Chapter 838 Reunion (2)

The two love each other, and the years are quiet.

This is the most beautiful time.

The two were chatting, laughing, fighting and making trouble on Tongji's campus. Shen Guanglin inadvertently looked up and was stunned.

The person standing in front of them was none other than their sister Li Rong.

Li Rong was dressed very young, with pencil holder jeans, a sea soul shirt, one side was pierced, and a pair of white sneakers under her feet. She looked like a college student at school, not like her sister at all, but like her younger sister.

This dress is actually Shen's favorite style. Everyone is an old couple, and they know each other's hobbies very well.

However, at this moment, in this situation and in this situation, the three of them met, and it was really awkward.

"Sister!" Li Li called out.

Just as she confessed her feelings to Shen, she saw her sister in a blink of an eye, and Li Li felt ashamed immediately. She wished she could get in through a crack in the ground, but her stomach was too big to bend down.

Now, being caught and showing his body, even the thick-skinned Shen Guanglin, who was as thick as a city wall, was embarrassed, and he didn't know how to speak anymore, "Rongrong, you, why are you here?"

It's an old couple, it's really inappropriate to say that they haven't seen each other for a long time, after all, Shen Guanglin just went to the capital not long ago.

At that time, Shen Guanglin had asked Li Rong if she wanted to go to Shanghai, but she refused to come.

Now, at the most unexpected moment for everyone, Li Rong came, and there was no room for buffering at all.

In fact, Li Rong hadn't seen her sister for many years, and the two sisters just chatted on the phone about family affairs. However, as soon as they met, their relationship for many years came back.

The elder sister took the initiative to help the younger sister's arm: "You are tired, you should walk carefully."

In fact, Li Rong was not angry. Seeing her younger sister with Shen Guanglin, she did not act irrationally. Instead, she tilted her head and smiled at Shen Guanglin Yanran: "What should I call you, Professor Shen? Is it Brother Ni Guanglin or Brother Shen?" Brother Shen."

However, Shen Guanglin was a little embarrassed when he asked this question.

This is really a bit difficult to answer.

"It's been a long time since I've been out. It's time to go back and rest. Pregnant women can't walk too much, and her feet are swollen." Shen Guanglin was talking about other things.

Shen Guanglin coordinated an independent courtyard in the school to live temporarily, and the rich would not worry about the house at all.

Shen Guanglin didn't answer Li Rong's question directly, and the three of them walked home in silence. Li Rong took the initiative to help his younger sister. The two sisters looked alike and were about the same height. They seemed to be very harmonious together.

Shen Guanglin looked at the two sisters who were like flowers and jade from behind, and suddenly felt that this is the end of life, what more can a husband ask for.

In fact, for such a long time, Li Rong has been in control of Shen Guanglin's every move.

After all, she has been the mistress for so long, and Shen Guanglin's students are also her students, and she is very good at life, so how could she not know anything about the situation.

It's just that the three of them have maintained the status quo for many years, and she doesn't know how to deal with this muddled housework. One is her own sister and the other is her man.

Especially, in terms of the relationship between men and women, Shen's performance is actually not bad.

Such a well-known big shot, and so rich, is not without temptation from the outside world, but Shen Guanglin did not make any major mistakes in the relationship between men and women.

But avoiding it all the time is not the answer.

So, seeing that her sister was about to give birth, Li Rong took the initiative to come here to clarify the matter, probably because she didn't want to run away anymore.

On the way home, Shen Guanglin finally made up his mind about addressing, so he quietly said to Li Rong: "Why don't we talk about things in the future, I'll call you sister, and you call me dad."

This is Shen Guanglin's stroke of genius.

After all, as long as Shen has the upper hand when it comes to boudoir fun, he will definitely ask Li Rong to call him father.

"Do you hate it!"

Li Rong's expression really relaxed, and he kicked Shen Guanglin when he went up.

People, sometimes it's weird, after removing this embarrassing window paper, nothing happens.

When the three returned home, it was like a family that had lived for a long time.

After Li Rong came in, she didn't treat herself as an outsider, and soon went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables and pots and pans, preparing to live there for a long time.

Li Rong seemed to be more familiar with this place than Shen Guanglin and Li Li.

No way, she has been here for a few days.

In fact, it is not easy for Shen Guanglin. He is young and rich, and has no other special hobbies. If he does not do anything all day long, life seems so boring.

That's why Shen Guanglin took the initiative to comment on the famous Olympic players, provoked a public opinion war, sat back and watched the situation escalate, and then came out to clean up the mess.

Fighting against the sky brings endless joy, fighting against the earth brings endless joy, fighting with people brings endless joy.

It's good that my sister is here, and finally someone cooks home-cooked meals.

Shen Guanglin stayed with Li Li for a few months, and the only thing he knew how to do was make dumplings.

Of course, the dumplings were not made by themselves, but by Shen Guanglin's students.

Although the students of this era can't be said to be versatile, they can do laundry and cooking.

There are really not many girls like my sister who don't stick to the spring water with their ten fingers.

Even if most girls are not as capable as Li Rong, they are worthy of housework.

Pregnant women are particularly prone to tiredness and sleepiness after walking a little, so my sister fell asleep not long after coming back.

In order to take better care of his younger sister's daily life, Shen Guanglin certainly would not hesitate to spend money. He installed air conditioners everywhere in his home.

So, even if you are cooking in the kitchen, as long as you open the door, it will not be hot inside.

However, looking at her sister who was busy in the kitchen, she was still in such a good figure, and Shen, who hadn't eaten meat for several months, couldn't sit still.

"What are you doing back and forth, you look like a blowfly." Li Rong scolded, as if deliberately ignoring Shen Guanglin's actions.

When they were at home, how many stories happened to them in the kitchen?

However, instead of two people now, there are three people.

Li Rong pointed to the sofa outside, "I just watch TV when I have nothing to do. The media is still discussing you, saying that they really want your laboratory to come for the testing of the sports meeting. Someone suggested it, but it was rejected by Bangziguo."

There was something serious to discuss, so Shen Guanglin suppressed the evil fire.

Although the kitchen is an excellent place to exercise, although they are husband and wife, it is a bit immoral to do this behind the back of my sister at this moment, and it feels like sneaking.

However, Shen Guanglin did not expect that after losing this good opportunity, he would never find another good opportunity.

The two sisters slept in the same room and had a heart-to-heart talk. They haven't seen each other for many years, and they have a lot of private things to say.

Shen was also suffering, and could only sleep by himself.

I haven't eaten meat for months.

It's okay when there is only a younger sister around, reason can suppress animal nature.

But my sister came, looking at her toned body, thinking of my wife's soft body, with strength but nowhere to use it, I was so uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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