Start with a college teacher

Chapter 879 Soft Persimmons

Even Xie Xiaomeng said, what kind of money, how can the money be deducted from the girl.

Jinling Chemical has no money and wants to take over the textile industry of the Great Wall Group. I'm afraid this is not a daydream.

In fact, in the state-run era, Jinling Textile originally did not make money.

That is to say, after the Great Wall Group took over, they cut down those redundant organizations, abolished those vampires hanging on their heads, implemented a strategy of unified pricing across the country, and strengthened the management level, which made this old company revive vitality.

Flexibility is the biggest characteristic of private enterprises.

However, state-owned enterprises also have the advantages of state-owned enterprises, that is, the cost of capital use is low.

If the enterprise wants to develop, when its own funds are insufficient, it can borrow from the bank.

However, the bank is not a charitable organization, and the loan must be repaid, and the interest is not low.

When the economic situation is good, the good wind will help me go to the blue sky by virtue of its strength.

The economic situation is not good, and companies will fail all the time.

The state-owned enterprises are different. They borrow money from the bank, and they will not repay it if they are not paid. The state can even forgive their debts and divest bad assets so that they can travel lightly.

This is the reason for the rapid development of state-owned enterprises in later generations.

The state-owned enterprises in this era are not good. They obviously have no money and no competitiveness, and there are still a bunch of old and young ones to support.

Enterprises have no money, and the government has no money. To develop the economy and to make progress in society, all aspects need money. Where does the money come from?

Jinling is no different from eastern Guangdong or other provinces. The Great Wall Group has electrical appliances in eastern Guangdong and automobiles in Shanghai, but their only industry in Jinling is textiles.

Now, Great Wall Group is making strategic adjustments. The textile industry is an industry that will be eliminated, so the industry in Jinling must be adjusted and eliminated.

How does this work?

In the eyes of most people, Jinling Company of Great Wall Textile Group is a chicken that lays golden eggs. It would be a pity if it was eliminated by adjustments.

Therefore, many companies want to take it over, and some even propose to take it over by force.

Of course, this kind of formulation is too radical. Southern cities are not so barbaric, and probably only the Northeast will do this.

Of course, the Great Wall Group really does not plan to develop the textile industry. You can buy it if you want. Such a thing can be negotiated. It is nothing more than negotiating conditions.

In this way, we talked about the Chinese New Year while talking.

This is Shen Guanglin's second year in Jinling. His younger sister stayed in the capital to accompany the elders, so she didn't come over. Instead, Li Rong came here from the capital with her children.

A reunited family, a strange family.

Three generations live under the same roof, but the relationship between relatives is very chaotic.

The uncle occupies a generation by himself, but in fact he is the grandfather; the elder sister and Shen Guanglin are half-siblings on the surface, but they are actually the relationship between aunt and nephew; The child, but the child belongs to the younger sister, and the older sister is just an aunt.

Such an intricate relationship can be regarded as another "Thunderstorm", but there is no more chaotic relationship.

Celebrating the New Year in Jinling also has the advantages of celebrating the New Year in Jinling, that is, there is no need to visit the New Year everywhere, and it is relatively clean.

It doesn't matter if the era of mobile communication comes later, as long as you turn off the BP device, or pretend not to see it, you will disappear.

It is so strange that in Shen Guanglin's own hometown, there is no place to pay New Year's greetings, so he can only stay at home and wait for others to visit.

Of course, there will be people coming to pay New Year's greetings. How could it be so deserted and miserable when Professor Shen appeared in Jinling?

So, the newly built concrete road came in handy.

Boss Shen is rich, so the cement is thick and the standard is very high.

Now, everyone is planning the use of this road. For example, it can be used for drying grain in summer and autumn, and it can be used as a market during slack seasons.

It's a pity not to use such a good piece of cement soil.

No one knows the poor in the busy city, but the rich has distant relatives in the mountains.

Even the big leaders in the city came to pay Shen Guanglin New Year's greetings in person, not for any other reason, but to learn from Professor Shen and see if there are any good economic strategies.

Moreover, there are really people from Jinling Chemical who followed the big leader.

Those who celebrate the New Year don’t talk about business, drink, drink.

After three cups of warm wine, Shen Guanglin's problem with being a teacher came out.

"If Jinling wants to develop vigorously, it must first develop shipping, especially ocean shipping. Now Jinling needs a deep-water port. The Jinling Yangtze River Bridge is Jinling's biggest advantage. All the big ships are blocked, this is the gate of wealth,

We also need to rely on the abundant mineral resources around us, and we must try our best to absorb high-quality projects in Huizhou. There is no future for us to compete with Nantong, Suzhou City. They are closer to Shanghai, and Jinling can only rely on these little brothers around. "

Shen Guanglin's analysis is in place. Although Jinling is the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties and a famous historical city, its status is very embarrassing. Only when you recognize yourself can you walk the right path.

After chatting about the topic, we finally talked about Great Wall Textile.

Everyone said it was a pity.

Since the Great Wall Group is going to carry out industrial transfer and is not going to continue to deepen the textile industry, it is a pity that this industry has given up.

"Why, do you really want to buy it? Do you have money?"

Shen Guanglin thought they were joking. Under the management of Great Wall Group, Jinling Textile has a large scale. Although Great Wall Group is planning to withdraw from the textile industry, it will not be able to shut down and turn around all at once.

Business operations must be contracted step by step and planned until the strategic adjustment is completed.

The government really has no money, and Jinling Chemical has no money, and it is still a money-losing product. It loses money every year, and its underwear is almost lost.

The city leader suddenly had an idea: "How about we exchange Jinling Chemical with you for Great Wall Textile?"

This is the first time this idea has been mentioned.

"Really? Is this a joke?"

Jinling Chemical is the pillar industry of Jinling. There are two types of coal chemical industry and petrochemical industry. Ma'anshan near Jinling is a well-known iron mine in the country.

In terms of scale, Jinling Chemical is much larger than Jinling Textile.

However, Jinling Chemical's large scale is only one aspect. Their profitability is not good, and it is really incomparable with Jinling Textile.

In particular, Jinling Textile can also export to earn foreign exchange. Foreign exchange in this era is simply too useful, isn't it?

Shen Guanglin finally paid attention to it.

Since it's not a joke, it's really something to talk about.

Want to change, right? Industrial swaps are not impossible, but Great Wall Group must also do its due diligence on Jinling Chemical, so it can't settle a pile of bad debts.

Shen is not a soft persimmon.

He's just weak in private.

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