Start with a college teacher

Chapter 852 Confrontation

Chapter 852 Confrontation
Conservation is a fine tradition of Chinese people, but it is not the tradition of scientific researchers of this era, nor is it the tradition of media professionals of this era.

In the turbulent age, everyone can't understand your cynicism or cryptic words, and they don't have time to read them.

A gust of wind is blowing, maybe you have fallen down before you can react?
Without the key right to speak, no matter how implicit the expression is, it is useless.

Therefore, when you should do your part, you must speak out.

Even the poets of this era are writing poems. If they want to be sad and hear ghosts screaming, I cry and laugh.

Only children who can cry will have candy.

A certain Southern magazine acted like a thug. They just saw that after they published their first condemning article, Shen and others did not respond.

So, immediately intensified, and began to write signed articles.

Of course, this signed article is not the name of the author, but the name of Shen Guanglin who signed it.

In the previous reports, they expressed it relatively implicitly, secretly referring to a well-known scientific researcher.

Now, their direct signature is Shen Guanglin from Capital University. The professor is unwilling to write both words, so he almost yells at him.

Out of anger, it has been smoldering for a long time, the accumulated anger and strength can hardly be contained, and sooner or later it will burst out.

So, in the newspapers, they began to be tough: a person like Shen Guanglin is simply not worthy of being a university professor.

It is better to have talent without virtue than to have no talent.

It seems that they are really planning to tear their face apart this time, and they are not going to leave any room for change.

After all, a certain southern journal didn't just listen to one side of the story. They did some investigation, and the chain of evidence is complete.

In their records, when was the project established by the Magic City Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences, when was the meeting held, and when was the decision to start research and development of lithium batteries;

And at what point in time did they make the scientific research results, what were the experimental records like, and whether they were falsified;

After the results came out, on what day and month did they decide to invite Shen Guanglin to visit, and when did Shen Guanglin and his students come, and what did they do after they came.

The evidence is solidified, the content is detailed, their homework is very solid, everything has photos, written records, and witnesses' testimonies. This is the truth.

Because of this, they decided to report the incident truthfully.

Now that it's all like this, why don't you dare to sign it?

We must have the courage to express our views on the academics. This is the ethics and attitude that a media person should have.

A magazine in the south finally made a big fuss.

A well-known scientist in China, a well-known professor of Beijing University, went to visit the display of the results of the Magic City Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences, and then took it for himself.

Is such an act worthy of the people's love and worship?
Think about it, everyone, if virtue is not worthy, you will be punished by it.

As soon as their report came out in a southern magazine, it immediately caused a sensation.

Why is it Professor Shen again?Has he offended anyone?

Everyone has to doubt their motives, because this is not the first time that a southern magazine has attacked Professor Shen.

Although the people don't know why the previous few times were anticlimactic, but just looking at their words, they are still very sharp.

However, the boss was slandered again. Even if Shen Guanglin could bear it, the Great Wall Group couldn't bear it.

Therefore, counterattack is inevitable, and the means of counterattack are also fierce.

Moreover, it has been verified several times, and it has been so easy to use in the past, why not continue to use it.

Therefore, the Great Wall Group once again protested to Shencheng and Guangdong East. What happened to a certain journal in your south? It troubles us every now and then, is it because we are easy to bully?

If the business environment in eastern Guangdong is like this, then we don’t need to invest here.

Therefore, based on the pressure, a certain journal in the south was interviewed again.

The government staff also spoke earnestly: I know you have opinions on Professor Shen of the Great Wall Group, but you are the media, so you must be objective in reporting, and please don't challenge the government's bottom line every time.

A magazine in the south felt that he had been wronged to death.

In the previous two times, we may have had some other thoughts, but this time we really didn't use our emotions.

Do not believe?

Look, look, this is endorsed by the Magic City Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences. Our report is true and accurate, and there is no moisture, so we are not afraid of doubts.

That's not OK!

You are too ignorant. The Great Wall Group is a major taxpayer in Shencheng and Guangdong East. It is our natural responsibility to maintain their reputation.

As a local newspaper, you don't want to protect the reputation of the Great Wall Group. Instead, you take the lead in questioning their chief scientist. What is your intention?

Therefore, from the standpoint of a third party, this is naturally another retaliation with anger.

Therefore, a journal in the south was sanctioned again, and the management and editors were warned again.

If this continues, their management will not be enough.

However, poor and lowly cannot be promiscuous, rich and noble cannot be moved, and mighty cannot be subdued. This is called a real man.

A magazine in the south is also determined, and we insist on not compromising!

Even, they are all ready to take the road of appealing and petitioning.

Because our reports are fair, and you are suppressing us, which is undermining the fairness of news reports, which is unacceptable to a media person.

Even, in order to endorse their own impartiality, they shouted loudly that this time is different, this time it is a matter between the Magic City Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences and Shen Guanglin's laboratory, and we are just reporting it truthfully.

Since it is neutral, why are there so many modal particles and so many extensions in the article, have you visited Professor Shen's laboratory?

This is obvious, do you still need interviews, we are willing to issue a military order!

However, the military order is useless, and they started reporting without visiting Shen Guanglin's laboratory, which in itself is not a neutral position.

Therefore, a journal in the south was suspended indefinitely until the truth came to light.

Well, this is too bullying!

It's even worse than the last time the gunman "Nanji X" was used to pretend to be "Nanjiren".

Could it be that an institution as big as the Academy of Sciences doesn't have any backhands?

Alright, let's see how you build tall buildings, and let's see how you collapse them.

Now, we will send people to guard your door to see how embarrassing you are.

(End of this chapter)

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