Start with a college teacher

Chapter 874 1989 years

For the sudden appearance of "sister", the Shen family, including Shen Guanglin, were caught off guard.

However, since it has been verified through scientific means that they are related by blood, it is not good to pretend to be ignorant.

So far, it can be regarded as a final chapter and a successful conclusion to Shen Guanglin's background.

From now on, Lao Li no longer needs to help Shen Guanglin find his roots, the roots have already been found.

Since the establishment of ties between the two sides of the strait, Lao Li has often asked people to ask about Shen Guanglin's father. If there are many people who ask, there will be news.

All this was provoked by Lao Li.

Shen Guanglin didn't even know what to say about Old Li's goodness, so it's kind of him to blame him, but thank him, thank you very much.

However, Shen Guanglin was very hesitant about the invitation from his "sister" to visit Wanwan.

Wanwan is he Shen can someone go?
If Shen Guanglin was just an ordinary person, of course he wouldn't have such worries. Even if there are relatives in Wanwan, it might be able to improve his family's life.

In this era, Wanwan is one of the four Asian tigers. They are really rich. Many Wanwan people who come to visit relatives in the mainland have left the impression that they are rich and powerful. They pay ten yuan for soy sauce for their children.

It's just that after 2020 people discovered that Wanwan really has no money, and some old people in the military dependents' village are very pitiful.

Moreover, ordinary people in Wanwan are not rich and powerful, but stingy and stingy.

Now, Shen is rich and famous, and is a well-known scientist in the world. It may not be appropriate for him to go to Wanwan, and to seek his roots and ancestors.

Back then, Yang Zhenning, who won the Nobel Prize, also had such concerns.

At that time, Yang's wife was still Du Zhili, not the later little girl Weng, who is only 12 years old now.

Du Zhili is the daughter of KMT boss Du Yuming. Du was captured alive in Huaihai and imprisoned in Gongdelin, while his wife, Du Zhili's mother, went to Wanwan early.

Therefore, after Yang won the award, relatives on both sides of the strait invited him to visit one after another.

Regarding this, Shen Guanglin thought for a while, and let his uncle, Old Shen, go there and treat it as a trip.

Money is not a problem, just welcome the ashes, make it more grand, and we will also hold a burial ceremony when we return to Jinling.

However, when Shen Guanglin's proposal came out, "sister" was not happy, "Father passed away decades ago, as the eldest son of Shen, shouldn't you go to greet him in person?"

During this period of time, my sister was also very happy to accept this younger brother. I didn't expect him to be so powerful and achieve so many achievements at such a young age.

Since this is the case, his status as an "illegitimate child" is not important.

Therefore, since my sister has accepted Shen Guanglin as a member of the Shen family, then Shen Guanglin should listen to her.

Because, she probably came here with a special mission, that is, to let Shen Guanglin go to Wanwan.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't want to go to that ghostly place at all.

Since "sister" said so, Shen Guanglin has reason to refute: "Since you are Shen Longxian's daughter, sister, if Mr. Shen's last wish is to return the fallen leaves to their roots, why didn't you bring him back with you?"

"Up to now, don't you even want to call him father?" My sister got angry, Shen Longxian is what you should call him?
"Of course it doesn't matter to call Mr. Shen a father. After all, he died for the country. But my current status and status are really not suitable for me to go to that place. Isn't it appropriate for my uncle to go there? They are brothers. Moreover, in this case In this matter, others have a position to criticize me, but you have not, since you came to the mainland to visit relatives, why didn't you bring him back with you."

My sister has nothing to say.

This is the only way to go.

The next step is how to arrange for Lao Shen to go to Wanwan. The president of the Great Wall Group, Mr. Wang Yang, is from Wanwan, and his father is also the richest man in Wanwan. He has a lot of influence. It is not difficult to arrange for his uncle to go there.

Therefore, this process of recognizing relatives is just a small episode of this era, but Shen Guanglin came to the capital again this time, welcoming not only the "sister" who appeared inexplicably, but also the Gregorian New Year.

Before we knew it, 1989 had finally arrived!

Just after New Year's Day, good news came immediately, the old devil yu'ren died.

For this, Shen Guanglin was very sad and ate two bowls of rice.

Everyone says that Professor Shen is a nationalist, not only because he is from Jinling, but also because of his special hobby - collecting.

In the process of collecting, Shen Guanglin knew how bad Fusang people really are.

Although Shen Guanglin's laboratory has a good relationship with some schools and institutions in Fusang, it should not stop Shen Guanglin from being patriotic.

Ever since he entered the ranks of collecting, Shen Guanglin felt deeply: lagging behind will be beaten.

Over the years, too many good things have been taken away by Fusang people.

As early as the Sino-Japanese War, Ryuichi Kuki wrote "Methods of Collecting National Treasures of the Qing Dynasty in Wartime", which also became a guide for Fusang devils to steal Chinese national treasures.

From then on, they not only attacked the living, but also the dead.

After 1931, they were rampant in Northeast excavation. They almost dug tombs as soon as they saw them. They took it, even the frescoes on the walls.

When Beiping fell, this group of people was even more vicious, grabbing whatever they could, grabbing whatever they could.

Although after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the Kaishen government recovered a small part, but more cultural relics and national treasures were still in Fusang, all of which were hidden by them.

Now, the mainstream of today's society is a friendly relationship with a narrow strip of water, so some people began to buy Chinese cultural relics at low prices under the guise of friendship.

For this reason, Shen Guanglin was heartbroken.

It is precisely because of this that Shen Guanglin spent a large part of the money earned by the Great Wall Group in his collection.

Shen Guanglin wants as many good things as there are in the Friendship Store.

For an ordinary collector, it is quite remarkable to have a few 11 or [-] items in his collection.

Shen Guanglin is different. He has been traveling for more than 8 years, earning money for 8 years, and collecting for 8 years.

During these 8 years, he made money while collecting, and while making money, he collected. There must be tens of thousands of things in his collection, not to mention hundreds of thousands, and all of them are genuine.

If you simply compare the value of wealth, and put these collections in later generations, even the richest man in the world can do it.

Among Shen Guanglin's collections, many are priceless treasures, and some are even rare treasures that have been exiled from museums.

If Shen Guanglin doesn't accept these good things, he will definitely be exiled overseas.

Therefore, some people persuaded Shen Guanglin to hand over these good things to the country. Shen Guanglin said very clearly: he is willing to hand over to the country, but he does not trust the people who manage these things.

Since you all sell these good things upside down, it's better for me, Mr. Shen, to keep them myself.

For this reason, Shen Guanglin invited many experts to form a treasure appraisal and conservation team, who made a special trip to help him take care of antique cultural relics.

My sister said that she wanted to develop real estate in the capital, and Shen Guanglin agreed, because he also had selfish intentions, thinking of building a museum for himself in the capital.

The first private museum in China should be built by someone named Shen.

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