Start with a college teacher

Chapter 878 anticlimactic

Shen has a feeling of being bullied.

Today, although the domestic salary level is less than 200 yuan, 2 yuan is about [-] yuan for Boss Shen, which is about sprinkled water.

It's just that the feeling of being output by someone's face is very uncomfortable.

In particular, he, Mr. Shen, is doing good deeds for the village. If you do this, it will easily dampen the enthusiasm of others.

After getting rich, Shen Guanglin does a lot of charity work every year, and it's not like he hasn't encountered the situation of being beaten.

However, it is rare for someone Shen to meet him face to face.

Usually, it's the people below who are doing things. Shen only gains fame, so how can he do specific work.

Therefore, when this kind of thing really happened, Shen Guanglin couldn't restrain his anger.

In life, everything goes well, but if you are bullied, you just need to find this place again.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin didn't deliberately move rescuers.

For folk matters, use folk means to solve them, otherwise you won't be relieved at all.

Perhaps, Shen Guanglin only needs a phone call to deal with such a matter, and the official majesty suppressed from above is better than anything else, but Shen Guanglin just doesn't want to use it.

We just need to have a low-level confrontation, so that it is bloody enough.

To be able to deal with such a matter with full confidence and win-win situation is a bit like a private visit.

So Shen Guanglin asked, "Do we still have a militia?"

After all, personal safety must be guaranteed, otherwise it would be a waste of time.

"Of course." The village head was also unambiguous.

Moreover, there are not only militias in this era, but also standard weapons.

"That's good."

Shen Guanglin decided, everyone will continue to repair the road, if something happens, he and Shen will be responsible for it.

You know, this is the way for everyone to get rich. Anyone who dares to obstruct our road construction is a sinner of the people.

Since there are folks and militiamen, there is boundless confidence. Shen Guanglin is not afraid at all.

Hmph, don't you pay the 2 yuan, so the road will have to be suspended?
This is Shen Guanglin's hometown, he must now establish a reputation and leave a good reputation.

Therefore, your unspoken rules are not rules, what someone Shen said here counts.

In the past when he came to Jinling, Shen always lived in the Jinling Hotel, living in an old house, which is quite rare.

Otherwise, he would have repaired the road in his hometown long ago.

Now Shen Guanglin is really doing good deeds for the village. The dirt roads in the countryside are really difficult to walk in this era, especially on rainy days, the dirt can stick to shoes.

Although the journey is not too far from the village to the town, and from the town to the city, it is still quite strenuous to walk.

Therefore, this is a road that carries the expectations of the people.

The labor for road construction is worthless, but the materials are all bought by Shen Guanglin, and the quantity is large enough.

Since Shen Guanglin decided to continue building this road, no one could stop him.

The owner of Daqiu Village can fight against the army in stages, Shen Guanglin is just fighting against an evil official who extorts money, it is nothing.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the big show to start.

The next day, the construction site was still in full swing, but the people who should have caused trouble did not come.

There are so many people here, why do people feel so deserted?

It was like this for several days.

Everyone leveled the road, paved it with sand and gravel, rolled it to make it smooth, and then began to lay cement.

At this point, the rudiments of the road began to take shape.

After the cement road is laid, it takes a day or two to solidify, and about ten days to maintain.

In winter, the temperature is low and the humidity is high, and this time may be extended even further.

However, before the concrete road was completely solidified, the next morning, when everyone was about to continue repairing the next section of the road, they found that the road repaired yesterday had been destroyed.

Really, it was destroyed. It should have been crushed by heavy vehicles, and the ruts were deep, and stones were pressed out.


There are obviously roadblocks set up, and this road is not allowed to pass. Where did this car come from?Where are you going again?

Don't even think about it, someone must have deliberately sabotaged it!
It turned out that they were waiting here.

Everyone is very angry.

Some people even pointed out that if this kind of person caught the current situation, they must light a sky lantern for him.

"Lighting the sky lantern" is an old punishment.

The specific steps are to strip off the prisoner's clothes, wrap them in sackcloth, and soak them in an oil tank.

After nightfall, tie his head and feet to a tall wooden pole and light it from his feet. This is a sky lantern.

In this day and age, it is no longer popular to light up sky lanterns for people, but the word still exists.

Many furry children like to light their sky lanterns when they catch mice. As a result, the ignited mice ran around and ignited many piles of firewood.

The fur kids also grew up from the bamboo sticks.

Seeing how the road was crushed, everyone knew without thinking carefully that someone was deliberately destroying it.

This kind of thing violates everyone's interests, and it is absolutely unbearable.

Now that someone has made a move, it's time to think about how to fight back.

It is not easy to call the police, and everyone has never thought about calling the police. Everyone has to use their own strength to solve these villains.

It was not popular to work part-time jobs in this era. Except for some workers recruited by the Great Wall Textile Factory, there were many strong laborers in the village.

So, everyone spontaneously organized a change team, and planned to come at night to recruit stolen goods and get them.

I don't know if some people are stupid or really reckless.

That night, those people really came again.

They were driving walk-behind tractors and carrying sledges for plowing the land. This was even worse than last time, and they were going to kill them.

After catching adulterers, catching thieves and filth, and letting them destroy a little of the newly built roads, these people were caught.

It is impossible to run away. The country uniformly confiscated firearms in 1996. Who doesn’t have one or two shotguns that can make iron ore?

The shotgun is not very lethal, but the advantage is that the coverage is wide enough. If you hit a person with a bang, you will not die, but it is really a delicate job to strip the iron sand.

The saboteur was caught in this way, but Shen Guanglin also had some difficulties as to what to do next.

It seems to be lost again.

Because the injured tractor driver needs medical expenses to see a doctor and be hospitalized. Everyone is angry, and the villagers can't let the villagers pay for it.

However, if Shen does not pay, what if he gets tetanus and dies?
According to the plan, hitting the young ones will naturally attract the old ones.

However, everyone was admitted to the hospital and the operation was over, but the old man hadn't come yet. Instead, he attracted the person in charge of the Great Wall Textile Factory.

"Professor Shen, you are frightened, and you didn't say anything when you came back to Jinling. If it wasn't for the people who happened to have a textile factory in the village, and put you in danger, wouldn't we be guilty of a great crime?"

The person in charge of the factory is very good at talking, and even the fourth girl's father, who is Shen Guanglin's grandfather, is also among them.

"Huh? What's going on here."

Shen Guanglin was also surprised. He himself wanted to witness the collective conflicts of this era, but he didn't.

"Professor Shen, don't worry, we have already investigated and found out that the ones who want to eat and get cards in our village are people from the urban construction department in the district. Now the person in charge has been dealt with, and the person who damaged the road construction will also be criminally detained."

Isn't it, the matter has been dealt with by you like this?

I really didn't expect that it was just a textile factory with such a big influence.

Now the fun is gone.

Somebody Shen can't influence the general trend of the times, he still wants to fight against a certain small point and act bravely to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, but he didn't expect someone to do it for him.

"It's almost New Year's Eve, what's the matter with Shen." Shen Guanglin was a little unhappy, who made you troublesome.

Of course they have something to do with Shen Guanglin. The Great Wall Group is shrinking its industry, and it should give up the textile industry. This is too unreasonable.

They came to persuade Professor Shen to take back his order, and even the city's economic leaders also followed.

You must know that although Great Wall Textile has not been a pillar industry in Jinling these years, it has a large share.

Shen Guanglin had to explain that the threshold of the textile industry is too low. Even if he becomes the richest man in this industry, it will be a bit of a stretch. At this stage, it is not that the textile industry is not making money, but that the Great Wall Group is making strategic adjustments.

Moreover, the Great Wall Textile Group is doing industrial adjustments, and the salaries and benefits of the workers have not changed. Industrial adjustments cannot be completed in a day. Even if everyone does not go to work, wages and year-end benefits are still paid.

"You didn't come to me just for this, did you?" Shen Guanglin felt that they must have other intentions.

"Professor Shen, it's like this. Since the Great Wall Group is no longer engaged in textiles, Jinling Petrochemical wants to take over our textile industry."

"This is a good thing. I support it and firmly support it."

"But they have no money."

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