ugly, expressing his capable beauty's heart, very proud.

"Well, it doesn't matter if a man is old and ugly, the important thing is to have talent." The younger sister expressed a certain degree of affirmation to Shen.

However, why did Shen Guanglin sound so awkward, he couldn't help but asked, "Do you have a friend or classmate named Yuan Hua?"


"What about Yin Zheng?"


(End of this chapter)

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