Start with a college teacher

Chapter 857 Low back pain

Chapter 857 Low back pain
With the careful care of her aunt and the support of various milk powder nutrition products, Xiao Shen Kuo's weaning was successful.

After all, for children, there is nothing that can't be solved by going hungry, if there is, then go hungry twice.

After four months, the child is indeed easy to take care of. He doesn't cry during the day and doesn't wake up much at night.

Therefore, it is time for the uncle, aunt and family to go back to Xiangjiang. After all, they also have their own lives.

For the uncle's family, the life in Xiangjiang is the focus, and there are many things there. After all, there is their business and the next generation there, and they have always been concerned about it.

Knowing that Mom and Dad are finally coming back from Shanghai, the happiest thing is to be honest and kind.

Because there is still study to be done, Shen Houdao returned to Xiangjiang long ago after visiting his little nephew. Because his parents were not at home, he wanted to stay in Shanghai to take care of his cousin's children, but no one took care of his own children.

This is a bit of a fun-loving and honest person. He can no longer go to nightclubs to have fun, but can only take care of the children at home with the Filipino maid, which is also boring.

So, when he heard that his parents were going back to Xiangjiang, he was very happy and hurried to Shanghai to pick them up.

All right, Shen Guanglin didn't have a particularly suitable reason to deliberately keep him.

So, standing in the terminal of the airport, everyone said goodbye to each other.

Facing his cousin who is still in college, Shen Guanglin can only teach him one sentence: "Study hard."

"That must be done." Shen Houdao replied perfunctorily, anyway, Xiangjiang is far away from the emperor, and my cousin can't control me, who knows if I'm studying hard.

However, how could Shen Guanglin not know what his cousin was thinking.

"In the future, you are not allowed to fool around with Hu Xiyong, especially stay away from those female stars. If you dare to use my name to date female stars, be careful that I will break your three legs."

Of course, Shen Houdao refused to admit that he had such a thing and this idea, so he replied sincerely: "I really don't, you can rest assured that I will never touch any woman who belongs to you."

Shen Guang looked around angrily, but he couldn't find anything convenient, and remembering that Li Rong and the sisters hadn't come over, he felt guilty at all, and rebuked with confidence:

"Don't talk nonsense, where have I ever had a woman in Xiangjiang?"

"I still said no, but that Nie Xiaoqian, everyone spread the word, it wasn't you who praised her, why did she become popular. But, she is so tall, I guess you can't beat her."

Nie Xiaoqian was indeed promoted by Shen, and she was taken care of by her brother. Not long ago, she filmed "A Chinese Ghost Story" and it became popular.

However, because of Shen, Hu Xuyong took good care of her, and even a businessman surnamed Lin wanted to touch her, but he was severely beaten.

So, don't care about being empty or empty, this is an existence that other men in Xiangjiang cannot profane.

Even, not only Nie Xiaoqian, but the actress who came from Suzhou was also taken good care of because of someone Shen. It is estimated that she will never be kidnapped by hooligans and have nude photos taken in her life.

Hearing that his cousin was not "respectful", Shen Guanglin hit him angrily, and then said, "Don't talk nonsense, I really don't."

"Really? If you don't have it, can I have it?" Shen Houdao had a smirk on his face, and the cynical look of a playboy made people angry.

Others are looking forward to their children to become dragons, and they have trained their children to be talents. As for Shen Guanglin, he has trained an honest person to be a complete gangster.

"You really fell in love with the female star of Xiangjiang? Which one?" Shen Guanglin was very surprised, he might have another baby.

"Yes. It's a bit." Shen Houdao answered honestly. He was also afraid that Shen Guanglin would really beat the mandarin ducks. After all, Hu Xuyong was the only one who obeyed the orders of Boss Shen.

"You don't like Beauty Pass, do you?"

The beauties of this era are really beautiful, even without makeup, they are impeccably beautiful, and their skin can be broken by blows and blows, and they are so glamorous.

"That can't be!" The cousin shook his head, "Who doesn't know that she is Da Liu's bus? She is good at doing commercial public relations, but not good at being a woman. I didn't see her, but took pictures with her. A female star who has been in a movie is called Zhong Chuhong."

The clock is red?
Shen Guanglin thought for a while, this woman seemed to have a pretty good reputation, and she didn't have any gossip or scandal.

"As you like."

The family of uncle and aunt left just like that.

Shen Guanglin still wanted to stay in Shanghai, but his younger sister changed her mind and wanted to go back to the capital.

Not for any other reason, their venture in Shanghai ended before it even started.

It can also be said that the sisters' first venture has failed.

Because someone Shen "tricked".

You don't honestly care for your husband and teach your children at home, and you think about doing business every day. You think you are Liu Xiaoqing, and you are planning to become the richest woman?
Without the help of Mr. Shen and the Great Wall Group, the Shanghai government would not buy into them. Therefore, my sister's real estate investment business in Shanghai failed.

Of course, this failure is not because the money has been cheated or cheated, but because domestic companies have not yet qualified to develop real estate. It is only 1988 after all.

Unless, she also imitated someone from Shen to put the company in Hong Kong or the Virgin Islands.

Shen deliberately didn't tell her how the company should be run and how the accounts should be done, and let them figure it out by themselves.

Therefore, the younger sister's entrepreneurial journey was not as smooth as expected.

It is precisely because of this that my sister decided to transfer the main battlefield, and it is more appropriate to go to the capital for development.

My sister is not stupid. There is no possibility of simple success in starting a business with two people.

Lao Li is in the capital, and Lao Li's Lao Li is also in the capital. Although the relationship between Li Rong and his sisters is not close to their grandfather, in this family, only Shen Guanglin and the old man of the Li family are closest. As a granddaughter, she should rely on her grandfather's relationship.

It's just that my sister has gone back to the capital, what should I do with the child?
The child stayed in the magic city, but the sister did not leave, nor did Shen Guanglin.

All right, my sister will go alone, she will go far away and never come back.

The night before leaving, the younger sister finally opened her heart and stopped saying NO to Shen's behavior.

On this day, she also specially dressed up, using a hair tie to tie up her short hair that has not yet flown, a white shirt, and a hip-wrapping skirt, which immediately caught someone Shen's heart.

Shen Guanglin said, you can go into business, but you are not allowed to dress like this in the future.

With such a graceful waist and such an intellectual attire, I really don't know how many stinky men I will be fascinated by.

He was reluctant to let her go.

One night, many unfamiliar postures became familiar again, especially the familiar waist began to ache again.

(End of this chapter)

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