After figuring out the way to go next, Shen Guanglin's mind became much clearer.

Now that you already know what will happen in the future, you can still avoid many risks by making some preparations in advance.

For example, Great Wall Group suddenly decided to lower the price of its products and signed long-term supply contracts with many companies in Western countries.

Moreover, the conditions of these contracts are not harsh, but the liquidated damages are extremely high, and it is stated in the terms of the contract: national policy is not force majeure, and the contract must not be terminated maliciously on the grounds of national policy.

It's just that it's not safe enough to do so, and Shen Guanglin asked people to quickly investigate the Eastern European market to see their daily needs.

Shen Guanglin said that now, Western countries are still too developed, and it is still difficult to compete with their companies. Let's start with Eastern European countries first.

As for the products that have entered the western market, try to keep it steady and not be too aggressive.

This is a new strategic adjustment. As the matter is approaching, Shen Guanglin's mood has calmed down, and he is no longer confused.

What's the big deal, no matter how bad it is, it can go bankrupt.

Take a big step, someone Shen will go out to give lectures, if $[-] is not enough, then $[-], science has no borders.

In this way, the pace of Great Wall Group's industry rectification soon relaxed.

Even, some equipment that was about to be shut down was taken out for use again, and some workers were paid N+1 wages, but they were not really dismissed, and everyone continued to stay in the factory to maintain production.

Huaxia's salary level is still very low, and the demographic dividend can still be enjoyed for many years, so there is no need to worry about small things.

Therefore, the textile and garment industry has not yet reached a bottleneck, and the sale of the textile group can be delayed.

In this regard, the Jinling government has the most profound experience.

Because, the originally smooth negotiation suddenly stopped talking.

Originally, Shen Guanglin planned to sell the Great Wall Textile Jinling Company as a whole to the Jinling Municipal Government. Everything can be discussed, but now there is no sign of it.

This cannot be blamed on Shen Guanglin, who made the Jinling government run out of money.

It is unreliable to exchange Jinling Chemical.

Jinling Chemical has long been insolvent and is losing money every year. If it hadn't been for the tens of thousands of workers, the Jinling government would have wanted it to shut down and turn it around.

Therefore, the Great Wall Group acquired Jinling Chemical, and the Jinling government couldn't have wished for it.

However, everyone racked their brains on how to acquire Jinling Textile correctly.

The biggest problem is that the Jin government has no money.

They are not without workarounds. Someone asked: Can we pay in installments?
What installment method?

Now Great Wall Textile Group Jinling Company can generate tens of millions of profits every year, so there is no need to worry about us not being able to pay back the money.

Let's use the future profits of Jinling Textile as collateral to repay the installment.

In short, in the next five or ten years, the money earned will be enough to pay off the debt.

The negotiators of the Great Wall Group were all very happy.

Hey, this abacus is really good.

Is this equivalent to not spending a penny, and you just took back Jinling Textile?

What I thought was really beautiful.

As soon as this plan was put forward, the people from the Great Wall Group never responded.

This is not the 50s. At that time, people still came up with "four horses to divide the fat". Your proposal is nothing but a white wolf.

According to Great Wall Group, Jinling Textile is not going to sell it?

Yes, you can't give a price.

Now, many people are anxious.

Even, some people are gearing up to take up new positions in their new units. Isn't their busy work now in vain?

Some people said that since they don't sell Jinling Textile, we won't sell Jinling Chemical either.

If you don't sell it, you can't do it. The company already belongs to them?

Acquiring a company, especially a large one, is not something that can be done overnight. Shen Guanglin also felt that Jinling Chemical had a bright future, so he was willing to take over.

However, up to now, the delivery of Jinling Chemical and the city has been completed, and it will not be sold if it is not sold, and there is no money to buy it back.

It is said that the benefits issued by the Great Wall Group in the previous incident were enough to pay the wages of the employees for several months.

People are not cruel, they can't stand firm.

Jiang Ning's representative pointed out: They still have a piece of land in our hands, Kata!

This is real.

Shen Guanglin had just ordered a set of methanol production equipment from BASF. The contract had just been signed, and the land needed was still in Jiangning's hands.

Now, since the Great Wall Group is unwilling to sell Jinling Textile, it is difficult to say this piece of land.

When the news reached Shen Guanglin's ears, Shen Guanglin also smiled.

In this era, there are still people who refuse to invest?

Sure enough, things soon turned around.

Isn't your Jiangning government stuck with the land and not giving approval, we will give it in Liuhe!
Shen Guanglin had been in Liuhe before, and he knew some local government leaders. No, Shen Guanglin just went to visit. In fact, it was mainly to put pressure on Jiang Ning. I didn't expect the Liuhe government to take it seriously.

No, the inspection site selection for the new factory has not yet started, and the three links and one leveling have already started.

Ten thousand mu of land, right?We have!

It’s not impossible to want more, we have nothing else but land!
Moreover, this land is not only close to the Yangtze River, but also close to the railway track. If necessary, they can also coordinate the construction of a special freight station.

In short, the leaders of Liuhe are people with methods. They have long heard that after the Great Wall Group took over Jinling Chemical, they have chosen locations all over the world.

However, the Great Wall Group has never set its sights on Liuhe.

However, people do not fight unprepared battles.

What are the needs of the Great Wall Group, what are the requirements of Professor Shen, and what are the hobbies? They have already inquired clearly.

No, as soon as the Jiangning government took Qiao, Liuhe took the initiative.

After Shen Guanglin's symbolic visit to Liuhe, they immediately vacated a place and immediately started infrastructure construction.

At this stage, I am afraid that someone Shen can only fake the show and do it for real.After all, buying equipment from BASF is a real thing.

In the chemical industry, if you just play for fun, you can buy 100 million equipment, or 1000 million equipment.

However, to build a large-scale chemical industry base, even tens of millions or hundreds of millions of funds will not be enough.

This is a capital-intensive industry.

In the era when the economy was in command, the leaders were crazy about investing. When they learned that Professor Shen was here to investigate, they directly expressed their sincerity without saying a word.

Such sincerity, did Professor Shen see it?

Professor Shen saw it, and the Jiangning government also saw it.

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