Start with a college teacher

Chapter 856 Entrepreneurial Pioneer

Chapter 856 Entrepreneurial Pioneer (1)

It turns out that conditions can still be negotiated, so there will be a turning point.

Director Ouyang immediately came to his senses, expressing his complete surrender and obeying Professor Shen's arrangements.

However, Shen Guanglin's next conditions made them really uncomfortable.

Because Shen Guanglin asked them to testify against these southern media.

In Shen Guanglin's view, it is meaningless to attack the Magic City of the Academy of Sciences, and they are not Shen's opponents. Even if they win, so what, it's not like they won't win.

Shen Guanglin has always felt that their opponent is actually a certain magazine in the south, which is already a feud, and they are lingering and disgusting, so they need to take advantage of the victory to beat the dog in the water.

"Report and expose Southern X Magazine?" Director Ouyang fell into deep thought for ten seconds.

"Professor Shen, it's like this. We didn't intend to fight against our laboratory. It was Nanfang X Magazine who was doing bad things there. They deliberately led the public opinion to sow dissension, which led us to take the wrong path. Now we wake up Yes, it is our bounden duty to expose their conspiracy."

The next thing will be easy to handle. Another round of blows to the southern media. Anyway, everyone is used to it. In the struggle between the two sides, the southern media has not won yet.

In this way, Shen Guanglin has been stationed in Shanghai for a long time, and he has considered returning to the capital.

The weather gradually turned cooler, the public opinion gradually subsided, and everything gradually returned to calm.

There are different opinions about Professor Shen. There are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people.

In the eyes of the Xiangjiang bodyguards, Boss Shen is so rich, why does he still live such a frugal life, and even goes shopping by himself after get off work? What a stress.

However, in the eyes of mainlanders, although Professor Shen has strong scientific research ability, his life is too extravagant.Not to mention hiring bodyguards, maybe this is the behavior of the Great Wall Company, but he rides in luxury cars every day, wears silk and satin, eats delicacies from mountains and seas, and lives in a garden house. Some style.

Of course, marrying two wives is not the style that a scientific researcher should have.

Indeed, even Li Rong and sisters had never experienced this kind of early prosperity, but Shen was different. He was well-clothed and well-fed since he was a child, and he really couldn't bear it. He thought it was a very simple life up.

Before crossing, he bought a Porsche 911, and he didn't run many kilometers, and he didn't know that it was cheaper to sleep in the end.

Now, Shen Guanglin is already very rich, it is too rare to even buy a sports car.

Of course, Professor Shen also has times when he is more approachable, and that is when he accompanies his wives to visit Jinling Road.

There are many cities in China with Jinling Road, but there are very few Jinling Roads as famous as Shanghai.

This is the famous pedestrian street in later generations. Since the 20s, many department stores have stood here.

Even in this age that is not very open, there are all kinds of trendy clothing, famous brand watches, and exquisite jewelry on Jinling Road. Therefore, shopping with two wives is always rewarding.

At least, you can gain the envious eyes of passers-by.

If they knew that these two beauties belonged to the same man, they would be even more envious.

If they knew that half of Jinling Road already belonged to them, they would be even more envious.

Great Wall Group has finally set foot in the real estate sector in an all-round way. This is not Shen Guanglin's original intention, but it is the trend of the times.

In later generations, private real estate companies have fallen one after another, and it seems that there are only a few people such as Da Lao Wang who have really gone ashore.

At present, private real estate companies have not yet started. Shen's company is the first to eat crabs, but they are not taking the residential route, but the commercial real estate style.

"Here, we want to build a large-scale comprehensive shopping center in the style of Citigroup's Times Square. If it is completed, all people who go to the Bund will definitely come here first. The future potential here is immeasurable."

It was my sister who said this.

Even holding the child, my sister's thoughts are flying high. It seems that she has given up her scientific research dream, and now she has started the business model.

He obviously studied in Fusang, but he is very attracted to Citigroup's business model and convinced.

Building the Times Square of the Magic City?
Well, someone Shen expressed support, who gave birth to your son, you are the oldest.

What's more, the younger sister tried her best to persuade her elder sister Li Rong to leave her job as soon as possible. We sisters are united and work together to break the gold.

From now on, we will make money to support ourselves, and we don't need to spend money from stinky men anymore.

Therefore, they also set up a commercial development company, which really got rid of the shackles of the Great Wall Department, and took a nice name, called Fairy Real Estate.

The younger sister is the CEO and chairman, and the older sister is just a nominal shareholder.

Moreover, the younger sister acted extremely boldly and unrestrainedly. She actually wanted to mortgage her real estate on the top floor of the Great Wall Building to the Great Wall Bank.

Moreover, she also urged her sister to mortgage all the real estate in the capital, and she was planning to do a big job.

Shen Guanglin wanted to sponsor, but was rejected, no use!
My sister said that I really don't need to sink someone's money.

Although doing this is a bit deceptive, but starting your own business, the money you earn is more enjoyable to spend.

In fact, there is no need for this at all. Shen has many people who want a house.

Not to mention the renovation of the teacher's village that is in full swing, Mr. Shen has bought a lot of old-fashioned real estate in every city, all of which are in the most prosperous core areas.

For this reason, someone Shen set up a business management company, just like Da Lao Wang's Dada.

After traveling for so long, Boss Shen's hobbies have also changed. In fact, he doesn't want to develop real estate, but is very interested in that kind of century-old houses.

Whether it is a shop or a residence, as long as it is exquisite and vicissitudes enough, it can be recognized by him.

Shen Guanglin said, this is called collecting.

It is no longer enough for him to collect some antiques and antiques. He has even started to buy old houses, and it is getting worse.

Money is earned endless.

Especially with a vision beyond the times, even if it is simply hoarding land and real estate, the Shen family will not lack money in the future.

However, Shen Guanglin felt that it was completely unnecessary to do so. It was better to do something he liked, for example, to engage in ambiguity, for example, to engage in scientific research.

The two sisters are still here, so it's probably not okay to flirt with other women.

But he has been a scientist for so many years, and he really likes the feeling of being a scientist.

Just say a word like this, everyone will believe it, and it feels really cool to be able to achieve it after hard work.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin went to the joint laboratory when he was free. Under his attention, the progress of lithium batteries was also very fast, and the laboratory samples had already been produced.

Just a few days ago, the child passed a hundred days.

Mr. Shen didn't put wine on the table, and he didn't make any publicity. This era is good, there are not so many twists and turns. As long as he doesn't say anything, everyone doesn't have this concept, so don't worry.

However, for Mr. Shen, it's not really worrying about children.

Because the younger sister wanted to devote herself wholeheartedly to her career, she suddenly made up her mind to wean the child out of nowhere.

How old is this, and the baby is about to be weaned?

Little Shen Kuo is still young, he only knows how to cry, and when he starts crying, Shen Guanglin can't persuade him, so he can only ask his aunt to coax him.

In order not to listen to the crying of the child, the younger sister hid in the room to draft a business plan by herself.

I don't know when it started, my sister's thoughts are a little bit hard for someone Shen to see through, she is so strong that she is even more difficult than her sister, even, facing her sister, let alone propose threesome, even It's not easy to open your mouth in doubles.

In fact, don't look at my sister's blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

The younger sister in the past was extremely indifferent. She didn't care about the house or the money, only wanted that someone Shen was old, and only wanted that someone Shen didn't take a bath.

But since having a child, everything has changed, and she has become ambitious.

For this reason, Shen Guanglin didn't dare to tell her how rich he was, so as not to hurt her fighting spirit.

In fact, according to Shen Guanglin's current wealth, not to mention being the richest Chinese man, there is definitely no problem in ranking in the top ten.

Of course, this is nothing to be proud of.

After all, he has been traveling for almost ten years, and he has only accumulated such a small amount of wealth, which makes him feel a little sorry for his status as a time traveler.

Many traversers can create trillions of wealth in less than a year of events, and they don't know where so much money comes from. Could it be that they got it by signing in?

You get paid for signing in every day, so what are you still struggling for?

It's not worth it for someone like Shen Guanglin to earn a few hard-earned money by intrigue and deceit every day.

(End of this chapter)

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