Start with a college teacher

Chapter 873 Invitation

Chapter 873 Invitation (2)

Lao Li can do it, the sowing has been sown to Wanwan.

This is his fourth daughter, right?I just don't know how old this lady is.

Don't accept it, it's amazing!

However, Shen Guanglin misunderstood, because the younger sister said later that the "father" she was talking about was not Lao Li.

Shen Guanglin thought too much. The father that my sister talked about was actually Shen Guanglin's cheap father, that is, her cheap father-in-law. Naturally, he could also be called father.

Everyone is a family, and my younger sister had a wedding in a church, so naturally I also called Shen Guanglin's parents as parents, that's right.

My sister also said on the phone, "The lady's surname is Shen. That lady Shen said that her ancestral home is in Jinling, and her father's name is Shen Longxian. However, Miss Shen also said that she doesn't seem to have a brother. living in the world."

Nani?Do you want to be so magical?

Could it be that Shen's impostor is about to come to light?

You know, it has been almost nine years since Shen Guanglin crossed over. During these nine years, no one has doubted Shen Guanglin's origin and origin.

Of course, there is an official propaganda version: Professor Shen is a native-born scholar and scientist in China.

However, there is actually a problem here.

As Shen Guanglin became famous, when others searched for his growth footprints, they couldn't find it anyway. What about his elementary school classmates, his middle and high school classmates?What about his college classmates?

When the media do interviews, they can only interview his colleagues and students, which is a bit abnormal.

Because of this, Professor Shen has always been reluctant to accept such interviews.

To ask is to have no comment.

If you ask again, you will turn your face.

Not only do I want to block you, but I also want to find a relationship to deal with you and retaliate against you.

Therefore, many people say that although Professor Shen has achieved a lot and made great achievements, he does not seem to have such a broad mind.

Broad-minded?Do you want Professor Shen to do it on his own?

Professor Shen is conscientious, dedicated to the country, and resolutely stays away from those sensitive industries, which is why he maintains his detached position.

Otherwise, if someone Shen went to study nuclear physics, Zhengshen alone would not be able to pass.

Fortunately, Mr. Shen didn't intend to be in the officialdom at all, and he didn't want to rely on his own background and status as a martyr's family to gain benefits.

In particular, he and the old Shen's family had successfully recognized their relatives. Just because of the same appearance and characteristics, he had basically wiped out his own origin and origin.

But now, Shen Guanglin suddenly has a "sister" from Wanwan, which is too sudden.

Suddenly it's a bit fake.

According to Shen Guanglin's memory, in later generations, in the TV documentary about "Grandpa" Shen Longxian's heroic deeds, didn't the red undercover Mr. Shen only have one son, and even when the documentary was filmed in 2009, his whereabouts were still unknown Well, where is this daughter from?
However, this matter is of great importance after all, and it cannot be delayed, so we still have to face it quickly.

Therefore, after receiving a call from his sister, Shen Guanglin really didn't have the heart to continue researching helicopters with President Wang, and he wanted to go back to the capital as soon as possible.

Of course, Shen Guanglin was not unprepared. Before leaving, he still called his uncle and asked him to go to the capital with him.

Whether they are real relatives or not, everyone will know when they meet.

Old Shen never doubted that Shen Guanglin was his own nephew.

Now, I have another niece, which is indeed a bit strange.

Fortunately, when Shen Guanglin described his background, he never mentioned the matter of being in Wanwan. He only said that he grew up overseas. As for where overseas, he has no comment.

After all, Wanwan is not a paradise, nor is it an unknowable place isolated from the world. Shen Guanglin has long known that there will always be exchanges between the two sides of the strait.

Especially last year, when Xiao Chang was seriously ill, he still let go of family visits. Presumably many people were asking about Professor Shen's relatives.

Needless to say, this is the result.

The Friendship Hotel in Beijing is a place to receive foreign guests, and it is also a place where Shen Guanglin often comes.

Unexpectedly, this cheap sister is still a rich person, and she can afford to live here.

However, the appearance of Lao Li instantly shattered Shen Guanglin's imagination.

The house fee is paid by Lao Li, who is very rich now because he has two good daughters, both of whom are married to rich husbands.

Receiving bride price is not popular in this era, but the filial piety of the two daughters is enough for Lao Li to mess around casually.

No, he not only gave himself a non-staff eldest daughter, but also helped Shen Guanglin find a sister.

Lao Li has nothing to do after retirement, he is so enthusiastic, Shen Guanglin just wants to say, thank you.

Shen Guanglin and his uncle Lao Shen came to the capital together. Facing the relatives they had never met, the uncle and nephew were both anxious and looking forward to it.

Sure enough, under the introduction of Lao Li, they soon met their relatives from overseas - Ms. Shen.

Ms. Shen took out the photo of her father, Shen Longxian, which was exactly the same as the photo of elder brother Shen. Moreover, the home address and personnel of her hometown were all correct, and it did not look like a fake at all.

However, she said that although her father passed away, judging from her age, how old was Shen Guanglin? At that time, her father did not give birth to her younger brother.

This is a little trickier.

Now, there is another explanation: Shen Guanglin's father, Mr. Shen Longxian, has a wife outside, and Shen Guanglin is a child of another family.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain all this clearly.

Fortunately, science and technology are relatively advanced now, and it is possible to determine the blood relationship of relatives according to technological means, and there is no need to recognize relatives by dripping blood like in ancient times.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin's own laboratory can do all this.

Paternity testing is a technical job, but it is not a difficult technical job.

In Shen Guanglin's laboratory, it is easy to detect whether there is a blood relationship, let alone a generation, even if the ancestors are separated by many generations.

There are even some people who bring a skull to identify the blood relationship. They just want to see if they dug up their own ancestral grave when digging for treasure.

This is technically possible as well.

In this regard, Shen Guanglin is worthy.

The staff took old Shen's blood as a benchmark, and then took Shen Guanglin's blood and that cheap sister's blood as samples.

This matter is so important, the appraisal result will come out soon.

Shen Guanglin's Y chromosome is highly consistent with Lao Shen, and they are related.

As for the elder sister, although it is more difficult to detect, it is not impossible to detect.

Therefore, scientific testing proves that Shen Guanglin and Ms. Shen are related by blood!

However, the test results also proved that they were indeed not siblings because their X chromosomes were inconsistent.

Sure enough, time travel is also in line with scientific principles.

Of course Shen Guanglin knew that he and that lady Shen were certainly not siblings of the same father and mother, not even half-brothers.

Strictly speaking, this Ms. Shen is Shen Guanglin's cousin.

However, since everyone is a family, at this stage, Shen Guanglin has to pinch his nose to recognize this "sister".

So, in the next few days, Shen Guanglin took his younger sister and accompanied her to visit the capital.

They visited the Forbidden City, climbed the Great Wall, watched the sunrise and enjoyed the red leaves.

Sister Shen was also very happy to see her younger brother so powerful, but then she made a suggestion that made Shen Guanglin embarrassed: her sister invited him to visit Wanwan.

After all, my father's bones are still there, and my sister wants to take it back to Jinling for burial.

Now, Shen Guanglin didn't know what to do.
(End of this chapter)

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