Start with a college teacher

Chapter 876 ancestor worship

The old house belongs to my uncle, not to Shen Guanglin.

Everything in the old house was unfamiliar to Shen Guanglin.

However, it was true that Shen Guanglin spent money to set up all of this, and he had all kinds of things, so he couldn't be considered unfamiliar.

There are no people in the old house for a long time, and all kinds of objects are surrounded by cloth to prevent dust from falling.

What's more, there are always people coming to maintain it, and all kinds of home appliances are not broken.

Sister Shen was very surprised to see such a traditional courtyard with two entrances. She walked around and was surprised in various ways.

"Wow, it's still a Panasonic color TV. How did you buy it? The ones we use aren't made by Fuso."

This cheap sister is also making a fuss, bluffing.

Shen Guanglin ignored him and sat on the wicker chair by himself, waiting for his uncle to boil water and make tea for him.

This is already a habitual action.

Shen Guanglin drinks tea wherever he goes, but he never boils water by himself. When the sisters are not around, people around him cook it for him.

Therefore, my uncle knew that he had this hobby, so he consciously went to boil water.

The end of the new year is approaching, and Jinling is very cold, so there is no need to warm up by the fire, and turning on the air conditioner still has some effect.

This also surprised Sister Shen even more.

Wanwan is terribly hot all year round, but her house has no air conditioner yet, so she sleeps with a fan at night.

Isn’t the air cooler only available in shopping malls? It’s too extravagant to install this at home. It turns out that the air cooler can also be used for heating.

"Use it boldly, we don't need money for electricity here." The uncle replied next to him.

This is thanks to Shen Guanglin.

The rural power grid in this era is not good, and power outages are frequent, so Shen Guanglin installed a photovoltaic power station of several hundred kilowatts on the back mountain near his hometown, and in order to make the electricity consumption of the villagers sustainable and stable, he also equipped with energy storage. lead-acid batteries.

Electricity is free for everyone, so Shenjia Village has always been brightly lit.

After boiling the water, Lao Shen went out to visit. After a while, he brought back various vegetables, including lotus root, celery, salted fish and bacon, and a piece of excellent pork belly.

In the territory of Jinling, he still has the most reputation.

Shen Guanglin lay there resting peacefully. This is the old house of the Shen family. Although it does not exist in Shen Guanglin's memory, it exists in reality.

Moreover, because of Shen Guanglin's relationship, there must be no demolition here in the future.

Undoubtedly, there will be a plaque on the gate here in the future, and it was erected by the Jinling Municipal Government, with the words "Shen Guanglin's Former Residence" written on it.

The fragrance of tea was dense, and Shen Guanglin's whole body was sublimated.

In the kitchen, Sister Shen didn't feel any emotion anymore, and cooked with her uncle.

As a woman, no matter how wordy or lofty you are, you still have to do the work in the kitchen.

Shen Guanglin raised his head slightly, picked up Gu Jingzhou's version of the purple sand pot, and took a sip of tea, the fatigue of the journey seemed to dissipate just like that.

If it's just for the elderly, living in an old house is really good.

There is less pollution in this era, and food and vegetables are both organic and environmentally friendly.

Of course, the premise of providing for the elderly is to have no worries about food and clothing, and live a well-off life.To meet such requirements, Huaxia still has decades to go.

Shen Guanglin is here, can he speed up the process?
Looking at the misty Bauhinia Mountain in the night, Shen Guanglin thought that he wanted both green water and green mountains, as well as mountains of gold and silver.

After drinking the tea and resting enough, Shen Guanglin went to the study.

There are a lot of books in the study, Shen Guanglin couldn't help laughing when he saw them, because these books were all wrapped in kraft paper, and the names of the books were written in small letters on the outside, clearly all of them were his own works and his past The publication in which the article was published.

It is estimated that this is the masterpiece of uncle and aunt.

Oh, I've got my heart.

What is called "writing equals your body", that is, when your writing is taller than your height, it is equal to your writing.

The newspapers and magazines in which Shen Guanglin's articles were published must be much taller than his height, so Shen is worthy of the term "writing equals his body".

"Little brother, don't read the book, let's eat fried lotus root first." Sister Shen brought a plate over, and hurried out again, still muttering: "This kitchen is so advanced, I want to stay here to cook a few more meals .”

Shen Guanglin smiled, and sister Shen didn't seem to be that annoying, after all, she was a relative of her own.

Dinner is braised pork with skin, fried fish, a plate of sauced meat and a plate of celery, it is indeed a rare and sumptuous dinner.

There is no lotus root box on the dining table. It turns out that it is used "by oil". Most of the vegetable oil eaten in this era is cottonseed oil. This stuff is poisonous when eaten raw, and it is easy to cause infertility.

Of course, cottonseed oil is not without benefits, that is, it can inhibit the rise of cholesterol.

It's hard to have both.

The next day, Shen Guanglin was going to sleep late.

It's just that there are so many sounds outside, it seems that a group of people are talking in a low voice, which is very annoying.

Shen Guanglin took out his watch and looked at it, it was only ten o'clock in the morning.

Better get up.

After getting up, there are several people in the front yard.

It looked familiar. It turned out that several uncles and uncles were smoking cigarettes there, and some women were enthusiastically chatting around Sister Shen.

Seeing my sister beaming with joy, it must be a good compliment.

"Guanglin is up."

Seeing Shen Guanglin come out, everyone stood up.

Even the elders, they subconsciously stood up to greet him, after all, Shen Guanglin's status in the world is not ordinary.

Of course, Shen Guanglin couldn't take Joe, so he quickly took out a cigarette and spread it around. It was a red panda, the leader's favorite cigarette.

The folks came to see my sister, and they also came to see Shen Guanglin, and most of them looked at Shen Guanglin because he was the Wenqu star of their Shen family.

Now that Shen Guanglin has arrived, the uncle said with a smile, "Let's accompany your sister to the ancestral hall and have breakfast when we come back."

Indeed, who made Shen Guanglin stay in bed? If he went out after breakfast, what a face it would be.

A group of people chatted and laughed, and soon arrived at the hillside behind the village. This slope is where the Shen family's ancestral tomb is located. The ancestral hall is at the front of the slope. It is a newly built antique building. It occupies a large area and is very grand.

Shen Guanglin contributes money, and everyone contributes.

Speaking of the ancestral hall, everyone is proud, because there is no village with a surname more magnificent than the Shen family.

This kind of tall building is both majestic and vicissitudes of life, and it looks like a palace.

You know, in order to build the ancestral hall of the Shen family, brothers and nephews of the old and young in the village went to battle together, and everyone worked hard all winter and spring before it was repaired.

"Have you been paid?" Shen Guanglin asked with a smile.

If he didn't give it, he would pay some more. Anyway, Shen is not short of money.

"Of course I gave it, and I counted the centimeters. Men and women laborers are considered big workers, and half-grown children are considered small workers. As long as they can work, everyone has to move a few bricks." Speaking of this, the Shen family is very proud .

"That's good, that's good." Shen Guanglin was very pleased and satisfied.

The elder sister was able to tell from the sidelines that Shen Guanglin was now watching Shen Guanglin for major events in the Shen family's family. This younger brother was indeed extraordinary.

After visiting the ancestral hall and paying homage to the ancestral tablets, they also walked around the cemetery.

In the feudal customs of traditional Chinese countryside, cemeteries and forest farms are extremely particular.

This not only requires good feng shui, but also the location where everyone is buried is fixed.

The clan elder pointed to a piece and said, "Guang Lin, this is your father's, this is yours, this is your son's"

My sister interjected, "What about mine?"

"You're not from the Shen family, how could you have your place!"

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