Now that he is in the capital again, there is naturally no such urgent matter that needs to be dealt with in a hurry.

Now, the person who wanted to borrow money has also borrowed it, the work of brother-in-law Lu has also been arranged, the potential risks around the younger sister have also been dealt with, and Shen has nothing to do.

That's what being a boss is all about. If you do everything yourself, you won't be able to keep busy no matter what.

Walking on the streets of the capital, there are toad mirrors, bell-bottom pants, and mushroom afro hair everywhere, which is simply a look that seriously ruins the three views.

However, these demons and ghosts are fashionable and trendy in this day and age.

Probably, only someone as old-fashioned as Shen would dress so neatly and upright.

I don't know when Shen Guanglin, who was originally dressed in fancy clothes, turned out to be a conservative.

However, his dressing style has not changed for many years. In summer, he usually wears jeans and POLO shirts. Naturally, he never wears flared trousers. It's too silly. He would rather go out in big pants.

The clothes in winter are also simple, and sweaters are almost never worn, because no one knits them for him, and large cotton pants are also not worn, because they are easy to get stuck in the crotch.

For Boss Shen, army coats and down jackets are good things that appear alternately in winter.

Is it dirty to wear a military coat?This is the same style as Andy Lau, and you can still feel the cold icy rain slapping it indiscriminately.

It's not that there are no such opportunities for Shen to wear suits and shoes, but it's just rare, unless it's to meet important leaders.

The status of a person is high, and while realizing financial freedom, he also realizes the freedom of dressing.

In the Great Wall Group, even if a group meeting is held, Boss Shen can wear whatever he wants.

Mr. Shen hasn't been to Xiangjiang recently, and he doesn't have his brother to wear his bracelets. Instead, he wears the big gold watch again. One of his arms is shining golden. From this aspect, he still has the temperament of a rich man.

These days, the weather has finally started to turn cold, but everyone's impetuous hearts have not calmed down.

Life is not easy, everyone is on fire.

In the past two years, people's hearts have become more and more impetuous. Wages have not risen for many years, but prices are soaring. Inflation is fierce.

In the capital, the rich are really rich, and the lives of ordinary poor people are really not easy.

God has been away from the capital for a long time, and although it is not the same thing when he comes back, the feeling is different.

Shen Guanglin has not been back for a long time this time, but he feels that there is a lot of hostility between people, and some people always say some weird things that are too much, but no one controls them, and no one guides them. Some inexplicable markets.

Now that he is back in the capital, he will naturally go back to school. After all, there is still his laboratory and a lot of good students here.

Therefore, Professor Shen still appeared in the class of the students.

The new class of students started school, Shen Guanglin still had no plans to recruit new students, and he really didn't plan to lead the class anymore, the excuse was that he was out of energy.

However, Professor Shen's class will still be taught. In Professor Shen's class, the most talked about is ideological education.

The teachers who teach in the school are extremely stubborn in their thinking. They say that they are the ones who are least willing to open their eyes to see the world.

Shen Guanglin has seen prosperity and prosperity, so of course he understands that the current predicament is only temporary, so he also inculcates the same thinking when teaching his students.

It's just that everyone respects Professor Shen's academics and character, but seriously disagrees with his views.

Don't talk nonsense, Fusang and Citigroup are very powerful, and Huaxia will not be able to catch up in another 100 years.

The accepted view in the media in this era is that Citigroup is at least 50 years ahead of China.

However, there is no need to wait 50 years. After 30 years, China's infrastructure has surpassed that of Citigroup.

Moreover, in that era, Huaxia no longer regarded Fusang as a competitor.

When China's economy was failing, everyone protested and boycotted Fusang at every turn. However, after China's economy took off, who would treat Fusang as an opponent?

However, people in this era are pessimistic, and they write poems, novels, and articles like this.

Even, this has catalyzed a new literary genre called scar literature.

Professor Shen Guanglin came to class!
In Professor Shen's class, everyone was still very enthusiastic. They couldn't help but ask Professor Shen's views on the times. They directly asked: "Is there any salvation in our era?"

What does this say?

Shen Guanglin was very angry, "Our Chinese nation is the greatest nation in the world, our people are hardworking, kind, and progressive, and your future is bright.

Especially now, we are not rising, we are reviving.

We are in the worst era, but we are also in the best era. This is an era of change. In this era, as long as you want to make a difference, there are many opportunities. "

Shen Guanglin still carried out his consistent policy of saving as many young people as possible.

However, the young people did not buy Professor Shen's account, but felt that his views could no longer keep up with the development of the situation

"Professor Shen, stop talking, it's impossible!"

The students actually began to disbelieve him.

Everyone has heard about the current situation in the Eastern European camp. Among other things, even the country where the automobile company acquired by the Great Wall Group is located is currently in political turmoil.

Shen Guanglin felt stuffy and the class was over, so he left the classroom and was about to leave.

He drove fast all the way, without saying a word, got into the car and drove directly south.

The security personnel following Professor Shen didn't dare to ask, and drove a few cars to follow behind, also because they were afraid that something would happen to the boss.

The drive lasted several hours, and by the time Boss Shen stopped, he had almost left Jizhou to the land of Qilu.

Although the highways were not well developed in this era, the national roads were still well built.

However, there are often heroes blocking the road on the national highway, so long-distance transportation is a dangerous job. Although it makes a lot of money, it also has high risks.

Shen Guanglin didn't even tell Li Li when he went out, and he called back when he was almost in Quancheng, saying that he was going to travel south by car, not staying in the capital, and going back to Shanghai.

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