It is said that in the land of Luyu, when guests come to the house, women are not allowed to eat at the table.

The atmosphere in Jinling is better, but for a family, women are not allowed to enter the ancestral hall.

The ancestral hall, as a place where people of the same clan worship their ancestors under the feudal patriarchal system, has always been regarded as a sanctuary for men.

Here men make decisions about major events in the clan, punish those who violate the clan rules, and at the same time enshrine ancestral tablets for sacrifices.

In the era when men were superior to women, women had no relationship with the ancestral hall, unless they were punished here for violating the clan rules, for example, a widow who broke her shoes would be immersed in a pig cage.

As a guest from Wanwan, the elder sister of the Shen family recognized her ancestors for the first time. It would be presumptuous to take her to the ancestral hall to have a look, let alone find a place to live in the Shen family cemetery, which is impossible. of.

Even if it is a visiting son-in-law, he can only erect a new grave, which has nothing to do with the ancestors of the Shen family.

My sister said, if I am willing to replace the machine farming road in our village with a cement road, can you make an accommodation?

The same is not possible.

However, if you want to get rich, you need to build roads first. If the daughter of the Shen family is willing to do good for the village, the patriarch said that she can rebuild the family tree, add her sister's name, list a single branch and erect a monument to mark it.

Really, that's all you can do, really don't ask for more.

Township wishes should not be changed lightly.

My sister readily agreed.

Although she doesn't have much money, it is extremely rare for her to be willing to make these contributions to her hometown.

Shen Guanglin also said that my sister paid for the repair of the road from the village to the town, and someone Shen paid for the road from the town to the city.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't say, he has two wives, can they both be included in the family tree?

You know, this kind of situation is okay in the ancestors, he has seen it before.

There was a record in the ancestors of the Shen family that a certain person had one wife and three concubines, who was the legitimate son and who was the concubine, it was clearly written.

In modern times, why is it not working anymore? It is not as good as feudal dross.

There is still an official ancestor worship schedule, but my sister cannot participate in it.

No matter what, the elder sister of the Shen family was an outsider, so she couldn't break into the ancestral hall to burn incense, so she could only wait outside.

Only a man like Shen Guanglin can do the job of offering incense, and Shen Longxian's memorial tablet already exists, it's just an extra stick of incense.

The clan elders first lit the incense in the ancestral hall, and then brought Shen Guanglin to kowtow to worship.

It is not yet the Chinese New Year, and it is not a grand day, because there are not many cumbersome ceremonies, and the worship will end soon.

When going out, Shen Guanglin also brought out a stick of incense from the ancestral hall and asked his sister to take it home. This was for the ancestors to enjoy the sacrifice at home.

And the offerings at home have already been prepared, which are chickens, ducks and fish plus a black pig's head.

Of course, this is just an ordinary sacrificial ceremony, but there is no such thing as a long prison or a long prison ceremony, and these things are not wasted, and they are eaten by their own family in the end.

Jinling is known as Huijing, but it is the capital of Suzhou Province after all. Especially after the Yangtze River Bridge was built, a large number of cargo ships were intercepted, and the business at the port was booming, so the economy developed very well.

Although the Shen family's place is a bit remote, it's not too far from the city center. If the road needs to be repaired, it's less than 20 kilometers away.

Before the Chinese New Year, Shen Guanglin and Sister Shen are still in Jinling, and if the funds are not enough, they can discuss it.

Therefore, it is better to hit the sun than to choose the day, and the rural road construction team soon started "rumbling".

Although it was only less than 20 kilometers away, the township still invited designers from the design institute to conduct surveys, and the rural construction team behind it started construction simultaneously.

Zijin Mountain, also known as Zhongshan Mountain, Jiangshan Mountain, and Shenlie Mountain, is a continuous mountain range. The direction to Xuanwu Lake is relatively flat, and it is not difficult to drive all the way there.

Of course, much of the earthmoving and excavation is done by machinery, but human labor is also essential.

This time it was not only the Shen family who were dispatched, they heard that the road was going to be built, and people from the surrounding ten miles and eight villages were also dispatched.

We don't have machinery, but we have sand and cement, someone Shen can take care of it.

Therefore, everyone is a bit tired, but if they can build the road to their own village, they will not feel tired at all.

For such a show occasion, it is natural that someone Shen performed. In winter, Shen Guanglin also took a shovel to help, and was quickly recorded faithfully by the camera.

In the future, it will be included in local chronicles and publicity materials. This is a road donated by Professor Shen and built by himself, so it may still be called "Academician Road".

I'll be good, Academician Shen and I stood on the side of the road and pissed. It's not me. Although his knowledge is great, it's not as far as I pissed.

So what's with the stain on your shoe?

Being older, peeing is a bit bifurcated.

Speaking of which, building roads in the cold winter is quite hard work.

But winter is slack time for farming, and part-time jobs are not popular in this era. It is really the busy season of spring and summer, but there are not so many people available.

Shen Guanglin will soon stop doing labor shows, and continue with a different pattern.

He asked someone to bring a few big fat pigs, slaughtered them on the spot and ate them stewed. The fat pork was stewed with cabbage, and he ate a big bowl of it wheezing and wheezing. All his strength came back.

Steaming rice at this time is not in a hurry, it is still a good deal for noodles, put it directly into the pot, mix it with vegetables, and eat it in winter, sweating on the forehead, running nose, throwing it on the ground vigorously, and then on the shoe surface Wipe it, it's very clean.

The big guy was eating, a Beijing jeep 212 stopped at the head of the village, the man on the co-pilot got off and shouted loudly: "Who is in charge?"

Shen Guanglin glanced at it, but ignored it.

Even if he is the top leader in Jinling, Shen Guanglin can disappear if he doesn't want to, let alone a cat or a dog.

The village head was different, he quickly put down his bowl and chopsticks and went up to greet him. After all, the county magistrate is not as good as the current one, and he doesn't know what kind of leader he is.

Shen Guanglin continued to talk to the villagers, and the village chief went to meet the inexplicable leader.

But the windows in the back row were slightly opened, and a middle-aged majestic voice came: "You said that this road was donated by people?"

Shen Guanglin didn't want to pay attention to this kind of person. The military overcoat he was wearing today was also very gregarious, and he couldn't tell whether it was a professor or a beast.

The village chief didn't hear what he said clearly, but saw him smiling humbly.

Not long after, the leader rolled up the window, the secretary on the co-pilot's seat also waved, and the driver reversed and left.

This place is dirty and messy, how could the leader send you this bowl of noodles? They have delicious and soft steamed buns.

"What's the situation?" Shen Guanglin still couldn't help but want to ask.

"The leader said that we have to go through the formalities for road construction." The village chief's expression was not as high as before when he came back.

That's right, that's the way it is supposed to be. It's a good thing to donate money to build roads, but it must also conform to the process.

That's how to do it, what a big deal.

However, the village head said that it costs money to go through the formalities, otherwise, we can't do this road construction project by ourselves, and we can only let a regular construction team do it.

Now all units are in a downturn. The regular construction team has nothing to do. They built the road themselves in the village, which means that the construction team will lose a piece of cake. How can this be possible.

"However, after all, it is a road built with donations, not a government appropriation, so they can take care of it?"

"That's not the case, but you still have to go through the formalities."

"Then do it."

"There is a handling fee for the formalities."

Only then did Shen Guanglin suddenly realize, and asked, "How much does it cost?"

The village head stretched out two fingers.

"Two thousand?" Shen Guang Lin Xin said, this leader really has a lot of appetite, this is an ordinary person's salary for a year.

The village head shook his head, "It's not two thousand, it's twenty thousand! The leader's secretary said that this money is not for the leader himself, but for the special funds for urban construction, and it will benefit the people in the future. In the past, the state allocated funds , they all have to take [-]%, this time it’s a donation, as long as [-] is enough.”

I mean your sister!

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