Professor Shen is probably crazy.

Nuoda's industry, if you say no, you don't want it.

Then the profitable company will shut down if it says it will shut down, and it will shut down if it says it will shut down.

The swords and guns are stored in the warehouse, the horse is released to Nanshan, and even if others want to come to talk about the acquisition, it will not work. A good company will be disbanded just like that.

Fortunately, Mr. Shen is also conscientious. All the management teams still made reservations, but let them go to different industry departments.

Those export-oriented economies, the type of export processing with supplied materials, one counts as the other, even if they don't make money anymore.

In particular, after the announcement of the list of Nobel laureates, Great Wall Group's actions suddenly intensified.

Among the Nobel prizes, the prizes for physics and chemistry are judged by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and the prizes for physiology or medicine are judged by the Royal Karolin Institute of Sweden.

And the list of winners in 1988 was finally announced before October 10th. Unfortunately, these three awards were not destined for Mr. Shen.

Among them, the prize for physics was awarded to the fractional quantum Hall effect, the award for biology or medicine was given for biological inhibitors, and Shen was not considered for the prize for chemistry.

Although Shen Guanglin has been very successful in blocking doors in the scientific world, but before Shen Guanglin appeared, it was not that there were no other scientists who had made outstanding achievements.

Therefore, the Nobel Committee still has some choices.

It is a pity that the committee did not award this award to Shen, but it is not necessarily true if it is full of shady scenes.

After all, the results of the winners are still good. They can win the award. In terms of weight, there is not much controversy. They are also a group of people worth having.

However, everyone really wants to know, what does Professor Shen think about this matter?

When the news came that Professor Shen had missed the Nobel Prize again, this guy was not in the capital, nor in Shanghai, but was still staying in Boda.

Although the school in Boda was built with the investment of the Chartered Ship King, after all, he also put his own efforts into it, and the city of Yongcheng is really good, with outstanding people, it is a very good place.

Shen Guanglin stayed here not because of anything else, but because there is the famous Tianyi Pavilion here, there is a cultural inheritance, and he can read more books.

The collection of books in Tianyi Pavilion is not an ordinary book. It is full of rare books, which can be regarded as the kind that can be picked up.

Let me ask, is there anyone who doesn't love picking up leaks?

Even in 2020, there are still many people standing guard at the bar door in the middle of the night, in fact, just to "find leaks".

However, picking up leaks and picking up leaks are also different, one is legal and the other is illegal.

Now Shen Guanglin has no behavior of picking up leaks, but the idea of ​​"picking up leaks" has always been there.

After all, there are many ways to pick up leaks. For rebirth and time travelers, buying real estate is probably the best way to pick up leaks, and you can write a lot of plots.

It's not that they really can't earn a house with their ability, the key is that they know that the house price will rise in the future, and after buying it, they will have an inexplicable sense of accomplishment in their hands.

It's the same feeling when shopping for antiques and picking up leaks.

Now Shen Guanglin spends a lot of money on buying antiques every year, and his collection is indeed increasing, but he is not happy.

It is true that the blue and white porcelain bought for 2 yuan may increase to 200 million or even 2000 million in the future, but what you can buy is what you buy, and it can only be regarded as an investment, not a leak.

This happiness is incomparable to the happiness of buying a blue and white porcelain for 200 yuan.

Tianyi Pavilion is a well-known Book Collection Pavilion, which originally did not accept outside visitors, but Shen Guanglin used his privileges to get in because of his greater face.

In history, many celebrities have visited here, and the more famous one is Liang Rengong in modern times.

That's right, it was the one who wrote "Young China". Mr. Liang worried about the country and the people all his life, and he was much more powerful than his master, Kang Nanhai, who traded eggs for death.

The father and son of the Liang family are incredible figures who have contributed to the country for generations, and they can be called models of the times.

Some people have compared famous modern figures and their descendants, and the Liang family is the best among them, much better than the Li Hefei family.

However, even if Shen Guanglin hides in Tianyi Pavilion to study, he will not have peace.

Shen Guanglin lost the Nobel Prize again, and many people came to ask him what he thought?
It's just that he didn't win the prize, so what can Shen do?
Gain my life, lose it, impossible!

You don't even think about it, could it be that Shen is still far away from winning the award?
Counting Shen's achievements will show that there are not many opportunities left for the Nobel Prize Committee to move around.

You people, why are you so eager for quick success?
I just ate three bowls of rice today, will I grow into a fat man tomorrow?
Shen Guanglin said that since our laboratory has made so many achievements, those achievements are there, and they will not be lost or run away.

Therefore, there is no need to worry at all. When we have occupied enough scientific research fields, do you think it is important to win or not?
Professor Shen's words made everyone feel ashamed.

As expected of Professor Shen, his mind and vision are just different.

It's just that, behind the scenes that everyone didn't know, Shen was also furious, scolding Xipi Niang Xipi for a long time.

Demeanor is left for outsiders to see.

But no matter how upset and irritable he was, Shen still stayed in Yongcheng, fulfilled his duties as honorary principal, and completed the education of his classmates.

After losing the Nobel Prize, Shen couldn't lose his grace even more.

If you don't get confused, everyone will feel that Professor Shen's greatness is upright.

This is the spirit of a scholar.

In this way, they didn't prepare to return to Shanghai until November, when the weather started to turn cold.

Now, someone Shen is going back to Shanghai. He is not going to do anything else. He wants to calm down and do experiments while licking his wounds.

If Shen was still the rich second generation who drove a 911, or when he just crossed, he would definitely meet a lot of celebrities of this era and interact with them, so as to create a sense of superiority and accomplishment.

After all, Shen is an ordinary person, and it is a very honorable thing in itself to be able to let the great people of this era worship under him.

It's just that, at his current stage, it doesn't matter anymore.

Today, in the academic world, there is no one worthy of his admiration, and many people can only look up to his existence.

In the business world, although Shen is low-key, his wealth can already crush most people.

It can be said that among all scientists, Shen is the richest person; among all rich men, Shen has the most scientific achievements.

Even so, Shen is still a social person after all, and he still needs to be recognized by society.

Therefore, it's not that Shen has no pursuit, he still has to work hard, after all, he is still young, just over 30 years old, and there are still many years before he can talk about life and death.

However, his choice to shrink the industry at this time inevitably affected the judgment of many people.

No, as soon as he arrived in Shanghai, some leaders came to talk to him.

The topic of the question is also very straightforward: "I heard that you want to run away and immigrate?"

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