The so-called tour of Putuo is actually burning incense and worshiping Buddha.

After eating small yellow croakers and swimming crabs, watching the waves and sunrise, we are about to leave.

Although the current Putuo Island has a temple for a long time, it was built in the Wanli period, but the statue of Guanyin in the South China Sea has not yet been built. Such a statue.

Wanli was considered a good emperor, but he was unlucky in the aftermath. Dingling was dug up by a man surnamed Wu.

Of course, the luck of the surname Wu is not very good, and his evening scene is also bleak.

Say goodbye to the clear East China Sea and welcome the yellow mud soup near the sea.

No wonder this is still the Yellow Sea. There are tidal flats for more than ten miles along the coastline. People can't stand up, so it's suitable for long jumping and jumping fish.

In this regard, the tourists said that it is also very good, and they have learned a lot.

After watching the craftsman's performance of throwing sticks and jumping fish, Shen took his family ashore in Beilun, and they continued to go to the school invested by the charter king.

Beilun is indeed a good place, a good place with Gaochao Village.Chang Kaishen boarded the ship from here when he left the mainland for the last time to worship his ancestors.

Now, the autumn crab is fat, but their father and son can't come back. Xiao Jiang died at the beginning of the year, and there are fewer and fewer historical figures.

Shen Guanglin and his party traveled from Beilun to Yongcheng City, and soon arrived at the destination of the trip - Boda.

Boda is a proper noun, it is just an abbreviation of a university, not a word to describe a body part.

At this moment, Professor Shen is preparing to give a speech in the background.

Everyone has been looking forward to Professor Shen's lecture for a long time.

Therefore, there are too many people who want to participate, and the speech can only be held in the playground, which is an open mic.

Professor Shen is still the honorary principal of PU, so it is only right for him to give speeches to the students.

Professor Shen's speech is really empty, and everyone is looking forward to it.

Seeing such a lively scene, the people around looked at Professor Shen even more differently, it's been a long time.

There are many capable people around Shen Guanglin, and there is no lack of talented and famous young talents, and Boda also spent money to invite some well-known professors who are willing to bend their waists for five buckets of rice.

But among so many people, Leng couldn't make his classmates so popular.

In particular, Professor Shen has experienced some turmoil and reputation tests recently, and everyone knows him better.

Who is Professor Shen Guanglin?

Don't you know this, Professor Shen?
"Professor Shen is here!"

"Professor Shen!" The students applauded excitedly, like fans seeing their idols.

Shen Guanglin could only smile and raise his hand to signal that he was not so popular in Beijing University recently.

Professor Shen is now a star in the academic world, the honorary president of PU, and a real well-known figure. The students are pure-hearted, and they have admired their honorary president for a long time.

Some time ago, when the honorary principal was dishonored, the students were very anxious and angry. Now that the clouds and mists are cleared and everyone sees Professor Shen himself, of course they are very excited and excited.

Shen Guanglin didn't waste too much time, and walked quickly to the rostrum.

There was a place for him to sit on the rostrum. He looked at it, took out the microphone, and did not sit down.

At this moment, the originally noisy venue suddenly became quiet.

This sudden silence was a bit uncomfortable.

Just as Shen Guanglin was about to speak, everyone applauded together, bursting into warm applause.

Shen Guanglin was startled, took a deep breath, and responded loudly. "Thank you, thank you, thank you classmates."

"You don't need to do this. I see that you are all standing and I am sitting. This is not good. I am not very old, so I will stand too."

This sentence ignited the enthusiasm of everyone to applaud.

Professor Shen is really approachable.

At the same time, Shen Guanglin adjusted his breathing, enjoying the warm atmosphere very much, and even felt a little light.

For the thousands of students in the audience, this is the hope, this is the future.

As for those rotten fish and rotten shrimps in the capital who questioned Professor Shen, let them go.

He cleared his throat and tapped on the microphone. The sound of the stereo echoed in the playground again, and the venue finally became quiet again.

"Thank you for your enthusiasm, thank you for your love." Shen Guanglin felt that he was talking about a talk show, and it was already blown up before it even started.

"Everyone's applause is so warm, I'm really flattered, is it because I'm here, you don't have to take those boring classes in the classroom."

Everyone really laughed.

In terms of controlling the field and mobilizing the atmosphere, someone Shen can do it.

"When I was studying, I didn't like to go to class, but I didn't like to have a school meeting. Especially when the principal stood on the stage, he obviously only said a few sentences, but he couldn't finish his speech, and he had more than two hundred sentences."

There was another burst of laughter under the stage.

Shen Guanglin said: "I would like to thank Mr. Bao first. He donated this school to his hometown and hired Bucai as the honorary principal. I never thought that I would become the principal at such a young age. It feels like it was just yesterday. I'm still scolding: Which Principal Gou is this, and he arranges classes on weekends."

The students were all overjoyed again.

"Oh, I forgot, you are already college students, not primary and middle school students anymore. College students are good, there is no homework, no hateful dean, and no nagging principal, there is only him who is haunted by dreams."

These words won the hearts of the students very much. The university does not allow love, but it can't stop the students' yearning for love.

"If you are able to get into university, even if you are not a capital university, you will be the best among your classmates. Don't just think about falling in love, because there is a better future.

I'm the same as everyone else. I didn't get admitted to Capital University at the beginning. It's different to be a professor at Capital University. Moreover, I not only became a professor at the university, but also caught up with the school belle of the university. "

That's a good sentence!

The students slapped their hands vigorously after hearing this, and they didn't stop when they became popular.

"So, I am a very lucky person. I am not smart enough and have no background. I just come from an ordinary family. My wife is also from an ordinary family. Therefore, we are all ordinary people."

These words are very close to people's hearts, and everyone was warm after hearing them.

"Of course, I am different from you, because I live in a bigger house, because I have made money."

This is a bit irritating. What do you mean you have earned money? Is this what the teacher should say?
"Don't get me wrong. The reason why I say this is because in this era, I am not the only one who wants to make money. Many teachers want to go to sea to make money. Many students are assigned after graduation. They have to choose their own careers. Go out and do business.

Everyone is going to do business, who will do scientific research? "

It turned out that Professor Shen had this in mind.

"So, I was thinking, is there a possibility that although I am doing scientific research, I can also earn money?
Look everyone, I did it! "

"You can give applause here." Shen Guanglin came to a pause and took the initiative to remind.

"Although, to the outside world, I am a scientific research worker, but it is indeed a bad start. Although I have not resigned, I have probably already entered the sea, and I am still a Neptune.

There are many ways for me to make money. Some people have heard about it. After listening to my lectures, the price has risen to 10 US dollars per class. This business is absolutely necessary.

$10, how much is that?Converted into our RMB, it must be almost 100 million.If it is distributed to the students at the scene, everyone can share several hundred."

Oh yes!

As soon as the students heard it, they immediately began to calculate. If the 10 US dollars could be given to me, that would be unrealistic!
Even if it’s not all for me alone, even if everyone shares it together, everyone can share it, which is 336 yuan and 7 cents!
"Some math geniuses have already figured it out, right? Then, after the meeting is over, everyone should pay the money that should be paid. After all, I gave you a speech, and there is no charge, and the honorary principal can't go whoring for nothing."

Hahahaha, some people couldn't stand laughing anymore, and they were staggering here and there.

Professor Shen is really humorous.

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