Start with a college teacher

Chapter 855 Column of Shame

Chapter 855 Pillar of Shame (Today's update)
"What? This is impossible! Did you guys cheat! This must be fake!"

Director Ouyang stood up and questioned loudly, but the tone of his questioning voice changed, became high-pitched and sharp, a little hysterical.

However, all was in vain.

On the patent certificate displayed by student A Biao, it is clearly written: the certificate was issued in September 1986, which indeed happened two years ago.

They can indeed question that Shen Guanglin's laboratory has stolen their scientific research results.

However, they cannot question the professional ethics of the patent acceptance department. Can they still cheat on this issue?
Moreover, the time of fraud can be advanced to two years ago, can it be seamless.

This kind of thing can be found out with just a random search, and the patent certificate is clearly written in black and white.

Therefore, it is meaningless for Director Ouyang not to believe it.

The scene suddenly became so quiet, and there was no need for many actions to defend, just enough weight.

Now, the media present are also dumb, director Ouyang has also been eunuched, and the leaders are also embarrassed.

That is to say, they have been busy for so long, calling for grievances and building momentum, and now they have summoned so many people to come here with the intention of prosecuting, but in the end it was all in vain. It turned out that the whole process was just a farce.

I regret not having it at the beginning!
When they heard that the patent for lithium batteries was first applied for by the Great Wall Group, they were overjoyed. They felt that the opportunity for revenge had finally come, and they didn't even verify the application time of the patent. Chong Chong launched a full-scale attack.

Without him, I really want to win!

As a result, in the current situation, how should this end?
"Professor Shen has a lot of things to do and is very busy. We didn't plan to respond to these trivial matters. It's because you have gone too far. If we don't respond, then we will be nailed to the stigma of academic plagiarism. .”

It is said that Li Abiao has a bad temper, but he never expected to be able to narrate on stage, even with Western-style humor. He shrugged and continued:
"We wanted to be in the same dust as the light. It's not like we can't rub sand in our eyes, but you are feeding feces into our mouths. Slandering me and beating people, I can bear it, but slandering us for plagiarism in the laboratory , This is unbearable! Excuse me, is there anything you can’t do?”.

Once you grasp the truth, you can talk freely, and the whole world has become a stage for student A Biao to perform alone.

"Some people's academic research ability is not good, but they are not weak. There are also some media. A little scandal is not enough.

However, we are not soft persimmons. We believe that as long as everything is placed in the sun, no dog can survive. "

Director Ouyang brought the media and leaders to this questioning meeting, and they also went back together.

He was aggressive when he came, but he was in a hurry when he went back.

However, the follow-up is not so simple, and it is not so easy to end.

Shen Guanglin is a person of later generations. He has always believed that the truth can only be found with pictures, so he made arrangements before the start of the inquiry meeting. The Great Wall Group specially arranged for a cameraman to record the whole process.

They don't care whether other media will also film it, or it's better to keep their own first-hand information, lest some people deliberately take it out of context.

No, the media started to play dead after returning, but a high-definition videotape was sent directly to Modu Radio and Television Station, which was about the questioning meeting.

"This time the video cannot be played, it must not be played." Director Ouyang stood in the office of the leader of the radio and television department, his voice was so earnest, he almost knelt down, this matter must not be spread out.

The Ministry of Radio and Television is not affiliated with the Magic Capital Institute of the Academy of Sciences, and Director Ouyang has no authority over them.

However, at this time, he could no longer take care of these things, and he only wanted to stop this matter from expanding.

But isn't the current situation expanding enough?

Who started it?
It must be your Director Ouyang who is the instigator.

Because of you, how many media outlets have been criticized and how many people have been suspended from work.

Everyone held their breath, waiting to see someone from Shen make a joke.As a result, everyone was unyielding and brave in various ways, and moved themselves so much, but in the end, the clown turned out to be himself.

Shen Guanglin did not appear in this questioning meeting from the beginning to the end, but the words that student A Biao said in front of the public are really embarrassing. If this scene is really broadcast on TV, how many people will see it?How many people will hear it?
In the future, director Ouyang dare not think about what people should think of the Magic Capital Institute of the Academy of Sciences, and how they should think of their posthumous fame.

This matter can only beg Shen Guanglin, we admit defeat.

They don't know where Shen Guanglin's villa is, but he always appears in the laboratory.

"Everyone is here, sit down!"

About half an hour later, Shen Guanglin really came out of the laboratory with a very friendly attitude, as if he was an old friend whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

It really should be considered an old friend, because, not long ago, Professor Shen went to Shanghai to investigate, and the host and guest had a good time at that time.

It's just that it would be nice if the latter things didn't happen.

Director Ouyang was also taken aback, he had imagined all kinds of embarrassing scenes, even being turned away, but it is really rare to see someone as pleasant as Shen Guanglin.

However, this is a good thing. As long as we can still talk, it means that Professor Shen didn't block the way of negotiation.

"Professor Shen, I'm sorry. We made a mistake and caused some misunderstandings. I brought our staff here to apologize to you."

It seemed that they were going to throw the blame away again. It would be best to dump it directly on the temporary workers, or at least the people below should take the responsibility. This has been a fine tradition for many years.

Shen Guanglin is a well-known professor at Capital University. Of course, he has to be serious when doing things, so his answer is very official:
"All of this is still undecided. Why is it wrong? Everyone, don't be so serious. Sit down, didn't you say that, let history prove right or wrong."

This is no longer a question of right or wrong, this is an enlarged struggle scene, and it is about life and death.

"Professor Shen, how can you let go of this matter?"

"It's not impossible to talk, unless you promise me one thing."

(End of this chapter)

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