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Chapter 851 Commendation

Chapter 851 Commendation (1)

"I'm stupid, really."

"I only know that some people's hearts are blackened by interests, and they will come to the mountains as long as they have no food. I don't know that there are also demons."

"I'm stupid, really."

In the face of the media, Director Ouyang, the head of the Magic City Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences, personally ended up.

He didn't want the middleman to make the difference. He talked there alone, talking about the regrets and mistakes he had done.

However, there was no sadness in his eyes, full of happiness and contentment.

He seemed to be saying: Brothers, Chou Chou, Chou Chou, I have avenged your vengeance.

Someone Shen also has today!

It's so rare.

After such a long time, I finally caught someone Shen's fault. This is really not an easy task.

You know, no matter how powerful a person's scientific research ability is, as long as he has moral flaws, he will be cast aside by people after all.

Therefore, for the accusation of the Shanghai Research Institute, the media in Shanghai still need to verify and wait and see, but the newspapers of the southern department do not, so it was published in a certain southern magazine immediately.

A magazine in the south is also really a hot topic. As long as there is negative news about Shen, they are very interested.

Moreover, some people have never been discouraged even though they have been transferred, punished, or silenced.

Everyone calmed down silently, kept the hatred in their hearts, wiped away their tears and swallowed them with snot. They always firmly believed that there will always be a day when revenge comes back.

It seems that the grievances and grievances between them and Shen Guanglin's laboratory are not so easy to end, and now they have entered the third round.

The first round: Great Wall Pharmaceutical, blinded by profit, even wanted to strictly control the treatment of leukemia, so that countless sick families had to endure high medical expenses.He was obviously the one who spoke up for justice and pleaded for the people, but in the end he was threatened by capital and had no choice but to abandon his car to save his handsome man, and fled in embarrassment.

Second round.Someone Shen dared to cross-border comment on the Olympic champion, which finally aroused public outrage.Everyone was filled with righteous indignation, denouncing the lawlessness and fighting for injustice.Just when everyone thought that the victory was hopeful and that Shen was about to lose his reputation, in the end he fell short because of Lewis's retreat.

Opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared, and now it is finally time to enter the third round.

The research result of the Shanghai Academy of Sciences' Modu Research Institute has gone through untold hardships and spent countless funds.I just invited you to visit it, but you are so crazy that you take the patent for yourself.

Is it tolerable, or is it too familiar?

If what you are encroaching on is a foreigner's patent, that's even worse!That's your own father, then we have to condemn you even more.

However, it is important to fight against evil forces, but we still need to pay attention to the methods and methods.

The first thing everyone has to do is to protect themselves, and then take it slowly.

We must persevere in the long-term struggle, keep a useful body, do everything for the light, and do everything for justice.

It is also wise to suffer. Shen Guanglin's team grasped the public opinion at the first time, and they asked the boss: Do you want to give these clowns a thunderous blow?
With past experience, they have even prepared a plan, with various colors, as long as the boss gives an order, everyone will immediately strike hard.

However, Shen Guanglin felt that it was better to take care of such a fun thing, and it would be too boring to end it hastily now.

Therefore, at his request, everyone will not do any control or give any response, just walk around and see.

At this stage, our task is: everyone should strictly follow the experimental progress to develop batteries, regardless of whether there are some or not.

For scientific research, you must endure loneliness.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory was indeed able to bear the loneliness, but the Magic City Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences could not.

For this reason, they also held a special commendation meeting, not to commend the lithium battery made by Magic City, but to commend them for finding the weakness of God.

Director Ouyang is in a very happy mood recently. Although it is not the first time he has read a certain magazine in the south, every time he reads this weekly magazine recently, he still feels very different.

Every time there is every harvest.

"Actually, until now, I can't believe it. We just hit someone lightly, and we actually smashed through someone's defense line."

At the commendation meeting, Director Ouyang's voice was soft and soft, but it was full of strength in people's hearts.

Immediately afterwards, he clearly heard a burst of applause like the roar of an airplane.

This is the applause of victory, this is the applause of collective recognition, and it is still very encouraging to those who persevere.

After enjoying the applause for a long time, Ouyang twisted his 53-year-old waist and felt relieved. Then he continued: "Please let us make persistent efforts and create greater glories!"

"Yes! Let's unravel the true colors of pseudo-scholars and get back our research funding!" The deputy director also actively responded to the call and worked hard to get back together.

I don't know when, Shen Guanglin became the blood feud of the Academy of Sciences, the kind that can never be solved.

Of course, Shen Guanglin didn't provoke so much hatred on his own initiative, but was brought in by the Capital University for him.

Scientific research is no child's play after all, please don't go into that good night gently, it is full of dangers here.

Because scientific research requires funding, and all the money spent is real money.

What the Academy of Sciences lacked was funding.

In recent years, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has achieved considerable achievements in various fields of physics, chemistry and biology, and Jingcheng University has also started to make a big splash in the domestic scientific research circles with Shen's achievements, invincible.

"Winner takes all" is not an exception, but a common rule in the world.

It seems that this is called the Matthew effect.

There is such a fable in the Bible "New Testament Matthew": "Whoever has, he will be given twice, and he will be superfluous; if he does not have it, even what he has will be taken away."

Therefore, in recent years, relying on Shen Guanglin's super scientific research ability, Capital University has stolen a lot of research funding from the Academy of Sciences.

With the blessing of money, the scientific research capabilities of Capital University are more intensely burst out. This is the reason why the strong will always be strong.

Because of this, Capital University began to bloom in full bloom, and applied for more research funding, and the life of the Academy of Sciences became more and more difficult.

It is even difficult to pay salaries for some "hot" subjects.

The world of scientific research is cruel, and the most common cruelty is the cruelty of scientific research funding.

Only with achievements can there be funds, and without funds, scientific research cannot be done, and naturally there will be no achievements. This is a vicious circle.

This point, whether it is a scientific researcher who has come from the poor and white era, or a scientific research worker in the Academy of Sciences who is going to the poor and white, they all have a very deep personal experience.

It is true that there are indeed some scientific researchers who have made great achievements with only a small amount of funds.

For example, Shen Guanglin, who is always in the stage of cheating, can always spend less money than others and achieve more results than others.

However, Shen Guanglin has only done this for many years. This is a small probability event. More scientific research and achievements still rely on the accumulation of funds and human investment.

Isn't there such a saying, there is no eaves that cannot be blackened.

There are thousands of reasons for failure, and only those who succeed can get praise.

Finally, the winner this time should be the Magic City Institute of the Academy of Sciences. Can we also apply for more funding?

(End of this chapter)

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