Chapter 888 Spending Money (Today's Update)
When Lao Li came to Xiangjiang again, Shen Guanglin naturally welcomed him.

Let's all meet and laugh away all grievances and grudges, let's not mention the unpleasant things, okay?

Lao Li had compromised a long time ago, so what could he do? Since his daughters didn't feel that he had been wronged, he could only admit it like this.

No matter who the children are, they are all relatives of the family anyway. No, my sister is doing business in the capital, and my sister Li Rong takes good care of the children. Don't worry about being a stepmother.

Of course, Lao Li still had a serious business to come to find Shen Guanglin. He came with a mission, and there was a reason why he had to come.

After all, Uncle Ge's international influence in this era is huge, and every word he says will have many interpretations from the outside world.

The Great Wall Group's recent actions in Maoziguo are indeed very large, which has attracted everyone's attention, even the old man felt the pressure.

So, Lao Li went to ask Shen Guanglin what he was thinking.

It's not a question of raising a teacher, after all, Shen Guanglin has a very high status, and he has become the object of everyone's careful protection no matter in the academic or business circles.

Shen Guanglin told the truth that this was just a short-term strategy of the Great Wall Group, and they did not give up their domestic ideas.

Lao Li is willing to believe it, but some people don't believe it. This requires the Great Wall Group to show some sincerity.

"If someone is worried, it is not impossible to ask Great Wall Group to increase domestic investment now, but there are conditions."

Shen Guanglin pondered for a long time, and finally found a relatively reasonable request, such as: to support his sister's real estate development business along the way.

The various relationships in the capital are too complicated. My sister Li Li has been back to the capital for a long time. The company needs money and the team needs ability and ability, but the progress of the real estate business is not smooth at all.

Without using some special connections, they can't even get a decent piece of land.

Isn't it about "the economy is in command" to introduce foreign capital? It's not impossible to let the Great Wall Group show sincerity. It depends on what resources you can come up with in exchange.

However, such a topic is not suitable for further negotiations with Lao Li.

The younger sister, Li Li, is Lao Li's second daughter after all, and she is suspected of using power for personal gain no matter what the result is.

Then send someone else.

Now that he has come to Xiangjiang, then Shen will do his best to be a landlord. Beauty stars are enough, and Lao Li has not lived in this new villa yet, just to experience it.

Speaking of which, when Lao Li came back to Xiangjiang, he lived in the Mosaic Villa. At that time, he was still negotiating with the Saudi prince. Now the two parties have already established a close cooperative relationship, and Shen Guanglin has not paid attention to these things for a long time.

During the period of waiting for someone from the capital to come, Shen Guanglin went fishing and played ball with Lao Li when he was free.

For Air Force guy Shen Guanglin, fishing is not a very good sport.

Although he wanted to go down and throw two shots every time he saw a body of water, but the curse of fate always made him very uncomfortable.

Sometimes, the fish in the nest are all floating on the surface of the water in groups to grab food and eat, but none of them are willing to take the bait.

It's better to play golf, especially golf.

Xiangjiang is known as every inch of land, and it is extremely short of land to develop housing for the poor. However, they do not lack hillsides for the development of high-end golf courses.

After Shen Guanglin arrived in Xiangjiang, his biggest pastime was probably playing golf.

Now there are golf courses in China, but Shen Guanglin is too lazy to go due to the lack of strong enough opponents.

Shen has practiced football since he was a child and has a professional level, so he can only enjoy himself here.

It is a very good experience to be outstanding among the rich.

It is the ultimate fantasy of a successful man to drive a golf cart to the green and hit a beautiful banana ball surrounded by beautiful women.

Professor Shen is so awesome that people have to sigh with emotion. Professor Shen is really good at everything. He is good at academic research, good at business, and he is also amazing at playing basketball.

It's just that no one is perfect, at least my sister Li Rong knows that Professor Shen is not so good in some places.

Now, since Lao Li is no longer suitable to continue to be a negotiator, the higher-ups have sent another person. This person's surname is Liu, who is also a deputy minister. Shen Guanglin doesn't know him, but he is an acquaintance with Lao Li.

In fact, the circle in the capital is only that big. After reaching a certain level, everyone is acquaintances with each other.

Everyone envied Lao Li very much. Although he was not capable of having a son, he really found a good son-in-law.

Facing the visitors, Shen Guanglin repeatedly emphasized that the Great Wall Group is rooted in Huaxia, and absolutely has no intention of looking down on Huaxia.

Moreover, the basic disks of the Great Wall are all in the mainland. If you don’t believe me, you can count them.

Sure enough, Great Wall Apparel, Great Wall Electric, Great Wall New Materials, Great Wall Biopharmaceuticals, Great Wall Motors, including the newly established Great Wall Petrochemical, have so many industries.

Moreover, Great Wall Bank opened a branch in Maoziguo for the convenience of those who do international business, and also wanted to buy some cheap raw materials.

Now, the shortage of raw materials is the bottleneck restricting the development of Great Wall Group.

This is true, the supply of raw materials in this era is too much of a problem.

It's not that they are expensive, it's just that the supply is not stable.Moreover, almost every material of the Great Wall Group requires a purchase approval document, which has spawned a dark economy.

Speaking of this, Shen Guanglin was also irritable.

Up to now, Great Wall Electric does not even have vinyl materials for the production of washing machine and TV casings. Even this has to be imported, which is exasperating to think about.

This is one of the reasons why Great Wall Group purchased a set of ethylene production equipment from BASF immediately after taking over Jinling Petrochemical.

Shen Guanglin doesn't know much about ethylene equipment and the petrochemical industry, but Wang Gongzi's family has a long history, and his family does this, so he understands.

Hearing that the Great Wall Group was going to enter the petrochemical industry, President Wang was so excited that he didn't even stay at the headquarters and stayed in Jinling every day.

Now, the Great Wall Group really doesn't want to "run away", it's just that there are no good projects to invest in for the time being, otherwise, the Great Wall Bank can also invest 10 billion in the capital.

"Is this true?" Vice Minister Liu was probably waiting for this sentence.

As long as the Great Wall Group invests in the capital, everything else is easy to talk about, isn't it just wanting a piece of land in the capital?

However, there are really not many industries that can match the scale of 10 billion. Jingcheng Iron and Steel has been reducing production year by year, so it is not suitable for Great Wall Group to take over.

Soon, Minister Liu thought about the industries that the Great Wall Group could take over. In fact, Shen Guanglin hinted with a prophecy: "Since your Great Wall Group has taken over Jinling Chemical, do you want Yanshan Chemical?"

Of course! President Wang has investigated the petrochemical industry in China and has long coveted Yanshan Chemical.

Yanshan Chemical is located in Fangshan. It was established in the 70s. The equipment is still very new, and its production scale is much larger than that of Jinling Chemical.

"I still need to investigate this." Shen Guanglin also pretended to be reserved.

"Yanshan Chemical is not comparable to Jinling Petrochemical. Xiao Shen, don't underestimate this unit. They have a lot of talents, and even have two faculty members."

"Okay, then buy it! Give your Minister Liu some face."

(End of this chapter)

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