Professor Shen left in anger and grief from the students.

This is the opinion of most people.

Anyway, Professor Shen has left the capital, and a lot of things in the laboratory have not been dealt with, so he can only rely on the team leaders of each group to solve them by themselves.

"There is nothing greater to be sad than to die in the heart, and the death of a person is second only to that."

This sentence comes from "Zhuangzi·Tian Zifang".

Professor Shen left again.

In this way, I wandered around the capital aimlessly, but only slapped a second-generation official in the face, and gained nothing else.

In this way, Shen Guanglin quickly returned to Shanghai.

Shen Guanglin's anger is real. These students are probably hopeless, so I don't bother to care about your life.

Each of them acted cynically, thinking of a good way to save the country, but in a blink of an eye they were ready to study abroad.

What's more, there is also a girl named Liu Yue among them, who graduated from Wudaokou Vocational School. After studying in Europe, she made a living selling meat.

On the surface, Shen Guanglin was dissatisfied with the current society and the students, a little hated that they could not fight. In fact, he was scared and scared, and felt that he could not stop the trend.

Of course, he has a better reason: he misses a child.

"I miss our child." This is what Shen Guanglin said while eating Jiuzhuan Dachang in Quancheng.

However, this sentence instantly poked my sister's heart.

People's hearts are fleshy, and that mother can leave her child for a long time, especially when the child is so young.

Although the younger sister is very enterprising, she really misses her child. Now that someone from Shen teases her, she can't sit still.

Things about real estate development are still progressing slowly, but she still came back after chasing Boss Shen.

As for whether to go to the capital?Besides, Shen Guanglin won't be going for a short time anyway.

Fortunately, this time I just met Lao Li and gave him some ideas, but I didn't go to see Mr. Li. Otherwise, Shen really didn't know how to answer when asked.

Just stay in the magic capital.

Although Shanghai is not a good place, and they discriminate against outsiders a little bit, but they are good, they don't discriminate against people from the capital.

Although Professor Shen is from Jinling, but he has a capital hukou and a capital accent, so it is different.

In Shanghai, the popularity of the capital accent is second only to foreigners who speak foreign languages.

One thing to say, how many people in Modu are real natives?Which ancestor is not Gangbeining?

Speaking of which, the people who are really rich in Shanghai are not locals, but people from Shaocheng and Yongcheng.

Let’s not talk about Shaocheng, this is Brother Xun’s hometown, rich in Runtu and zha.
Yongcheng is different. Yongcheng is a more powerful city. It not only produces writers and rich people, but also academicians.

In later generations, just such a city has more than 100 academicians, let alone other cities, and even most provinces cannot compare with it.

Therefore, Boda, who the Chartered Ship King is thinking of, and Boss Shen, as the founder and honorary principal of the school, feel embarrassed not to attend the opening ceremony of the freshmen.

However, before the completion of the Hangzhou Bay Bridge, it was actually quite a long way from Shanghai to Yongcheng, and it was necessary to detour through Hangzhou to form an equilateral triangle.

Moreover, the repair of the Hangzhou Bay Bridge was not so easy, which directly led to the downfall of the owner of Yinbei Automobile, Yang Rong, and was liquidated, and indirectly fulfilled the prophecy that "investment is not enough in Shanhaiguan".

However, starting from Shanghai, it is a good choice to go to Yongcheng by boat.

In particular, along the way, you can also pass by the traditional Chinese fishing ground, Zhoushan Fishing Ground. If you are not afraid of gout, you can enjoy a seafood meal to your heart's content, and then take a look at the temples on Putuo Island, and go in to burn incense, bless the family and bless the family at the same time. Professor Shen can win the award as soon as possible.

It's time for Professor Shen to win an award, otherwise this book will not be finished.

After entering October, the day when the winners will be announced is very close.

The awarding date of the Nobel Prize is fixed, which is December 12 every year, the day of Nobel’s death. Although Nobel has passed away, the award established in his name is still there. The arms manufacturing company Bofors he acquired It is still there, and this company with more than 10 years of history still has a place in the global arms field.

Fortunately, the transportation is now convenient. Everyone takes the plane to receive the award, and the journey on the road has been greatly shortened. In the past, if you went to sea by ship, the delay on the road alone would be one month.

In 1932, when Liu Changchun participated in the Los Angeles Olympics for the first time, he failed to achieve good results because of exhaustion.

Of course, in 84, when Huaxia participated in the Los Angeles Olympics for the second time, it was different. The fledgling athletes won 15 gold medals.

However, at the just-concluded Seoul Olympics, the performance of the Huaxia delegation is worth mentioning.

Seoul has never been a blessed place for Chinese athletes.

Moreover, Bangzi Kingdom is also interesting. The name of their capital was changed, only the Chinese translation was changed, and everything else remained the same.

The Nobel Prize will be announced on October 10 at the latest.

As early as a few years ago, scientists who were eligible to nominate for the Nobel Prize had already nominated Shen Guanglin, and as his reputation became more and more famous, the calls became more and more loud.

It's a big hit every year.

Now, as October 10th is getting closer, there are more and more rumors about who can win the award.

Everyone was talking openly and secretly: Will Professor Shen win the award this year?

It is certain that Professor Shen will win the award, and there is no doubt about it, unless something happens to Shen Guanglin inexplicably one day.

After all, even a time traveler does not know which will come first, the Nobel Prize or the accident.

The media is always chasing hot spots, and many media are reporting that Professor Shen has paid too much for scientific research.

You know, Professor Shen is very busy and tired of doing scientific research, and it is even difficult to guarantee 12 hours of sufficient sleep a day!
In this regard, Shen Guanglin's son, Shen Kuo, is doing very well. The little guy eats and sleeps every day, and he doesn't know that his mother is not around. He probably treats his aunt as his own mother.

For this family reunion, Shen Guanglin also had to think about it: Where should the child's household registration be located?

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