Start with a college teacher

Chapter 854 Evidence

Chapter 854 Evidence (2)

The next day, a picture appeared in the newspaper: a certain reporter had one arm hanging by a strip of white cloth, and a magazine was placed under the arm, which was a certain magazine in the south.

Disciple Shen Guanglin beat someone!

Although there is no hot search in this era, as long as it is published in the newspaper, it is a hot search.

The topic of Shen Guanglin's disciple beating people really attracted a lot of attention.

Professor Shen Guanglin's disciple beat someone, who beat him?for what?
There is no Internet now, but there are letters from the masses.

So, not long after, the newspapers began to publish another picture. In the picture, there were several sacks of letters from the masses, all of whom questioned the incident, and some even demanded that the murderer be severely punished.

After all, the physical and mental health of comrade journalists is sacrosanct!

But even so, Shen Guanglin was still very calm and did not appear to be in a hurry.

Ah Biao hit someone, right? Well done!
Isn't it just a few reports, it's just a clown, someone Shen doesn't like it.

Until, the school and the educational institutions in Modu couldn't stand it any longer. They even set up a study style rectification committee, saying that Professor Shen needed to explain this matter to the public.

Of course, the so-called school here is naturally not Capital University. Capital University knows Shen Guanglin best, knows his pride, and definitely looks down on the three melons and two dates of the Academy of Sciences.

Therefore, after so many years of ups and downs, Jingcheng University has always been Shen Guanglin's strong backing.

It's just that Shen and his team arrived in Shanghai not long ago, and the universities and scientific education circles in Shanghai lacked a foundation of trust in him, and the Chinese scientific research community has always been not so innocent, so it is normal for Shen to be suspected.

In particular, the Magic City Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences is a local snake, and it is also a big consumer of scientific research funds, so the pressure to produce results is great.

Now that we finally produced a result, but it was easily taken away by your god-someone's laboratory, aren't we panicking at a loss?

Now, Shen Guanglin's laboratory plagiarized the achievements of the Academy of Sciences, and Shen Guanglin's students beat people up, and everything should be explained.

Now that the matter has reached this point, it cannot be allowed to develop any longer.

If you don't fight back, it doesn't matter if you form a conclusion that Shen is arrogant and domineering, but it's not good if you really ruin his academic reputation.

Shen Guanglin took the time to watch the children, but decided to respond to this matter.

Don't you want an explanation, then give an explanation.

Whether it is a press conference, a review meeting, or a questioning meeting, we will do what you say.

Finally, the media, especially those from the southern department, began to celebrate with each other. This is a phased victory, and a bigger victory is yet to come.

Witnessed by many media, the questioning meeting about Shen Guanglin's laboratory still started.

The host is none other than Li Abiao, the party involved in the beating incident.

Apologize!Firmly apologize!
There was an uproar at the scene, this is the attitude of the media, and the competent department must give an explanation.

Deceiving too much!

The assailant is still so arrogant and dares to appear here in such an aboveboard manner. This is not taking us as dry food. Are we just beanbags?

At this time, Ah Biao's temper improved, and he stopped getting angry, and accepted everyone's questions honestly.

"Why did you beat the reporter?"

Beat up a reporter?A Biao asked, which media reporter did he hit, and did he have a press card?How long have you been in business?
How dare you deny the beating?
It was a reporter from Nanfang X Magazine that was hit. The newspapers reported it, but you dare to turn black and white.

However, Shen's work team is capable of execution. They brought the personnel establishment form of a certain southern magazine, but the person who was beaten was not there. Moreover, this person did not have a press card.

Therefore, it is not established that Li Abiao beat the reporter.

Why is it not established? If you don't have a press card, you are not a reporter. This is not the point. The point is that Li Abiao beat someone.

Okay, let's put aside the matter of the real and fake journalists for now, isn't it about beating someone, another fracture, another concussion, what about evidence, medical records, medical certificates?
The photos are the evidence, and there are three people accompanying him, this is the proof.

OK, there are three people with me, right?Call over to confront.

Confrontation is confrontation.

However, at this moment, the testimony of the entourage changed. Li did not hit anyone. The reporter fell to the ground to pose for a photo, and there was no broken bone. If you don’t believe it, you can call someone over for an injury check.

Dare to come for an injury test?
dare not.

So far, the matter of beating people has not been established.

That is to say, Li did not beat anyone, and this person is not a reporter. Therefore, all those who participated in criticizing and smearing Li must apologize, and the parties involved must accept punishment.

This is the attitude of Professor Shen's laboratory.

All right, if you have an attitude, so do we.

Now, please explain why you want to plagiarize the results of the Modu Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Shen Guanglin still did not come forward about this matter, and Li Abiao was responsible for answering the questions.

"Members of the media, leaders, what kind of laboratory is our laboratory? It is the world's number one laboratory, and what kind of institution is the Magic City of the Academy of Sciences? Can it rank internationally? How can they compare with us? ?”

Li's words were very straightforward, and he directly pulled away the fig leaf of the magic city.

Over the years, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has produced endless results, and its international status has also increased rapidly. They claim that they are the number one laboratory, and it is really difficult for others to refute.

If it is in China, everyone may think that Shen Guanglin's laboratory and the Magic City Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences are the top scientific research institutions in China, but if they are placed internationally, there is really a gap between the first-class and the fifth-rate.

Just ask, do top-notch laboratories need to bow their heads to low-level laboratories, and do they need to plagiarize their results?

"For example, we are rocket experts, and the other party discusses with us whether to use firewood or coal to launch the rocket. Do you think it is necessary for us to respond?"

"If you don't respond, you are guilty. Now that the evidence is convincing, you are changing concepts secretly." Director Ouyang of the Modu Institute was also filled with righteous indignation. He said that he didn't need a middleman to make the difference, and he would do it himself.

"Where did the evidence come from? Director Ouyang, please show it to everyone."

Just take a look.

"This is the project proposal in May, this is the material purchase list in June, and this is the experiment record in July. We made the results in August. We invite you to come and visit us, waiting for us to apply for a patent. At that time, I found out that it already belonged to the Great Wall Group."

Speaking of this, Director Ouyang also said with special emotion that all this is his fault, and he should not have mistrusted Professor Shen's ethics. I did not expect that the power of capital is so powerful. Didn't it just accidentally defeat your laboratory? Why is this.

Classmate Li laughed suddenly, which was unreasonable and impolite.

"Let me give you an example. When a basketball player visited an elementary school, he found that a classmate had good shooting skills and could do a three-step layup. As a result, the basketball player returned to the sports team. He used a three-step layup during the game. As a result, the elementary school Isn’t it ridiculous that the principal of the school actually said that your athletes copied our elementary school’s basketball skills?”

"You said you didn't plagiarize us, what about the evidence? Everything must be about evidence. What about your test records? I heard that your joint laboratory did not conduct similar experiments."

This is also the reason why Director Ouyang is confident. They have never made single-compound lithium batteries, and they can't fabricate evidence if they want to.

However, Li is still very calm:

"What evidence do we want? Don't even look at it. When did we apply for the patent? It was September 1986, and it has been two years now."

(End of this chapter)

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