Start with a college teacher

Chapter 880 Paid Internship

Businessmen are almost not born in the new year, as long as there is an opportunity to make money, they will almost never let it go, and Shen Guanglin is no exception.

Although Shen always fantasizes that he is in an outdoor peach garden, it is actually just a short escape. Humans are social animals, how could he leave.

There was no need to hesitate for long, someone from Jinling Chemical took over from Shen.

If you dare to sell, I dare to buy.

Everyone's stereotype of the chemical industry is pollution, carcinogenic and toxic.

However, have you ever thought about it, chemical industry is the food produced by industry.

In every aspect of our lives, chemicals have long been inseparable.

Therefore, when the Jinling government approached him to talk about Jinling Chemical, even if it was for the sake of the folks in his hometown, Shen Guanglin did not hesitate much, and directly agreed to take over.

As for Jinling Textile, it is naturally ready to sell. Although this industry still has ten years of prosperity, it is boring and can't make much money.

Even, in later generations, even a textile machinery company located in Nanyue, a state-owned enterprise, is on the verge of bankruptcy.

It’s not easy to talk about swaps at this stage. It’s better to give each of them a space and just settle their accounts. Mr. Shen doesn’t mind taking a small loss.

The chemical industry is not a sunset industry. Both the coal chemical industry and the petrochemical industry have been able to stand firm for decades and will continue to be strong.

Great Wall Group is developing very fast, but there are too many places that are stuck in terms of raw materials.

Not only iron and steel products, but even petrochemical products have many constraints. Therefore, he has long wanted to get involved in this industry, but there is no opportunity.

Now, the opportunity has come.

Along with the opportunity, there are also a lot of New Year's goods.

Other people's New Year's goods are distributed before the year. Jinling Chemical's New Year's goods are different.

Even if the first month is out, it is still a new year's product.

Mr. Shen is really generous. With one order, the materials delivered don't know how many trucks they have pulled.

I sent you a lot of things, all of which are useful.

For example, there are Yantai apples rich in vitamins, vegetable peanut oil for cooking, rice noodles, meat, egg and milk. These materials flow to the homes of ordinary workers like running water, and everyone has a share.

Moreover, they also treated the core backbone and technical personnel differently. In addition to supplies, each person even received a festival fee ranging from 50 to 100 yuan.

It's really not easy, and it's not much compared with their previous month's salary.

In other words, the Great Wall Group has not yet acquired Jinling Chemical, and Jinling Chemical's personnel from top to bottom have been bought, and they feel that they are already members of the Great Wall Group.

In this turbulent period, whoever dares to touch a hair of the company, we have to settle with you.

Jinling Chemical's treatment made other units in Jinling envy and hate, and even the employees of Jinling Chemical were not used to it.

No, everyone is saying that this money is not from the Great Wall Group, but from Professor Shen himself. He is afraid that everyone will have a hard time during the New Year, so he specially mobilized a welfare for everyone. The Great Wall Group has not yet resumed work. Well, the response speed is not so fast.

Everyone was moved.

Someone really found Professor Shen and really asked him.

Shen Guanglin didn't deny it either, just said with a smile: You can take this money with peace of mind, and I will ask the Great Wall Group to reimburse it. "

Someone Shen said again, everyone's life is so hard, he, someone Shen, saw it in his eyes and felt sad in his heart, so he also did his part.

In short, in terms of organizing production, he can only help to a limited extent, and he can only help them solve some worries.

So moved.

Everyone's sense of ownership has returned, and many people have renewed hope for the future.

In fact, this is just a chance for Shen Guanglin to practice his love of reading.

Recently, someone from Shen was watching the anecdote of Chang Kaishen's inspection of the Yangtze River, which was the joke of "you can't play cards, I can't fight wars, and the important task of guarding the Yangtze River depends on you."

Of course, let’s not talk about the fact that the Yangtze River has not been defended for even a day.

Shen Guanglin said: "I am the one who got rich first, and I should lead everyone to get rich together."

This sentence has a hint of ridicule, but it is also Shen Guanglin's heart. He really wants to take the lead in changing the poverty in his hometown.

If you don't help, you will become rich yourself.

Moreover, people always want to return to their roots. Although Shen Guanglin's household registration is in the capital, and the headquarters of the Great Wall Group is in Shanghai, this does not prevent Shen's heart from being in Jinling.

In fact, Shen's heart is not all in Jinling, but most of his heart is in the capital.

Shen Guanglin had a new idea.

Isn't this going to buy Jinling Chemical? He wants to give everyone an internship opportunity. I don't know if everyone is willing to come.

The requirements are a bit special: once you come, you can't leave, you must persist for half a year, and the militarized closed management is stricter than the closed school management during the epidemic.

Not only Jinling Chemical, but Great Wall Motors in Shanghai is also recruiting people, recruiting from the capital, but not from Shanghai.

Because, the local college students in Shanghai don't need someone to give them a chance.

Soon, the Great Wall Group sent out a large number of notices to recruit interns.

The key candidates for recruitment must be students of Capital University, regardless of grade or gender, as long as you are willing, you are welcome to come.

Moreover, it is fine if the counselor teacher is willing to bring the class along, even if the class is taught in a different place.

This is a very rare opportunity to do an internship at Great Wall Group. Many people want to know the secret of Great Wall Group's development.

Now, the opportunity is given to you, it depends on whether you can grasp it.

At this stage, the interns recruited by Jinling Chemical Industry are only a part. All their companies and all industries are recruiting people. It is extremely important to bring out more students from Capital University.

In the capital, Professor Shen's appeal is still very strong.

Moreover, if you sign up, you can get free fare, and you will also get a big pork leg, which is red and delicious.

That's the only way to go.

Although college students in this era don't need to spend money to study, but in the era when everything is supplied by tickets, only the Great Wall Group can reflect its value as a Big Mac.

Great Wall's ability to coordinate supplies is too strong, and it is not comparable to grocery stores.

Some people also have doubts. You recruited so many people at once. Those who majored in science and engineering are okay, at least they can help wash the test tubes. But those who majored in liberal arts, like the previous propaganda team, stood on the field Do you sing?

Soon, a visiting group from universities in the capital arrived in Jinling.

Moreover, in order to open the eyes of the students, what they took was not a train, but a handjob.

The plane was newly bought from Lao Maozi. It is said that Boss Mou led the way. A handyman can seat more than 200 people, and the Great Wall Group hired it for a whole week.

Seeing the students chirping and queuing up to get on the plane, many passengers on other flights were surprised.

Let alone students in this era, the school leaders have never sat down a few times.

It's the same situation this time, the school counselors still take the train, and Shen has not been used to them, so it's not bad to be able to reimburse the travel expenses.

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