Chapter 853 Proof (1)

Everyone needs to prove themselves.

For example, in the face of a case, the criminal suspect needs to prove his innocence, while the public security agency needs to prove his guilt.

There is an extrajudicial lunatic named Zhang San who likes to violate the criminal law. He has committed rape, arson, explosion, poisoning, traffic accident and a series of crimes that everyone wants to be familiar with but not familiar with.

However, Zhang San has never been caught, because in the law, there is a good term called "suspected crime", which means: Although I have committed so many crimes, as long as there is insufficient evidence, then I am innocent of.

Suspected guilt is an important derived standard in the principle of presumption of innocence. The most typical case is Simpson's wife murder case. In the end, due to a series of events, Simpson was acquitted.

Of course, in this day and age, that hasn't happened yet. Simpson is still a football player, and he doesn't know what's going to happen in the future.

China is relatively late in introducing the concept of no doubt, at least not in this era.

Huaxia has long followed the tradition of "suspicious crimes." Suspects need to prove their innocence. This has been the case throughout the ages.

Otherwise, how did "I would rather kill a thousand people by mistake than let one go" come about?

Otherwise, how did the "unnecessary" and "resentful desires" have to be beheaded?
Although considering the spirit of the legal system later, the legal concept of never suspecting a crime was introduced, but in real life practice, how to prove yourself anytime and anywhere is still very important, and it is still a must-have survival skill.

How to prove that "I" is "I" and "he" is "he" is the most common thing that everyone encounters.

Especially in this era, if you want to travel abroad, if you don’t have a letter of introduction, if you can’t prove who you are, then you are very likely to have an “original sin” and you will be deported, and you may even go to Yangcheng because there is no was beaten to death for a temporary residence permit.

Therefore, a paper "proof" is really important.

In ancient times, in order to maintain bloodlines, emperors needed to prove that their children were their own.Of course, they can't count the days every day to calculate the due date of the concubine, so they can only prevent other men from appearing in the entire palace. This is the best way to prove their innocence.

In modern times, in order to prove that the child is their own, it is impossible for men to count the days to calculate the due date of delivery, because some women are really good at playing, and they can catch several occasions a day, so it may not be accurate.For example, a man in Gandi has been married for 16 years, and none of his three children belong to him. The woman also said that she has called you Dad for more than ten years. Are you still human? You are simply a beast.

However, technology has brought social progress, and now it is very easy to verify the relationship between father and son, because Shen has given the era convenient technological conditions and reliable detection technology.

The Great Wall Group did not open hospitals and medical institutions because of this. They only sold equipment and did not provide paternity testing services.

However, the DNA detection technology they developed is really powerful, and it has already begun to be applied to various usage scenarios at home and abroad.

In China, some large cities have begun to use DNA detection to detect crimes, but it is not mature enough to use it to test father-son relationship.

Of course, this is not to say that there is no need to develop this technology in China, but that economic conditions do not allow it.

In order to earn more black-hearted money, Mr. Shen set the price of PCR so high that ordinary institutions and hospitals really couldn't afford it.

And even if some hospitals and laboratories have bought this device, the most likely thing is to put it on the shelf. Every time it is used, the person in charge of the institution must sign and go through the approval process, which is very troublesome.

Many advanced and expensive equipment in this era are used in this way.For example, computers in this era are also very expensive, so they are locked away for a long time and can only be dug out occasionally to wipe the dust until the equipment becomes obsolete.

Not to mention these more expensive equipment, even an ordinary telephone often has an iron box that is locked up, just to prevent people from using it indiscriminately.

Now, Shen Guanglin's laboratory and the Magic City Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences have crashed on the same scientific research project, and it has become an unsolved case who owns the results.

How to prove that they are original, both companies need a strong voice.

The Academy of Sciences said that this was the first scientific research result developed by them. It was obvious that Shen Guanglin and the others plagiarized it. Instead, the villain sued first. Did they register the patent first?

On this topic, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has not responded.

Now, the public opinion is raging. Even though the Great Wall Group owns the patent, Shen still needs to prove that he has not plagiarized before he can calm down the incident.

If not, those people would condemn him from a moral standpoint.

Do they think Professor Shen's laboratory can't produce such results?

of course not!

Everyone has no doubts about the scientific research ability of Shen Guanglin's laboratory, and it is not to verify his scientific research ability, but to ask Shen to prove his innocence.

Everyone doesn't value this small achievement at all, they just want to deny you, Shen Guanglin.

After all, it only took a short time and a small amount of money for the Magic City Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences to successfully develop several lithium batteries. There is no reason why Shen Guanglin's laboratory can't make them.

Everyone's purpose is to see Shen Guanglin's jokes. They have long been looking forward to the day when they can pull Shen Guanglin from the altar.

Especially in this era, when various trends of thought are flooding, there are always some people who can't see the good things in the country, and they can't see the emergence of great scientists in the country.

Therefore, as long as there are outstanding figures in the domestic science and technology circles, they always try to deny him and blackmail him.

Otherwise, how can we reflect the superiority of foreign countries, where the moon is big and round, and the air there is fragrant and sweet.

Therefore, there has been a lot of public opinion on Shen Guanglin recently, and a large part of this is also the reason.

Since having a child, Shen Guanglin has been living in his own villa recently. He hasn't lived in the yard allocated to him by the school for a long time, so he let his students live there.

Ordinarily, Shen Guanglin's living conditions are very secretive and shouldn't attract everyone's attention, but they were still leaked out.

Everyone is still receiving meager wages and thinking about food, clothing, housing and transportation every day. Some people already live in garden villas and bungalows, and travel in and out of high-end cars. What is the fairness of this society?
In particular, some scientific research workers can't be willing to live in poverty, but want extravagance. Is there something wrong with it?

Therefore, some reporters with a sense of justice came here from the south, just to reveal the true face of Shen.

Aren't you ashamed to spend such a huge amount of money to plagiarize other people's research results instead of doing your own research?
As a result, as soon as the reporters entered the courtyard, they were discovered by Shen Guanglin's students. Among them, a student named Li Abiao had a hot temper and immediately pushed the reporters out.

This was a bad thing, the reporter immediately lay down on the ground, dizzy, foaming at the mouth, and with a broken arm.

In short, the consequences are very serious, and the media are all over the place: well-known professors are suspected of plagiarizing scientific research results, and even their students beat others.

(End of this chapter)

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