Start with a college teacher

Chapter 864 Where is the road

"At this stage, it is better to survive first. It is very difficult to seek development."

A rich man is hard to be a man without money.

In later generations, military industrial enterprises are getting richer one by one, and destroyers manufactured by shipyards are like dumplings. Moreover, one or two ships like 055 can fight against aircraft carriers, and their technological content is also high.

However, it is not possible at this stage. China is a poor country now. As for how poor it is, just look at its foreign exchange reserves.

It is not that the country has no foreign exchange income, but spends all the money just to buy foreign advanced equipment.

Even, the country's foreign exchange reserves are not as large as the foreign exchange deposits in the Great Wall Bank.

Therefore, Mr. Shen expressed a certain degree of sympathy for the survival status of military enterprises in this period. Your hard life is still to come. Before 2000, your life will not be easy.

The reason why Shen Guanglin didn't fully sympathize with these companies was because they had indeed gone too far.

Later generations of Chinese manufacturing claimed to be of high quality and low price, but in this period, the price was achieved, but the product was not beautiful at all.

The weapons sent to the brothers in the Middle East, whether they are easy to use or not depends on luck, and they depend on the sky.

Of course, the weapons of this era are still much better than those in the period of friction with the southern neighbors, which were of inferior quality.

In two years, when we waited for the Gulf War, the performance of Huaxia's weapons on the battlefield, how to put it, just didn't perform.

Everyone who has been to Eastern Europe knows that what foreign people pursue is high quality and low price, not just low price.
Nowadays, in Eastern European countries, Wenzhou leather shoes are already smelly on the streets. It seems that as long as they are Wenzhou products, they must be of inferior quality.

This kind of concept has seriously damaged the reputation of Huaxia Manufacturing, and this notoriety has not improved much in later generations.

It is easy to destroy a reputation, but difficult to build it.

For example, in the international arena, A Sanguo has a very prominent reputation for not keeping promises, which is almost the same as Bangziguo for being unsportsmanlike.

What should these military enterprises do?
Shen Guanglin thought for a while. In his time, military enterprises didn't seem to have any good development ideas at this time. Even if the gods came, they couldn't come up with any good ideas.

"I suggest that we should consider converting some enterprises from the military to the civilian population."

There is really no good way, Shen Guanglin can only give a very uninnovative suggestion.

However, military-to-civilian conversion is already very innovative, at least in the eyes of veteran military engineer Lao Li, who does not accept corporate military-to-civilian conversion.

"Let military industrial enterprises produce shovels and kitchen knives? Are you kidding me?"

Lao Li was upset. He came to find his son-in-law to learn from the scriptures, but he didn't just dismiss him with just one sentence.

Shen Guanglin didn't take it seriously, "Even if the shovel and kitchen knife can be made well, it's a skill. With the reduction of military orders in the future, if they don't switch to civilian use earlier, do you think they can survive?"

Lao Li thought about it, and he really couldn't survive.

It is because of this that I asked Shen Guanglin to give me a doctrine, otherwise why would I come to you, looking for embarrassment.

"I think your Great Wall Group's electrical appliances are very good. Your TV commercials are broadcast on TV every day, and you can't see the whole Yanwu."

Lao Li was very emotional about this.

"Swallow Dance" is a well-known electrical appliance brand in the past few years, and its advertising words are also particularly eye-catching, "Swallow Dance, Yan Dance, a song brings a lot of love".

Now, Great Wall Electric's advertisements are overwhelming on TV, especially their tape recorders are more compact and intelligent, and their product line is more complete, ranging from portable audio to large tape recorders. Such a dimensionality reduction blow directly makes The brand of Yanwu gradually disappeared.

The same goes for television.After Great Wall TV was launched, there was another brand of Great Wall TV, but they squeezed it out and died.

No way, who let Great Wall Group own the registered trademark of Great Wall? Even brands with a longer history cannot beat the big hooligans of this era.

However, the Great Wall Group is looking at the scenery from the outside, but in fact there are many difficulties.

From Shen Guanglin's point of view, the speed at which they make money is still too slow, and they are often constrained by the shortage of raw materials, and they always feel like they have nowhere to go.

"Do you want military enterprises to produce electrical appliances? It's not impossible. Changhong in western Sichuan has switched to producing TVs. I heard that they have imported a color TV production line from Fusang. It is said to be of military quality, and it sells well in Yuzhou. , Our Great Wall’s products can’t even be sold.”

"And products that you can't sell? I heard from my friends that in Eastern European countries, your Great Wall's electrical appliances are everywhere. This is the first to go to the world."

What Lao Li said is true.

In the past few years, with the joint efforts of all kinds of bad guys and official channel exporters, the products of Great Wall Group have become a new business card of foreign trade. This is a win-win situation, and they can also bring a lot of foreign exchange income to the country every year. .

Although the Great Wall Group itself does not export electrical appliances, half of its electrical products are exported, which is why their electrical appliances are in short supply in the domestic market.

However, there are reasons why Great Wall Electric can be sold overseas but not popular in China.

"There's a word called 'regional protection', you know? Our electrical appliances are sold overseas, and we earn hard money. It's not as much money as I open my mouth for alms."

When it comes to money, Shen Guanglin has been a little confused recently, especially since the charter king left him a large sum of money as if he had confessed to his descendants, which made Shen feel so embarrassed.

Is someone Shen a poor man?He just enjoys the process of chasing wealth.

It's embarrassing for you, old man Bao, to bring so much wealth over to someone Shen to manage it.

Old Bao asked, do you want the money or not?

of course yes.

After all, it is located at the wharf of the Xiangjiang River, and this is the rooster that lays the golden eggs.

In later generations, a certain Superman gathered countless wealth by relying on the pier.

Shen Guanglin also said, I am not greedy for your wealth, I can keep this property for you, and the wealth generated in the future will benefit your hometown, and when you die, people will not forget you.

Human physical death is not terrible, what is terrible is social death.

When the whole world forgets about you, you will be truly socially dead.

"How can one die socially?"

At that time, the charter king asked such a question.

This question is actually not difficult to answer: "If a celebrity and rich man like you ran around naked in Central, he would probably die socially."

Indeed, everyone is a person with a head and face, and it is not Zhu Di, who needs to pretend to be crazy and stupid, who can do this kind of thing.

However, if you just do some outrageous things, you will be quickly forgotten, "You can't do it, you can't do it."

"It's also simple, Citigroup's World Trade Center has two tall buildings, if"


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