Start with a college teacher

Chapter 886 Strategy

Chapter 886 Strategy
I don't know who said it, all Chinese entrepreneurs are guilty of original sin.

Before the rise of the Internet world, there was little problem with this assertion.

Let me ask, which enterprise has not taken shortcuts?When encountering difficulties, who has not used money to open the way.

This is also what the times dictate.

Really in this era, it is difficult to stand out from competitors by relying on legal business and paying taxes normally.

Everyone else eats and asks for cards, so you don't treat guests to dinner?No gifts?Don't lubricate it when it gets stuck?If people really don’t give it when they want it, how can we pass this test?

Will one force drop ten?
After all, not everyone is as rich, talented, and background like Shen.

Besides, isn't this a shortcut?

How did private enterprises develop in this era?

Broken-soled rubber shoes are not a special case.

Everyone has come here step by step. First, the products are not beautiful but the prices are extremely cheap. After occupying a certain market share, we will consider whether the products should be more beautiful. Then we will be at the stage of value for money, and finally we will pursue the brand premium. added value.

It is high quality and low price at the beginning, such a business will not last long.

Even the Great Wall Group, on the basis of beautiful prices, adds some useless added value and reduces the actual service life of the items.

If an item is too durable, customers won't buy from you again.

Now, Shen Guanglin's sudden request was a bit exaggerated for the companies that came to the scene.

Of course, the final decision-making power in this matter is in their own hands. If they want to gain something, they have to lose something.

Shen Guanglin was neither angry nor annoyed.

There is no benevolence or righteousness in buying and selling, and only companies that are determined to follow a regular development route can follow the footsteps of Great Wall Group to the end.

You can take some shortcuts in the start-up stage of an enterprise, but you can't always rely on shortcuts.

Guo Taiming was able to become the richest man in the Bay Area as an OEM, obviously not by taking shortcuts to get orders, but because of their good quality control and low cost, which won customers and the market.

Even in later generations, as long as the electronic products manufactured by Mr. Guo's company are basically controllable in quality.

However, many products designed and produced by the original factory are not only expensive, but also full of problems.

Therefore, if you want to cooperate with Great Wall Group, want to get a loan from Great Wall Bank, and abide by the law, this is the bottom line drawn by Shen Guanglin, the bottom line that a company should abide by.

Let's all go back and think about it slowly.

After bidding farewell to these foreign merchants, Shen Guanglin was about to face the siege and interception of his own people.

Externally, he can indeed make all kinds of demands, no matter how nonsense he talks about.If you don't believe what Professor Shen said, it will be your loss, and if you believe it, it may be your loss even more.

Internally, it is different.This is Shen's own company, so he needs to be more cautious internally.

If an enterprise wants to survive and develop, it has to tread on thin ice.

Entrepreneurs who give speeches outside every day are often immersed in their own success, and they don't know when their companies have problems.

During the recent period, Shen Guanglin didn't know whether it was menopause or menstrual irregularities. Everyone felt that he was making all kinds of stupid and strange tricks frequently, and they no longer knew how to evaluate him.

Fortunately, the company is finally back on track again.

Of course, at this meeting, Shen Guanglin still explained the reasons for such frequent adjustments in corporate strategy.

The great economist Shen Guanglin believes that with the development of the economy, there will be a period of adjustment.During the adjustment period, some industries with low threshold and low added value will encounter major difficulties.

Therefore, he decided to carry out industrial adjustment. Only by optimizing the industrial structure and increasing competitiveness can he occupy a place in the future competition.

Of course, the situation is a little different now. Now that Shen has thought of a countermeasure, he should be able to deal with this crisis well.

Therefore, how to carry out industrial adjustment is no longer the most urgent and most urgent thing at present. Instead, the most urgent thing now is how to develop overseas markets, especially the markets in Eastern Europe.

Because, Shen Guanglin put forward a new idea: in the next one to two years, it is estimated that Mao Zige will have a major change and will fall down.

This is simply impossible!

Although it is already 1989, everyone still doesn't believe that a man as powerful as Mao will fall in the near future.

It is true that Brother Maozi's economy has not been good in the past few years and he has encountered some difficulties, but after all, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. As long as their internal affairs are not chaotic, how can they be dumped?
Shen Guanglin didn't explain much, and you don't need to understand too much, as long as you formulate the company's development plan according to this assumption.

Therefore, in the internal meeting of the Great Wall Group, there was a very important additional topic: how to make money from Brother Mao Zi.

After all, the Great Wall Group has a banking system and professional financial professionals. As long as it has direction, its analytical ability is not weak.

Soon, they thought of several ways to make money.

To sum up, there are many ways, the simplest of which is to conduct transactions through foreign exchange and gold, or to exchange goods to earn profits directly.

This method is the most simple and rude, and it is safe, reliable and risk-free.

Of course, there is another option, which is to acquire their assets at a low price.For example, Mao Zige's oil fields and other minerals are high-quality resources. Although Mao Zige encountered unprecedented difficulties after adopting "shock therapy", the resources will not lie. With the appreciation of the ruble and the improvement of the economy in the future, these Whether things are held or sold, they are an excellent way to make money.

Therefore, the protagonists in many novels do this. Some tycoons are even able to buy more than half of Brother Maozi's oil fields, and they can almost dominate the world.

Of course, in other novels, there is a more radical way of making money, which is to use financial means to buy short and sell rubles to make profits.

Now that you know that the ruble will fall to the sky, you can really make a lot of money in the future by betting.

Although Ah Sanguo didn't have a forward-looking vision, the tens of billions they owed Brother Mao Zi were repaid in this way.

In fact, in previous economic crises, some consortiums and hedge funds have done this, which is also called cutting leeks.

In history, this kind of thing has happened countless times, and the financial means used against Brother Mao Zi this time are naturally no exception.

Among these three methods, the first method involves a lot of investment and little profit, and it is not the type that commercial war novels like to choose.

Although the second method is a good idea, it is also very risky to buy Mao Zige's assets at a low price.

Brother Maozi has been able to compete with Citigroup for so many years, and they are not stupid. Of course they know that their assets have been sold at a low price.

Therefore, when they look back, the first thing to liquidate is you gang of black-hearted capitalists.

In real history, the privatization of Brother Maozi gave birth to a large number of financial oligarchs. Many of these people were agents of the West in Maoziguo. They not only wanted to monopolize the economy, but also wanted to control the government.

Of course, if you are wise enough to accept as soon as it is good, you can indeed reap a lot of profits.

Therefore, whether it is a long-term operation or a one-shot deal, since the Great Wall Group wants to develop into a giant enterprise in this era, it cannot let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If you miss this time, you will probably regret it for the rest of your life.

(End of this chapter)

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