Start with a college teacher

Chapter 858 Chapter Family

Chapter 858 Going Home (1)

"You really won't come with me?"

The younger sister still hopes that Professor Shen will go to the capital together. After all, the child is still young, and she doesn't want the family to be separated. Moreover, the parents are in the capital. Wouldn't it be nice for the big family to reunite together?

Shen Guanglin was determined not to go. Although he didn't say the specific reason, he just refused to go, and he didn't want his sister to go back.

However, the younger sister is also really stubborn, even if the child is still young, even if the older sister and Brother Guanglin don't go, she still insists on going by herself.

After all, it's all for business.

Moreover, I haven't been back to the capital for so many years, shouldn't I go back.

Before leaving, the younger sister even spent money to treat everyone in Shen Guanglin's laboratory to a big meal. As long as the older sister didn't show up, she would be the hostess.

The younger sister remembered how Shen Guanglin organized their class for group activities, and was very impressed, so she followed suit and prepared various meals in advance.

"Just put the drinks here, everyone can drink whatever they want."

The Olympic Games have just ended. Although Jianmoubao did not help to succeed again, it still belongs to the hard currency of the beverage industry, and its value even surpasses malted milk and Coca-Cola.

You know, Jianmoubao is not cheap. You can buy two catties of pork in Jianmoubao in one hall, and two catties of pork can be used to make dumplings, which is enough for a large family to improve their lives.

The drink in the first hall can be drunk within a few seconds after opening, and the effect brought by it is definitely not as good as eating a dumpling made by sister-in-law.

It really is a beef feast, and everyone is very grateful to the second wife and the master.

Everyone knows that Professor Shen is not so kind to students. He even set up a special bursary in Citigroup to support overseas alumni. Of course, if you are a very outstanding Wudaokou graduate, you can also apply.

Until now, although Shen Guanglin did not have the title of a school lord, he already had the strength of a school lord.Among the laboratories of many universities, no professor's laboratory in any school can be compared with him.

Even for professional institutions, such as those old laboratories of the Academy of Sciences, all they can talk about is the background.In terms of scale, strength, and achievements, it is incomparable no matter what.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory's ranking in the academic world has not been mentioned by colleagues for a long time, and they are unwilling to mention it.

However, in terms of official positions and titles given by the government, it is inevitable to lean towards Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

Without him, the achievements and articles in other people's hands are better than yours. If you choose you, you will not be able to convince the public at all.

That is to say, Shen Guanglin's laboratory has not applied for funding from the state, and has always been responsible for its own profits and losses. It can be regarded as a semi-public and semi-private laboratory. Therefore, everyone's rejection of them is not so strong.

Otherwise, if the trees are beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy them; if they are piled up on the shore, the current will be turbulent;

Really don't overestimate the ethics of scientific researchers.

Morality has nothing to do with education level.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin's laboratory still has to rely on the banner of Capital University to shield them from the wind and rain. Although the school cannot provide funds, they can resist most of the slander from their peers and insiders, which is already very good.

Otherwise, Shen Guanglin would not have won the public opinion battles so easily.

My sister finally had to leave.

She is going to the capital to work hard in her career, and she also leaves the opportunity to be alone to her elder sister. Who told her that her elder sister has no children yet, the two of them are always awkward together.

This time when she returned to the capital, she also traveled lightly. The child was not yet half a year old, so she was willing to stay.

So, Li Rong and her eldest sister took their children, and someone Shen took their big and small bags, and went straight to the airport to see them off.

These luggage were all gifts that Shen bought for his father-in-law, mother-in-law and grandparents in the name of his younger sister. Most of them were airlifted from overseas, which was equivalent to being brought by his younger sister from overseas.

As for the child not being able to accompany her, there is also a ready-made reason: it is really inconvenient to show up now, after all, my sister is not married yet.

Lithium batteries have not yet been put into commercial application, but Shen still used the latest lithium batteries produced in the laboratory to transform a "big brother" for his sister.

To be precise, it should be "mobile phone".

The mobile communication device they transformed cannot be called a big brother. Although it is still a bit bulky in Shen Guanglin's view, and the black and white screen display function is not smart enough, it is already very small and surprised everyone.

The younger sister was also very happy to accept the gift from someone from Shen. With a mobile phone, it will be more convenient for everyone to contact in the future.

The plane roared up and landed again. It was Lao Li who came to pick it up. Shen Guanglin had left many cars in the capital, and one of Lao Li's was among them.

Seven years away from home, finally back!

Back home, my sister suddenly felt that the word home was very kind.

However, looking at the capital city full of construction sites, looking at the capital city full of yellow vans and Jetta Xiali taxis, my sister said, I don’t know this capital city anymore.

At home, my sister was even more uncomfortable.

This is not her home.

This is indeed not her home, this is the home of my sister and brother-in-law, and also the home of the old couple.

These years, the old couple have lived in Fuyuanmen for a long time, and their original home has long been abandoned.

My sister knew all this, but she was not like this when she left, and when she came back, things were different, and she was a little uncomfortable.

"Where's the little baby?" Seeing the lonely sister coming back, the mother couldn't help asking.

"Eldest sister and second sister are taking it with them. If it's not good, let's bring him back now." The younger sister replied very naturally, without noticing that Lao Li's face had become unnatural.

What the hell are the eldest sister and the second sister?

Fortunately, Mother Li didn't hear it. Instead, she felt that it was really inappropriate for an unmarried girl to bring a child back. What should others think of their old Li family.

"You tidy up your room for you. It's been reserved for you. No one has lived in it for so many years. Lily, you child, you haven't come back for so many years." Li's mother said and tears came down .

Ordinarily, it's not that the mother and daughter haven't met each other, at least they had met when they were in Shanghai, but at that time, the younger sister had just given birth, and it was an away game for Lao Li and his wife, so it was inconvenient to play.

Now that my sister has returned to the capital, it is already Mother Li's home game, and her emotions naturally start to spread.

"Mom, you have to let me rest and drink some water, why don't you let me go back now." The younger sister is also a little dissatisfied, the welcome is not like this.

Mom can only calm down, "Yes, yes, Lao Li will carry the luggage, so you can rest your feet quickly. The quilts were just aired for you yesterday. They are all brand new and can be covered directly."

The weather in this season is already beginning of autumn. Although the sun is shining during the day and the temperature is not low, we still need a quilt at night.Especially since the capital city is located in the north, it gets cold earlier, and the air conditioner is not even turned on like in Shanghai.

Not wanting to listen to her mother's nagging, my younger sister went into her own room, which was well furnished and antique, and there were many books on the shelf, all of which were about physics, all of which were written by someone Shen.

(End of this chapter)

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