Start with a college teacher

Chapter 872 Chapter 896

Chapter 872

In a movie theater in Shanghai, the three members of Shen Guanglin's family watched a movie together. It was a happy family.

Of course, the family of three mentioned here does not include the child Shen Mengxi, who is still too young to be brought to this kind of place.

So, it's three adults watching a movie.

The more this is the case, the more it seems that Shen is living a happy life.

The movie that is currently being screened is "The Last Emperor". In fact, the audience didn't like this movie very much, and then it stopped playing in China until it was re-screened again 29 years later.

In fact, this is a film that has won nine Oscars, but the current treatment is as lonely and unpopular as Shen who did not win.

The leading actor in the movie is the Chinese actor Zun Long, who is very handsome, very handsome, and is said to be the most accomplished Chinese actor in the world.

Moreover, this movie has received a lot of repercussions overseas, and many people also learned about Huaxia through this movie.

However, the filming of this movie was filmed in real scene in the Forbidden City, which caused a lot of irreversible damage to historical relics, and it has also been criticized in later generations.

Although the Forbidden City in this era is also open to the outside world, even Shen Guanglin has never experienced such a close contact with the Forbidden City.

The capital city is always the focus that everyone cannot let go of.

After this period of time, my sister will go back again. After all, her real estate business will continue.

Shen Guanglin couldn't stop her, and he didn't want to stop her. Who let him be in the real estate industry.

Now, Great Wall Group's largest real estate project, their headquarters building, has finally opened.

Of course, such a tall and large building cannot be used up by Great Wall Group alone.

As a result, they only occupied the space above the 99th floor, and rented out the space below the 98th floor.

The rent of the office building here is very expensive, fully referring to the international market price, which is more than ten times more expensive than the average office building in China.

But even so, many companies that established offices in Huaxia Magic City still chose this place.

Because money is not a problem at all, and this place has an advantage that other places do not have, that is, this is the tallest building in the world.

That's right, at this point in time, the construction of the Great Wall Building has been successful, and they are now the tallest buildings in the world!

This is beyond the imagination of many Chinese people.

Now, the magic city has a new business card, and that is the Great Wall Building.

For this reason, the industrial powerhouses of the Great Wall Group, such as the eastern part of Guangdong and the capital city, are somewhat delicious, but they were not expected to be preempted by the devil.

In the past two years, many people have traveled to Shanghai. They must go to the riverside to see the tallest building in the world, and then proudly say that it was built by us Chinese!

The Great Wall Group's real estate in Shanghai is quite good, so it must be able to do it in Beijing.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the construction of new towns in the capital was generally carried out on the outskirts, which also led to an increasing area of ​​new towns outside the city and occupied more and more farmland, but the development of the old town was extremely slow.

Generally speaking, the old urban area has not changed much in recent years. The entire old urban area is centered on the Forbidden City of the Forbidden City and is full of various cultural relics and historic sites. It can also be regarded as a historical and cultural museum.

If you really want to renovate here, it is quite difficult.

However, she also accepted Shen's suggestion, and her sister was still determined to build her own commercial street in the old city.

Of course, the reason why Shen Guanglin gave such a suggestion was also inspired by Tang Seng lover Chen Lihua.

This old lady Chen made a fortune by reselling cultural relics. After returning to the mainland, she took the road of real estate development.

In later generations, many real estate developers had a hard time, with great financial pressure and unfinished projects everywhere. Some cities even made a special request: work hard for 30 days, and strive to guarantee the delivery of the building.

But Chen Lihua's family is different, she doesn't owe money to the bank.

In business, not owed money is the kingly way.

In this way, even if the enterprise develops a little slower, it will never lose its fortune.

There is such a wealthy businessman in southern Shonan. This is how he runs his business. He has been an air-conditioning tycoon for a long time, and he is also the first in China to buy a private jet. However, his business is developing steadily and he is determined not to ask the bank for a loan. Penny.

Therefore, decades have passed, and the situation of the richest people in the country has changed. The richest man does not know how much they have changed, but they still do not change their heroic qualities, and they still keep countless good cars in captivity.

My sister is going back to take a look. The commercial development agreement has been signed, and she is going back to preside over the demolition campaign.

Demolition is of course beneficial. The old city is full of dilapidated houses, narrow roads, and traffic jams. The government supports the construction of a commercial street.

In particular, this is invested by the Great Wall Group, and everyone is full of confidence.

The younger sister is no longer a headache, and she has borrowed the power and fame of the Great Wall Group, otherwise, the road to business is really not so easy.

The capital city is the most beautiful place, the gateway of the country, and it is related to the image of the country. Shouldn’t it be kept clean and tidy, especially the area near the Forbidden City, where there are so many foreign tourists, so it should be more beautiful and tidy.

In fact, the transformation of old cities all over the world is similar. It is basically nonsense to say that Fusang and European cities have traditional buildings with thousands of years of history.

Not to mention anything else, let’s just talk about London. The mustache classmate has helped to demolish it several times with handguns and V2. It is simply bragging to say that there are still classic buildings left.

The same is true for Tokyo. Li Mei is a good classmate. He played with fire very successfully and played very well. The reason why Tokyo can develop into what it is now can only be said that the renovation and reconstruction work is really good.

Shen Guanglin has been working really hard recently, and he can't guarantee enough sleep for 12 hours a day.

You know, in one week, he appeared in the laboratory four times, which is really rare.

Professor Shen's working hours are also very fixed, basically going to work at 8 o'clock every morning and leaving get off work on time at 12 o'clock.

As for the afternoon, he will not come again in the afternoon. He still has to direct his own business territory, and there are many things there.

For example, this afternoon, Boss Shen has something very important to discuss with the president.

The headquarters of the Great Wall Group has moved to Shanghai to work. As mentioned earlier, their current president is Mr. Wang Yang.

After Wang Yang came to the Great Wall Group, the biggest change he brought was to improve the atmosphere of the group and cultivate everyone's good habit of thrift.

Although President Wang himself rides in a Bentley with wings, while Boss Shen rides in a Rolls-Royce, these two brands are still the same company.

However, President Wang's ethos of advocating thrift is good, and it is very effective.

The late local leaders of Wanwan have said that we have to eat plum blossom meals at work, and we must practice strict frugality.

Therefore, Wang Gongzi's family business, Wanwan Plastics, is also a company that takes thrift and cost reduction as its management talents.

Among all the chemical companies in the world, almost no one can compare with this company in terms of management ability and business skills.

Now, the Great Wall Group pursues this set.

Wang Gongzi pointed out that in our business operation, we must pay attention to the improvement of every small point and every detail.

Therefore, in less than two years, the profitability of Great Wall Group has substantially improved.

Although their turnover has indeed expanded, their profitability far exceeds the growth rate of turnover.

It can also be seen from this that money is really easy to earn in this era.

But, what to do with so much money?

Of course it is flowers.

It's just that making money is one thing, spending it is another.

An entrepreneur surnamed Cao said, I have money and I can donate it, but I can't easily raise the salary of employees, which will destroy the healthy growth of the company.

Therefore, the routine of relying on high salary and high benefits that the Great Wall Group used to pursue did not work well after the arrival of Prince Wang.

Prince Wang can make money as well as spend money. He can only eat boxed lunches when he is working, or eat luxurious meals when he is resting. In this regard, Shen Guanglin still has a lot to learn.

No, for the convenience of commuting, Mr. Wang recently spent his salary to buy a helicopter and invited Boss Shen to go with him.

For helicopters, Shen was a little scared. He said, let's not take this one, it's too dangerous. A great basketball player got into an accident while riding a helicopter.

No way, Mr. Wang wondered about this, which great basketball player got into an accident by helicopter?
It was at this time that my younger sister called from the capital, saving Shen's life: "There is someone from Wanwan, who is visiting relatives in the mainland, and they say it is my father's daughter."

(End of this chapter)

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