Start with a college teacher

Chapter 870 Industrial Upgrade

"I want to immigrate and run away?"

Shen Guanglin felt a little ridiculous, how could this be possible!
Even if Shen had this idea, the old Li's family would not agree.

Moreover, even if Li Rong and sisters agreed to immigrate, Shen Guanglin himself would not agree, he was not that kind of person.

Shen Guanglin swore that no matter how much he achieved, he would never consider immigrating overseas.

Even if some people put small shoes on him, it means that Shen is not doing well enough, at least, his strength is not strong enough. Instead of defeating this person, he hides abroad, what kind of hero is he.

Everyone says that one stands at thirty.

In fact, there is no need to be 30 years old. After a person becomes an adult, the three views will be formed.

Once the three views of people are formed, it is often difficult to change them.

Shen Guanglin has traveled here, but he is still a young man after all, and he understands the current state of mind of young people.

People in this era are indeed a bit "worshiping foreign things and fawning on foreign countries".

There is no way, the current material civilization gap between China and the West is too great.

To put it bluntly, some people in this era, such as people who are about the same age as Shen Guanglin, even kneel down and look at the West.

Especially after going to Western countries for "investigation", they don't think that China will ever catch up with Western developed countries.

After the 70s, they are also a half-kneeling generation. They still think that everything is good from abroad and do not accept any rebuttals; It’s the same, their living conditions have been very good since they were young, and most of them can look up to each other, and feel that domestic products are not bad; after 80, they even discriminate against the West a little bit. Besides being able to provoke troubles, they can also What are you doing.

As for Shen Guanglin, who grew up in an era of great material abundance, he has a very strong cultural self-confidence, and this kind of cultural self-confidence needs time and economic foundation to build.

Today in 1988, the young people of this era are not prophets, nor do they have enough understanding of history, nor have they seen what the real Western political system is like.

Under the propaganda and exaggeration of some media, they have blindly worshiped the West.

In fact, when Europe was just rising, it was also full of awe and fear towards the East. This kind of awe and fear finally gained confidence by smearing and criticizing, just like what Western media are doing after 2020.

In China in the 80s, many people believed that foreign media were fair and selfless, and could break through all darkness.

However, after 2020, the foreign media has become extreme and hypocritical, basically looking at the world through colored glasses.

In fact, the foreign media has not changed, but China has changed.

China's economy and China's international status are different.

They used to be friendly, even friendly with some pity and arrogance.

When Huaxia is strong, they are hostile, and there is slander in the hostility.

Shen Guanglin is a person who traveled through time, and his three views have long been formed.

Therefore, after he crossed over, even though he faced the poor and white Huaxia, he was never discouraged, and he never felt that Huaxia was not good enough.

Every time he lectured to his classmates and reasoned with the people around him, he always said that China will surpass these countries one day, and China's potential is the greatest.

Most people don't believe it, but they dare not refute it.

Probably, this is why many people call Shen Guanglin a nationalist.

Therefore, in the face of the leader's question, Shen Guanglin was not angry, but said calmly, "You can know a person's views and attitudes by observing his words and actions. My views and attitudes have never changed. I When will you believe that Huaxia can do it, and you will be sure that Huaxia will not have any hurdles that you cannot overcome"

Next is a large section of ideological education class, which is vivid and detailed.

After hearing Shen Guanglin's words, everyone even felt that this person was a bit too optimistic.

"Professor Shen, you." It seemed that this kind of speech was inappropriate, and the leader changed his speech again, "Great Wall Group has shut down and transferred many high-quality industries during this period. Why, although this is not our magic city The government should ask the question, but the leaders of eastern Guangdong and Jiangsu and Zhejiang are very concerned about it, after all, Great Wall Group's clothing industry accounts for half of the country's exports, and your toy processing in Beihai is also doing well."

Great Wall Group has done well in many industries. Relying on the management level of Hong Kong and Taiwan managers, combined with the actual situation in the Mainland, they can often quickly expand the scale and make profits every time they enter an industry.

Speaking of which, there are quite a few Wanwan managers in the Great Wall Group. Although these people are stingy, their management skills are really good. They all learned their management skills from the plastic king, which is worthy of recognition.

Shen Guanglin knows the importance of management, so he attaches great importance to the accumulation of experience and knowledge, and respects talents.

Moreover, he has the advantage of being a professor at Capital University in that he has a large number of top talents in his hands. These people can analyze the successful experience, sum up the lessons of failure, and at least find out a plausible result.

Therefore, the management experience and system of the Great Wall Group are promoted very quickly.

However, under such a favorable situation, the Great Wall Group has actually shrunk its business, which many people do not understand.

Shen Guanglin thought for a while and gave a reason: "Great Wall Group has passed the stage of barbaric growth. In the future, we will produce products with technical difficulties and added value. We will try our best not to make money from industries that rely solely on demographic dividends. To get involved, this is called industrial upgrading.”

After all, the enemies of the Great Wall Group have never been at home, and it is more fulfilling to compete with other international companies abroad.

Now, the Great Wall Group has a large scale and seems to make a lot of money, but there are really not many companies that can be internationally competitive, and most of them still win at low prices.

Low price is not the problem, the problem is to achieve high quality and low price.

Shen Guanglin has run the business for so many years, and he also has some experience. The so-called high quality and low price does not mean that the quality of a product is surprisingly good, and it will not break after decades of use. This is not high quality and low price, but stupidity.

Inexpensive is an adjective and a feeling.

Everyone is 5 yuan, you only have one function, I have three functions, and I make it better, this is my high quality and low price.

As for the service life, your product can be used for three years, and mine can be used for two years. Is it important? If there are many functions, it will naturally break down quickly.

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