Start with a college teacher

Chapter 885 The Bottom Line

For Shen Houdao's project, it is estimated that only Wang Duoyu, who has inherited one billion yuan, will vote, but Shen Guanglin will not.

Although he condoned Shen Houdao's misbehavior, he was not out of his mind.

Therefore, Shen Houdao's project could only be aborted.

The outside world learned that Boss Shen came to Xiangjiang, he appeared, he showed his face, so many people wanted to pay him a visit.

No way, too many people really miss him.

The female stars miss him, because he controls half of Xiangjiang's entertainment empire, and the other half is in the hands of TVB;

Scientific researchers miss him, because he grasps the direction of cutting-edge technology, and everyone can regard it as a guideline;

Suppliers also miss him, because at the business level, he can decide life or death with one word.

There is no quiet place to hide here, whether in Xiangjiang or in eastern Guangdong, everyone wants to ask him to report on work and ask about the future.

So, Shen Guanglin made a decision: let him hold a meeting in Shencheng.

Don't you guys want to see me? Let's meet together now, so you don't have to queue up to disturb me. It's really annoying.

Sure enough, the world was clean, and it remained clean for several days until the meeting began.

In fact, the nature of the meeting is not important, what is important is that the organizer of the meeting is Shen Guanglin, and that is enough.

After hearing the news about the conference organized by Professor Shen, more and more people came to sign up, and everyone did not come for nothing, they were willing to pay the conference fee.

This can have.

Organizing conferences is not doing charity. Don’t you need money to stay in a hotel, don’t need money to eat, and don’t need money to meet Professor Shen.

Needless to say, by virtue of this meeting, Shen's work team not only did not lose money, but also made a small profit.

No wonder there are specialized companies that make money by organizing conferences. If they really can make money, it's the same as holding a concert, and stars have appeal.

A hotel in Shencheng is also an old friend of Professor Shen, and this time the meeting was chosen here.

The meeting was about to start, and there were everyone present, but entrepreneurs came the most, because they were the only ones who had money and could afford the membership fee.

Originally, some leading figures in eastern Guangdong also wanted to participate. I heard that they would have to pay a lot of conference fees, and the unit would not reimburse them, so forget it, I can’t afford it.

As a result, a large number of entrepreneurs from overseas and local countries constituted the main force to visit Professor Shen. Everyone stood in the hall in a hurry, waiting for the protagonist to appear.

Although everyone is an entrepreneur, they are actually two distinct groups of people.

In this era, the images of local entrepreneurs in China are quite different from those of overseas businessmen. Even Chinese businessmen who are in China for the first time can easily distinguish the difference between themselves and them.

Because, by the side of local business owners, there are always one or two companions with a particularly strong local flavor. For example, Jiefang rubber shoes can be perfectly matched and combined with uncut suits to form a unique landscape.

Of course, there are also some people who are well-dressed, but the inconsistency of facial appearance and temperament can also make people feel that there is always something wrong.

In comparison, Chinese businessmen from overseas are much more respectable. Even if they are scumbags with human faces and hearts, even if they are just liars, they will wear elegant suits, and some even hug beautiful women.

In Boss Shen's eyes, they didn't come to see him, they came to show off their success.

How dare you guys know how to play better than someone like Shen?
However, Shen Guanglin also knows that in the next few decades, there will never be a lack of glamorous and beautiful women around the rich.

Ordinary honest people rarely meet people who are beautiful and heavenly but do not admire luxury. Unless it is some Liuying who really wants to go ashore, they will find an honest person to marry.

There was a time when Shen Guanglin was very fascinated by an aunt named Xu, those two round dimples were so charming.I don't know where I got the gossip that there is only one red dot on the steamed buns, which immediately makes people retreat.

Huh?How old is she now?Is it just right.

Not much to say outside the topic, it's getting late, in everyone's expectant eyes, Professor Shen Guanglin finally appeared.

Professor Shen and President Wang came together, which can be regarded as giving everyone a lot of face.

Everyone didn't dare to disturb them, they just quietly watched them walk through the crowd and walk to the podium.

Halfway through, Shen Guanglin still paused, because President Wang wanted to introduce a friend to him.

It's rare that Prince Wang also has favors that need to be taken care of.

"Professor, this is my little brother, Xiao Guo, from Jincheng. Now he is a supplier for our Apple series. He is very talented in management. The old man likes him very much."

After hearing this, Shen Guanglin couldn't help but stop.

Since he is Lao Wang's friend, Shen's attitude is naturally very kind, which is also the usual protective color of big bosses.

There is no big boss who speaks harshly and unkindly to the outside world, and their turbulent worship is often only aimed at their own people.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin smiled softly, "Hello, Mr. Guo."

"Sir, I can't call you. My name is Guo Taiming. You can call me Xiao Guo."

Xiao Guo is in his 30s, and he is actually older than Shen Guanglin. His ancestral home is in Jindi, but he was born and raised in Wanwan.

"Xiao Guo, since you are President Wang's friend, you can just say a word if you have any difficulties in the future. Don't look outside, work hard, I am optimistic about you. I guess, the richest man in Wanwan will be yours in the future."

Shen Guanglin has now been able to meet the great people of the future calmly. Before they make a fortune, they are just ordinary people.

Xiao Guo was flattered when he received the compliment, "Professor Shen, you are flattered. I am just a small business owner. How can I be compared with Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang is known as the god of business in our Bay. He is my idol."

While being modest, Xiao Guo held Shen Guanglin's palm with both hands, and said: "Professor Shen, you can talk as soon as you have something to say. We really have a heartfelt request. Don't get me wrong, we don't mean anything else. Now that the business is running, Fund flow is a big problem, since the Great Wall Bank decided not to lend, we are now under great pressure to survive.”

The others nodded along, expressing their agreement with Xiao Guo's point of view.

It was someone Shen's idea that the Great Wall Bank's shrinking bank balance would have such a big impact, and it would affect the normal operation of the future king of foundry's business.

There is no way, if you have the funds, you have the right to speak. This is like every time the country adjusts its macro policy. After each adjustment, a group of companies will fall and another group of companies will stand up.

At this time, a boss next to him followed up, "Professor Shen, we are really struggling now. Doing business in China, we can't get orders if we don't treat guests, and we can't get money back if we don't stuff money. It's just suffering."

Many people feel the same way, and when it comes to these things, everyone is in tears.

After ten years of the outbreak of the private economy, at the end of the 80s and the beginning of the 90s, this was the beginning of the first wave of bankruptcy for private enterprises.

It probably also started from this era, some people who have finally upgraded from self-employed to business owners, accidentally lost all their money.

In this tide, some people climbed up, and some people never saw each other again.

Therefore, when these companies encounter difficulties, whether to save them or not is a multiple-choice question for Shen.

Shen Guanglin looked around and was surrounded by expectant eyes.

After all, in this era, it is too difficult to build a company from scratch and develop to the present.

And Shen Guanglin's silence was regarded by Xiao Guo as rejection.

"Actually, Professor Shen, we can understand if you don't agree. It is always a hope for everyone to come to see you this time. However, for me personally, being able to meet another idol of mine is also a fulfillment of my long-cherished wish."

In Guo Taiming's mouth, Shen Guanglin is his idol, ranking higher than the old man of the Wang family.

Sure enough, he is a person who can grow into a big boss. Although he doesn't look very good-looking, he speaks really nicely.

Shen Guanglin smiled wildly, charmingly and mysteriously, "I agree with what you said."

"You agree?" Everyone didn't recover.

"Yes, Great Wall Bank has tightened its monetary policy because it has expanded too fast these years and needs to stabilize. But now it seems that it has overcorrected, so I immediately ask them to make adjustments, as long as the risks are within the controllable range, as long as The bank’s operations are fairly stable, and your loans are not a problem.”

Shen Guanglin paused for a moment, and then emphasized emphatically: "Especially, Xiao Guo, you are a friend of President Wang, so it's not a problem. I can grant you credit alone, or I can buy shares in your company alone, and you can manage it yourself." , I do not interfere, only dividends."

This, this is great!

Not only Xiao Guo, everyone is very happy.

Although everyone is not valued by Professor Shen like Xiao Guo, but the news that Great Wall Bank can continue to lend is confirmed, and the surroundings are filled with joy.

Of course, Shen Guanglin also had additional conditions.

"The bank is in charge of the bank's affairs, and they will consider the specific conditions as appropriate. Here, I only have one request, that is, if you apply for a loan from the Great Wall Bank or cooperate with the Great Wall Group, you need to abide by the laws of the country and social norms. Public morality and public order and good customs.”

What do you mean?
Everyone can understand what Shen Guanglin said about the operation. After all, different sectors are under the specific management of different sector leaders, but most people do not understand the last sentence he said.

Whether the enterprise abides by the laws of the country, whether it abides by social morality and public order and good customs, what does this have to do with Great Wall Bank and Great Wall Group?
Therefore, Xiao Guo asked questions on behalf of everyone, "Professor Shen, what kind of regulations are the national laws and social morality you mentioned?"

"It's very simple, no tax evasion, no deductions from workers' wages, no malicious arrears and bullying of suppliers, no production of counterfeit and shoddy goods, and no illegal OEM. "The number is not many, and Shen only counted a dozen. That's all.

At this time, some people expressed their incomprehension, "What does the business have to do with Great Wall Bank? We know that Great Wall Group has a large scale, but we can't manage it so broadly."

Shen Guanglin has his own point of view: "The bottom line of morality is the law. If a company even violates the laws of the country, how can it abide by the contract? Perhaps, when it is profitable, it will perform the contract, but Will they tear up the contract if they encounter difficulties or have the opportunity to make more money?"

Shen Guanglin asked very sharply, which is also the social norm of this era.

As a result, the atmosphere suddenly became weird.

In this era, there are really not many business owners who pay taxes according to the regulations and do not deduct workers' wages, especially export processing companies, aren't they earning the hard-earned money of workers?

As for tax evasion, not to mention others, even film star Liu Xiaoqing became the "richest man" by evading taxes after she went to sea, but she was later imprisoned.

Of course, this is not because the ideological and moral qualities of the business owners are inherently low. It is because the living environment is too harsh. If the cost cannot be reduced to a certain extent, it will be difficult for them to survive healthy competition.

In fact, some companies don't care about any brand or not, and even dare to risk the "Great Wall" brand to produce products, which are also very easy to sell. This has caused a lot of damage to the Great Wall Group.

To defend rights?
How can it be!

Local protectionism is so strong in this era, if you really dare to go to defend your rights, they really dare to surround and kick you.

Therefore, few business owners who have survived the brutal competition in the market can easily agree to someone Shen's request.

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