The 80s was an extremely brilliant and dazzling era.

Especially after entering 89, a decade is coming to an end, and I can finally look back on the past.

Looking back on the past ten years, it is really exciting and dizzying.

If you look through the textbooks for college students in later generations, you can clearly see that almost all the works were compiled by university teachers and college students of this era.

In the last decade, that is, in the 70s, Tianzong Wizards could not be established in the scientific community.

Those who can hide their wisdom with the tide are fine, and they can barely survive in the world; for the strong, there will naturally be stronger people to take care of you.

If one travels back to that ever-changing era, a maverick scientific research genius like Shen would have been swept into the pile of old papers of history long ago.

The current decade is really different, emancipating the mind, opening up the atmosphere, acknowledging geniuses, and valuing science.

Professor Shen from Capital University was born just like that, amazed the whole era.

Under the leadership of Shen Guanglin and others, the scientific research workers have gone all the way, relying on their own hard work to establish a whole new teaching system and pass it on to future generations.

The students of later generations couldn't even believe it. Just a few years ago, Morgan's genetic theory could not be recognized in China's biological world. His dirty remarks are the remnants of feudalism and will be severely resisted and overthrown.

Of course, in later generations, although China's biological world has developed rapidly, it is also a hard-hit area for academic fraud, and various dirty incidents emerge one after another.

Generally speaking, the 80s is an era in which heroes are born in large numbers. All kinds of shocking figures in the future and all kinds of big cows in the scientific research field are now just a fresh and delicious lamb, cute and cute, anyone can Come up and play.

Now, many of these calves have already become someone Shen's favorite.

Shen Guanglin was still not satisfied, and wanted to go further.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin directly let go of the Great Wall Group and let them frantically accept interns.

Now, Shen Guanglin's sudden decision doesn't matter, I don't know how many people's scientific research lives have been saved.

It is not yet known how many people he can bring about change, but everyone feels that this trip to the Great Wall Group is really worthwhile.

For example, Jingcheng University of Technology is of course a low-end school in the eyes of Jingcheng University, and it is also the same in the eyes of people in Beijing.

But it is still popular with foreign students.

This time I went to Jinling for an internship, I really didn't expect that the students of their school would also have a share, and even organized two classes, more than 60 people were able to participate in it, which is really rare.

Now, in front of them is a physical vapor deposition equipment, which was newly purchased by Great Wall Group and is going to be used by Jinling Chemical Laboratory.

They have never seen such advanced equipment in the eyes of students, and they have never even heard of it.

What is physical vapor deposition deposition equipment and why is it used?
While everyone is excited, it is inevitable to make wild guesses and imaginations.

In fact, the students of Capital University have never seen such high-end equipment, but it does not prevent them from learning the theoretical knowledge in advance.

It is pitiful to say, in this era, not to mention high-end equipment such as physical vapor deposition, it is the extremely simple monocular microscope, the scientific instrument that is popular in foreign high school campuses, is still a rare commodity in universities in this era , only a teacher can fiddle with it.

In later generations, even some parents equipped their ten-year-old children with electron microscopes.

Shen Guanglin had mixed feelings about such a shabby scene.

No wonder Chinese people in this era like to worship foreigners. Foreigners in this era are indeed worthy of admiration.

The current students, before doing the experiment, were all shy like quails, can they be used?
Almost every internship scene is like this. In order to give every new student a chance to get started, they operate under the guidance of "researchers", that is, old seniors of Capital University.

The process was very jerky, but after watching it for a long time, Shen Guanglin realized that these gangsters were okay, and they continued to operate with little pause.

It turns out that students of this era, including teachers, are like this.

Faced with a particularly expensive instrument, how could it be possible for you to get started directly? It is only after memorizing the operating procedures and checking each other several times that you are allowed to get started.

That is to say, although they have never seen the physical objects of these devices, they have touched them countless times in their dreams.

It's the same as the goddess in the eyes of an otaku. Although I haven't actually played it, I don't know how many times I have imagined it in my dream, and I always wake up hot and wet.

Doing experiments is the same as acting in this era. Films are expensive and opportunities are rare. How can there be room for NG? The actors have rehearsed privately for so many times, and what they pursue is to go through it once.

After the experiment, a male student's face was red and shiny with pimples. Looking at the list of equipment that can be used next, he couldn't help but start gearing up: "I never thought that Jinling Chemical would be so rich."

A classmate who knew the inside story couldn't help but sneered, "What does this have to do with Jinling Chemical? This is because the Great Wall Group is rich. All of this is the change brought about by Professor Shen."

In the official version, Professor Shen said that reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. He gave everyone an opportunity to practice and learn, which is also a reflection on education.

Therefore, this year is a pilot year, and it happened to be caught up by the universities in the capital.

There is no distinction between teaching and learning. Professor Shen is great. His mind is not limited to this corner of Beijing University, and all college students in Beijing have the opportunity.

"Then tell me, is the money all belonged to Professor Shen? How can he be so rich?"

"I don't know this, but one class is worth 3000 U.S. dollars, which is more than [-] million U.S. dollars a year. Converted into RMB, it is worth hundreds of millions."

Well, this calculation is a bit extreme, but it's true, Shen Guanglin's annual income is more than several hundred million.

Now, the Great Wall Group's plan to shrink the textile industry is still opposed by everyone, even President Wang Yangwang is a little opposed.

Although this is a labor-intensive industry, it is really making a lot of money in this day and age, why don't you just quit?
President Wang asked Shen Guanglin why he didn't want to do it anymore.

Shen Guanglin didn't give those high-sounding reasons, but imagined a scenario: "Suppose one day, China is blocked by the whole world again, what should these export-oriented industries do?"

"It depends on what kind of blockade it is, like the Persian one?"

Persia used to be an ancient civilization with a lot of troubles. After World War II, it prospered for a while, and even once had a very developed economy, almost becoming a developed country.

But just one year before Shen Guanglin's crossing, a coup took place in this country. The coup was successful, but this country was also isolated and blocked by Western countries.

Probably, this is also the origin of the Iran-Iraq War.

Shen Guanglin thought for a while, the outside world's blockade of China should not be like that of Persia. According to the historical process, it will slowly relax after about two or three years.

At least, during this period, exchanges with the Warsaw Pact countries are unimpeded.

Shen Guanglin suddenly thought of it himself: there is still a market in the Warsaw Pact countries!

Although the "Warsaw Pact country" is about to become a historical term again, the transaction volume between the Great Wall Group and them has been rising rapidly. With such a large market, is it only allowed to dump products from Western countries here? Huaxia products That's also fine!

Since it is the tip of a horn, there is no need to drill it.

In this case, the shrinkage of the textile industry can be put aside, and there is still time for transformation after 2000.

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