Start with a college teacher

Chapter 850 Squatting

Chapter 850 Squatting (2)

Don't look at the environment as bad, but we have invincible ambition and will.

Shen Guanglin didn't learn from the unreliable Fusang expert in the story. He deliberately wore a pair of small white shoes, pretending to be aggressive all the way, and let people see the soles of his shoes after going out.

Anyone who works in semiconductors does not know the importance of a clean environment.

However, it is not necessarily the case for batteries, especially the lead-acid batteries of the past, which can be described as dirty and messy.

Therefore, most people in this era do not know what kind of environment is needed for the production and manufacture of lithium batteries. Be strict.

However, it was enough to see other people cleaning and arranging materials so hard. This standard was almost the same as that of the Great Wall Electric Factory.

"Professor Shen, this is the lithium titanate battery we made. We have conducted basic tests, and the performance is particularly good, the charging speed is very fast, and the capacity is at least twice that of nickel-metal hydride batteries."

The person in charge of the introduction was a middle-aged cadre, very energetic, with a double surname, Ouyang.

Although Ouyang has a double surname, the probability of appearing in Huaxia is quite high.

Shen Guanglin still knows about lithium titanate batteries. After all, Ms. Dong made such a big noise that she even sent the founder into it.

Therefore, the technical route ceiling of lithium titanate battery is too low, and it was Shen Guanglin who asked everyone to give up.
Shen Guanglin also saw that this technical route has almost no future through perspective eyes, so he did not list it as a possible development list.

However, the Magic City Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences doesn't understand these things.

Such a good technology, but the performance of the first generation of products is already so good, if it is not our lack of funds, we will definitely be able to find the best ratio.

Shen Guanglin listened to the introduction, nodded to indicate that it was not bad, and then prepared to read on.

"Professor Shen, this is another product we have developed, called lithium cobalt oxide battery. The performance of this battery is even better, and the energy storage capacity is at least five times that of lithium titanate."

Hearing the introduction of this product, many people around immediately applauded, it's amazing!So passionate!

In a very short period of time, everyone was in a mood of self-appreciation and self-exaltation, and their self-confidence and pride were bursting.

However, facing this situation, Shen Guanglin still only looked at it and did not speak.

But Shen Guanglin can bear it, Xiaoye is young after all, young is easy to get angry, and when angry is easy to talk nonsense.

So, passing Boss Shen, Xiaoye asked inadvertently: "Have we done a charge and discharge simulation test for our battery? How many times can it be charged and discharged? What is the energy density, temperature resistance, how low is the low temperature, and how high is the high temperature?" "

These parameters and requirements are set by Shen Guanglin for his own laboratory. The inspection standards here are not industry standards. After all, lithium batteries have not yet developed into an industry.

Therefore, Xiaoye's question is beyond the outline.

Sometimes, you really can't be too professional when asking questions, otherwise, people will think you are finding fault.

As soon as Xiaoye's question was asked, everyone was really disgusted: Are you questioning our products?What does it mean?Could it be that Professor Shen instructed it?
Therefore, Ouyang said very displeased: "Young people should learn more and read more, and don't guess if they don't understand."

Others followed suit: "Why, I heard that your products have not been made, do you think others are also counterfeiting?"

In fact, they haven't really done a series of tests such as repeated charging and discharging experiments, and they haven't thought about doing it.

As for laboratory products, as long as the power capacity can be tested and the actual product is produced, it can already prove that its research and development has been successful.

As for whether to mass-produce and how much the application value is, is this a question that a state-owned laboratory should care about.

We are a scientific research institution, the most important thing is the research and development results, not putting the results into production.

Xiaoye was still quite unconvinced, but Shen Guanglin stopped him from continuing.

Today we are here to visit, just take a look, don't express your opinions indiscriminately, after all, we are not competitors.

There is no point in arguing about a charcoal vs. a wood burner.

Moreover, since having a child, Shen Guanglin's attitude of competing with others has become a little more indifferent.

The previous kind of fighting with the sky, the joy is endless, fighting the earth, the joy is endless, and fighting with people, the joy is endless.

They are quite old, so let's not fight lightly.

Why did he, Shen, come here?

If you are here to dog, you must stick to it, there is no need to offend local snakes by coming up.

Therefore, they invited Shen Guanglin from the Magic City Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences to visit the lithium battery, and Shen Guanglin really came to visit, with only eyes and no mouth.

If they had to ask someone from Shen to comment, then someone from Shen would only say: Very good, very good. Although everyone is not on the same technical route, congratulations to the Magic Capital Research Institute for making a breakthrough.

Although it is said that Wen Wu is the first and Wu Wu is the second, if the Magic Capital Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences insists on fighting for the first place, then let them do it.

In particular, the purpose and motivation of Shen Guanglin's research and development of lithium batteries is not for reputation, but for economic interests.

Just to make money.

Within the Great Wall Group, the research and development of mobile phones has been put on the agenda, and the priority is particularly high.

There is such a song in later generations: "Make money, make money, I don't know how to spend it, I hold a Nokia in my left hand, and buy a Motorola in my right."

It is now 1988, and Shen Guanglin is about to complete the layout of basic patents before Nokia and Motorola. This is his ambition.

Moreover, the batteries developed can not only be used for mobile phones, but also can be used in many places. As a part of mobile energy, it has always been the future development direction.

Undoubtedly, the era of electric vehicles can be ushered in decades in advance.

At that time, photovoltaic plus energy storage plus charging, the hottest point in decades, he can see now.

Of course, if you take too many steps, you may fall into the sand. Just like a rich man, his experience can write a book called "It Only Takes Four Years from Becoming the Richest Man to Going Bankrupt and Paying Back Wages".

After visiting the Magic City of the Academy of Sciences, Shen Guanglin just looked familiar, and he didn't give pointers on a whim.

However, he wanted to calm things down and not argue with others, but others wanted him anyway.

"Professor Shen, your laboratory is too shameless. We kindly invited you to visit us, but you robbed our patent."

Shen Guanglin didn't even know what was going on.

It turned out that the Modu Research Institute wanted to apply for a patent for the staged results, but in the end, well, the patent had already been preempted by the Great Wall Group.

(End of this chapter)

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