On February [-], the dragon looked up.

After February [-], Shen Guanglin had his hair cut, and only then did he start to think about where he was going to "Maochun" next.

"Cat Spring" is not called "Chun" by cats, but that cats spend this spring.

The Jinling matter has come to an end.

Being a person and doing things is most afraid of being disrupted by peers.

Chinese people have always liked to do this. The most famous one is the story of the business war between Hu Xueyan and Sheng Xuanhuai. Of course, this is actually a continuation of the story of Zuo Zongtang and Li Hongzhang behind them. It can be seen in this case.

Taking over Jinling Petrochemical and continuing to expand, it is natural that there are people below to manage it. It can't be that Shen can handle everything by himself, so the boss is too tired.

Men, don't be too obsessed with your career, or you will lose your hair easily.

No, he hasn't finished his work yet, and soon he will be troubled by trivial matters in life.

The call was from Shen Houdao, and it wasn't about anything particularly important, it was just chatting between the "brothers".

In Shen Houdao's heart, although Shen Guanglin's cousin often did bad things with good intentions and caused himself inexplicable harm, Shen Houdao still had an inexplicable intimacy with Shen Guanglin. Come to talk.

What Shen Houdao confided was really not a big deal, that is, Shen Houdao's ex-girlfriend, the child's mother, the girl named Zhao Fang, probably fell in love.

For this reason, Shen Houdao was unhappy.

The man is unmarried and the woman is unmarried. Although they have had a child, they are not married, so they should not be a burden to each other.

However, Shen said honestly, he was afraid that she would find the wrong person, and he didn't want his child's mother to be treated badly.

So, Shen Houdao asked Shen Guanglin what to do?
This is indeed a very strange mind, many men are like this.

Shen Houdao didn't want to marry Zhao Fang, but he didn't want her to find another man either.

Men's possessiveness is probably the same, because Shen Guanglin also doesn't want Zhao Fang to go out to find other men.

It's okay if you don't know, but now that you know, Shen Guanglin is not happy.

Strictly speaking, every child of Shen Houdao should be regarded as Shen Guanglin's brothers and sisters.

Although Zhao Fang is already Shen Houdao's ex-girlfriend, strictly speaking, Zhao Fang is still Shen Guanglin's "godmother".

Now, "godmother" is looking for "godfather" outside, of course Shen Guanglin will not be happy.

Even Shen's parents are even more serious.

After Shen Houdao finished all this, someone Shen was ready to intervene.

The "godmother" who is still studying has a new love affair with Shen Guanglin. She doesn't object, but Professor Shen always has to check on the character of the other party.

In this way, with this excuse, Shen Guanglin took his family to Xiangjiang again.

Of course, he didn't say on the surface that he was there to deal with such trivial matters. Professor Shen just went on vacation.

Li Rong didn't care. After her younger sister had a child, she felt a great sense of crisis. Now she quit her job and took a leave of absence. She ran with someone Shen every day. This time she had to conceive the child.

However, the two of them worked hard for a long time without any obstacles, but there was no result.

The Xiangjiang River in this season is cool, dry, neither hot nor cold, which is the most comfortable time of the year.

No wonder so many Northeast people like to go to Sanya for the winter. The winter in the south is really comfortable.

Of course, the south here does not refer to the line of the Qinling Mountains and the Huaihe River. The lump is more uncomfortable than the northeast. It is hot to death in summer and frozen to death in winter.

The south here is south of Zhizhi Ridge, close to the Tropic of Cancer.

After the family moved into Li Rong's exclusive new villa, Li Rong suddenly asked, "Should we transfer the child's household registration to Xiangjiang?"

Shen Guanglin was stunned for a moment, but still shook his head, no way!
In Shen Guanglin's perception, there is no such thing as immigration, not even Xiangjiang.

As a time traveler, he even mixed up to emigrate, no matter how successful he was, it was still a failure.

Certainly Shen had business to do when he came to Xiangjiang. At the gate of City University where Zhao Fang was studying, Shen Guanglin asked Hu Xuyong, "Do you understand everything?"

Hu Xuyong nodded quickly, and then asked with a bit of obscenity in doubt: "Boss, is this pretty girl a Meyer? You need to pay attention to it."

Shen Guanglin shook his head, and don't think about it, she has nothing to do with Shen, she is the ex-girlfriend of his cousin Shen Houdao.

Hu Xuyong felt relieved.

As long as it's not another potential proprietress, then you can boldly use your means. Who is so courageous to snatch a woman from the young master.

Shen Guanglin went home after learning about the situation. He told Hu Xuyong not to participate more, but just sent an invitation card, inviting Zhao Fang and her classmates to hold a beach barbecue party at Shen's private villa.

In Xiangjiang, the rich can really do whatever they want.

Li Rong's exclusive new villa is not comparable to the mosaic villa. Even the beach here is private, and not only the beach, but also the entire mountain behind is owned by someone Shen.

When Hu Xuyong delivered the letter, he said that Mr. Shen was a relative of Zhao Fang, but Zhao Fang did not refute.

BBQ, Zhao Fang is here, and so is that classmate, his name is Awei.

However, because of the accent, I don’t know if it’s Awei, Awei, Awei or Awei. Anyway, they are all numbers, so it doesn’t matter what they are called.

It's just that Ah Wei didn't realize that Zhao Fang was a little absent-minded today.

Mr. Shen is a very kind person, and he warmly entertained a group of young people, and said that everyone had fun, there is no theme today, and happiness is the theme of today.

Behind the crowd, Shen Houdao turned into a waiter, conscientiously grilling mutton kebabs there, using red willow branches, specially transported from XJ, this kind of willow branches are the most delicious grilled lamb.

Young people are good, Shen Guanglin is lying on the beach chair by himself, and he can't get into it anymore.

The group of young people sang and danced, feeling like the masters of the times.

"Ah Fang, let's go play beach volleyball." Ah Wei was also very happy, and he directly took Zhao Fang's hand.

"No, I don't want to go, and I won't." Zhao Fang hurriedly shook off his hand nervously, and secretly glanced at the two cousins, feeling as if she was having an affair.

"What's the matter, are you uncomfortable?" Ah Wei asked sincerely, without any intention of letting go.

Zhao Fang struggled to break free from his hand, and then whispered: "Our relationship is not that close, don't do this."

"How can you say that? We've known each other for more than a year, and you know what I'm thinking." Ah Wei felt that Zhao Fang was very strange today, was it because of her rich relatives?

"I'm sorry, we are not suitable." Zhao Fang talked about other things.

"Fangfang." Ah Wei was full of affection, "You know, I love you."

Wow, when everyone saw the confession scene, there was a lot of noise, only the toolman Shen Houdao was indifferent, and even Shen Guanglin was smiling.

"Please don't be so immature. I haven't promised you anything." Zhao Fang felt uncomfortable and turned away. She helped Li Rong take the child.

Li Rong didn't come out to play with the young people. She was really tired taking care of two children, and one of them was Zhao Fang's own child.

Shen Guanglin looked at all this cheerfully, saying that this kind of thing is a bit pleasant to hear, because he is the director.

It was someone Shen's bad idea to bring Shen Houdao and their children here. Needless to say anything else, it all depends on Zhao Fang's comprehension.

Now, not only Zhao Fang has realized it, but Awei has also realized it.

"Is that you?" Ah Wei said he was not afraid of Mr. Shen.

"Huh?" Shen Guanglin took off his sunglasses and gave Ah Wei a puzzled look.

"Fangfang and I were fine yesterday, but she ignored me today, is it you? You forced her to break up with me, right? Who are you?"

"I told you, I'm Zhao Fang's relative." Shen Guanglin replied softly.

Shen Guanglin's words are correct, Zhao Fang's child is Shen Guanglin's half-brother, they are really relatives.

"You object to us being together?" Ah Wei asked abruptly.

"I don't agree." Shen Guanglin admitted generously.

"Is it because you object to my association with Fangfang because I have no money and power! Do you think money is everything?" Ah Wei was furious.

"Sir, I don't know who you are, but I want to tell you, do you think money can buy love? Do you think money can buy family? Do you think money can buy dreams? ? Do you think that money can buy dignity?"

Shen Guanglin thought for a while, and answered him seriously: "You can buy it."

How many times has Shen Guanglin fantasized about this kind of scene, and every time he plays it in a TV series, it doesn't follow the script he imagined.

Now, Shen himself went to battle in person, just to tell young people: If you have money, you can really do whatever you want.


Ah Wei didn't expect this person to be so thick-skinned.

"Sir, I want to tell you that money is not everything!" Ah Wei's voice was so loud that the students around him heard it, thinking that Ah Wei is a psychopath, what are you doing hysterically here.

"Young man, I've heard too much of your words, it's nothing new. Besides, I want to tell you young people, I don't agree with you being together not because you don't have money. I also make friends like this. I never I don't care if they have money or not, I don't have money anyway, I don't agree with you being together mainly because your heart is not strong enough."

Shen Guanglin was pure nonsense, he didn't agree with them being together purely because Zhao Fang and Shen Houdao had a child, and this child was Shen Guanglin's half brother and sister.

"Vulgar! Nouveau riche, uneducated, you mainlanders will never be gentlemen!" Ah Wei was trembling with anger, which can be called "shaking and cold", and he had already started talking nonsense.

Before Shen Guanglin answered, the students around couldn't listen anymore: "Awei, don't say that, do you know who he is?"

Shen Guanglin is a celebrity in the scientific research circle. These students recognized Shen Guanglin and corrected Ah Wei's biased views.

"Who is he?"

"He is a world-renowned Professor Shen, and our school is not qualified to hire him."

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