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Chapter 887 Accountability

Chapter 887 Accountability
The Great Wall Group has suddenly increased its "investment" in Brother Maozi. The intensity is very large. The first capital alone exceeds one billion, which is still US dollars.

It seems that they are very optimistic about Maoziguo's economic development.

Among them, the most striking performance is that a steady stream of foreign exchange funds began to flow out of the Great Wall Bank's account and flow into the Great Wall Bank's new account.

Great Wall Bank has finally begun to explore the Eastern European market.

It was fast and fierce when it came up.

Of course, Great Wall Bank has been going international for many years.They have already opened business outlets in Fusang and Citigroup. For many people doing business or working overseas, their first choice and most trusted bank is Great Wall Bank.

Now, what is different from the past is that the Great Wall Bank has finally opened business outlets in several major cities in Maoziguo, and they have allocated a large amount of foreign exchange funds to support the development of banking business.

With the help of Xiangjiang being one of the three major financial centers in the world, with the support of charter kings and Xiangjiang tycoons, Great Wall Bank does not lack US dollars in its deposits, but only lacks good investment channels.

For this reason, Shen also designed a wealth management product aimed at developing the Eastern European market. This product is much more reliable than those wealth management products of later generations.

Of course, banks can of course also carry out financing and loans through themselves.

Therefore, Great Wall Bank used US dollars as collateral to borrow a large amount of rubles from the National Bank of Maoziguo to purchase various materials, and, as stated in the loan agreement, the loan will be repaid after a few years, and the repayment will still be in rubles. Not dollars.

The Great Wall Bank's actions were so powerful that even Uncle Ge knew about the Great Wall Group's deeds, and said with admiration that the Great Wall Group was very discerning.

For Uncle Ge's appreciation, Shen was very apprehensive. Therefore, the Great Wall Group could only release news that they were very optimistic about the future of Maoziguo's economic development, so they actively deployed the Eastern European market. This is a very important part of the Great Wall Group's development. .

However, political propaganda is a matter for the upper echelons. Now, for ordinary people, they can finally use the money from the Great Wall Bank to do business in Maoziguo, which is very good.

After all, bartering is not always so convenient.

With the appeal and influence accumulated by the Great Wall Group in the past, everyone still believes in Great Wall Bank.

Great Wall Bank lived up to this trust, and performed very well. It was decided at the beginning: All Huaxia people can open accounts with Great Wall Bank and conduct free exchange.

In this regard, tears filled everyone's eyes, and many people were saying: You should have come a long time ago!

Over the years, the poor men have been active in Eastern Europe and Maoziguo for a long time. They have indeed made a lot of money here, but the risks are also high.

Among them, there are thieves who steal money, robbers who steal money, and various checkpoints along the way. If the Great Wall Bank can come to start business earlier, how much money can we save?How much more money can I make?

Now, Great Wall Bank's business has expanded to Eastern Europe, and these poor men finally don't have to bring large sums of cash back to China, and the safety alone is worthy of praise.

At Great Wall Bank, rubles can be exchanged not only for RMB, but also for US dollars. They can even be directly deposited in the foreign exchange account of Great Wall Bank like the traders in Shencheng, and the domestic loans are traded in RMB.

This is already an old routine of Great Wall Bank, but this trick is really useful, and many banks are imitating it, but they have not grasped the needs of customers and have not imitated the essence.

Even, with the help of Great Wall Bank, they also have a way to save the loss of exchange rate.

After all, the current exchange rate of RMB to US dollar is 3.8 to 1, while the black market rate is 10 to 1, which is more than double the exchange rate gap.

Now everything in China is shuanggui, even the exchange rate is "dual-track", which is really uncomfortable.

Of course, it was in 1993 that China really liberalized the free exchange rate exchange rate. In that year, the exchange rate between RMB and US dollar fell to 8.6 to 1 the moment the gate was opened.

However, to say that it is non-toxic, this is also the moment when the renminbi is least "valuable".

Since then, the RMB has slowly started to appreciate until it was six or seven yuan to one.

Compared with domestic banks, Great Wall Bank's biggest advantage is that everything is very simple and flexible at Great Wall Bank, and they don't even charge fees for remittances from other places.

But this is the first of its kind for banks to send money for free.

Moreover, Great Wall Group has great advantages compared with foreign banks of the same type.

At least, when merchants buy things with domestic loans, the approval speed is very fast, and there is no need to worry about the lack of RMB liquidity of the Great Wall Bank.

Although the Great Wall Bank does not have the authority to issue currency, it has the business of the Great Wall Group to cover the bottom line. The amount of RMB deposited by the Great Wall Group and their suppliers is sufficient for the Great Wall Bank to make various payments.

Therefore, through these methods, the poor man can earn more money, and the Great Wall Bank can also earn more money.

Even, they made an estimate, only through the banking business, they can earn much more than the Great Wall Group's own trade.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages in things. The Great Wall Bank’s move is indeed convenient for the “bad guys” and they can make a lot of money themselves, but the income of the state-owned banks has decreased.

Now, many businesses relying on overseas remittances are suddenly not so bright.

In particular, the Great Wall Bank does not charge a fee for remittances from other places, which is too exaggerated.

In this regard, the state-owned banks are very opinionated.

This is the same as when Alipay first appeared. Such a flexible and vicious payment method should not have been developed!
Now not only the banks, but even the government can't sit still. What is the Great Wall Bank doing with such a large amount of foreign exchange to invest abroad?

You know, the funds mobilized by the Great Wall Group this time exceeded 10 billion U.S. dollars, which are all real money. If they are all invested in the country, how many officials can be promoted.

However, Shen Guanglin can't say that Brother Maozi is about to give up. I came here to earn a quick sum of money, and I will return to China soon to continue developing the economy.

I really can't say this.

It's time to talk to someone Shen.

Perhaps no one knows who the Great Wall Bank and the Great Wall Group really belong to, but everyone knows that Shen Guanglin has a lot of power to speak, and he is the one who is the most frightened.

Therefore, since Shen Guanglin showed up in Xiangjiang, many people started to arrange their schedules.

No, it's time for Lao Li to come forward. Although he appears to be retiring, he is not old enough to continue working.

After some operations, he took on the important task of persuading Shen Guanglin to continue investing in the Mainland.

(End of this chapter)

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