Chapter 889
It will take a month for Wang Duoyu to spend 10 billion yuan, Shen Guanglin doesn't need it.

It only takes one thought to spend a lot of money.

It's just that investing in Maoziguo can form a suitable financial plan and tell a nice story, so that you can use the financial products purchased by the rich.

However, it is obviously impossible to do this when buying Yanshan Chemical. It is really not easy to tell a story about the acquisition of such an old and broken company.

What can I say, talk about your love pollution, talk about your many accidents.

Student Su Daqiang would not have so many shortcomings.

In line with the principle of "the king does not see the king", sister Li Rong took Xiao Shen back to the capital first, and Shen Guanglin followed Lao Li back to Beijing.

The atmosphere is here. It is impossible not to buy this Yanshan Chemical. At least, President Wang is very motivated. He is optimistic about this industry and knows where the profit points are.

After arriving in the capital, they were not in a hurry to negotiate, so they stretched out first.

Shen Guanglin still met up with his sister first, and then took her to see several plots that he had long been optimistic about.

This is an additional condition for the Great Wall Group to invest in the capital. They will not disagree with such a large amount of funds.

Of course, according to Shen Guanglin, he cooperated with the government entirely for his sister's real estate business.

Of course, the younger sister was very moved, and even went with him to Yanjing Chemical for a private visit in Weibo when she was busy.

Yanshan Chemical is located in Fangshan County. Although the geographical location is remote, it occupies a large area.

Most of the state-owned enterprises in this era are not small in size, especially this kind of petrochemical enterprises, occupying land is even more majestic.

Although there was no navigation in this era, Shen Guanglin and the others found the place quickly.Yanshan Chemical's factory area is very large and has high walls, but it still cannot cover the gas tanks and distillation towers in the distance.

When they appeared, it was just after get off work, and the workers were coming out of the factory one after another.

In the documentary of the 90s, it is said that in Huaxia's factories, every time it is time to get off work, the torrent of bicycles can sweep everything.

However, now is the time to get off work, and there are indeed many people pouring out of the factory, but there is still a long way from the level of the torrent.

"Are there only a few people in a chemical plant?"

Shen counted silently in his heart, and there were about 2000 people, which was completely inconsistent with the status of a super-large state-owned enterprise.

What about the crowd and the sea of ​​bicycles, why are they all gone?
Many people think that traffic jams are a product of the popularization of cars, but they are not.

In the capital city, the bicycle traffic jams during the daily commute to and from get off work are more effective, and even Shen, who drives a car, can be blocked for more than half an hour.

Now, if a chemical company with an area of ​​over [-] mu can't block the road at the gate when it's off work, it would be too broken.

The next step was the field inspection stage. Shen Guanglin took Li Li and President Wang out of the car, walked upstream, and soon entered the interior of Yanshan Petrochemical.

They just watched and walked all the way, and no one stopped them along the way.

This management is not good, it is not serious at all.

Yanshan Chemical was established in 1970, which is less than 20 years old. The longest equipment in it is only 19 years old, but it looks very damaged.

This enterprise has also been brilliant in the past, and it has not made much money for the country. Although it cannot be called the pillar of the country, its role cannot be underestimated.

It's just that there are many problems in this enterprise now, especially when looking at a yellow dragon rising straight into the sky from the chimney not far away, one knows that their environmental protection facilities must not meet the standards.

Before coming here, Shen Guanglin briefly read its information, and of course knew that this company had a glorious past and was once a major taxpayer in the capital.

However, after the reform and opening up, many imported materials and petroleum products are of good quality and cheap, and people don’t like to buy their products anymore. If it is not for the current shortage of foreign exchange, it is estimated that their life will be even more difficult.

For example, Shen Guanglin's Great Wall Group is a big user of chemical products, but many of the PVC granules they use are imported, including Fusang products and bent products, some of which are produced by Lao Wang's factory.

If you don't look at anything else, you can see that the management of this factory is so lax, and no one cares about strangers when they come in, so you know that the situation is not good.

Seeing this, Shen Guanglin couldn't help shaking his head: "This factory probably won't be able to survive."

"They're all like this, so shall we still take over?" Li Li followed up, saying that she is not optimistic about this type of enterprise, and she still thinks that real estate has something to do. no need."

However, Wang Wenyang held a different point of view, but he did not refute the proprietress' point of view, but chuckled a few times to go along with Shen Guanglin, "It's interesting if they can't hold on, so we have a chance."

Just like that, the three of them stood at the door of a factory building and commented unscrupulously, as if the fate of the factory was in their own minds.

He said it was unintentional, but it sounded intentional, especially for a beautiful woman like Li Li, it was easier to attract people's attention.

A man who looked like a middle-aged cadre rushed out, full of resentment, his eyes were almost red, like an aggressive rooster.

"What do you mean? What are you talking about here!"

"Ah, we are here to inspect our factory, nothing else." Shen Guanglin explained.

Hearing this, the mood of the middle-aged cadres eased somewhat, but their attitude was definitely not friendly.

Wang Wenyang was born in 51, and he is 38 years old this year. It is because of the son of a rich family that he looks young. In comparison, I don't even know who is older.

Middle-aged cadres must be less than 50 years old. If Shen Guanglin and the others were children, wouldn't this cadre be able to get married and have children when he was about ten years old.

However, they didn't argue, since they had already reached the gate of the factory building, they had to go in and take a look.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin and the others didn't care about calling the middle-aged cadres "children" and walked straight into the factory building.

The middle-aged cadres did not stop them, but followed them in.

This factory building is very large, and there are various pipes and equipment inside. Shen Guanglin doesn't know these things. He works in the laboratory instead of running a factory.

However, Mr. Wang is familiar with this thing. Although President Wang is a rich man, his knowledge is still very broad.

There was no need for the introduction of the middle-aged cadre, so he took the initiative to explain: "This is a distillation workshop. The equipment should be from Bayer. The things are not bad, but they are old and well maintained. The situation is a bit bad, and the efficiency and product quality are estimated to be average.”

Wang Gongzi can see at a glance that there is a big gap between this company and his own chemical plant, which includes both hardware and software gaps.

"The distillation workshop, what exactly does it produce?" the younger sister asked curiously.

In fact, Shen Guanglin didn't understand these things, and this was the first time he saw a petrochemical production line.

Although the Great Wall Group did acquire Jinling Chemical when he was in Jinling, he didn't go in and look at it. President Wang was busy with everything.

"This kind of equipment can produce a lot of things, such as aviation kerosene, methanol, and ethanol. Its essence is multi-stage distillation. Under a certain pressure, the saturated vapor pressure of each component of the miscible liquid mixture is used to make light components. Vaporization, so as to achieve separation."

Speaking of this, Mr. Wang will not be troubled. He has a doctorate in materials science and has a long history of family studies. These are his majors and he is very familiar with them.

After reading these, Shen Guanglin already had some ideas in his mind. Since the equipment is well maintained and the operation status is still in continuous production, it means that this enterprise has not yet entered the stage of terminal illness and incurable disease.

For such a large factory and enterprise, regardless of whether it is producing or not, the wages of workers, the depreciation of plant equipment, and various administrative expenses all have to be fixed expenditures, and it will burn a lot of money.

And this era is also the most difficult era for state-owned enterprises. Most of the profits they earned in the past have been handed over. It is almost impossible for equipment to undergo technical transformation and upgrade the craft industry.

The style of Huaxia state-owned enterprises is like this. If you really have that spare money, it is better to rebuild a factory or a workshop.

Therefore, some of the equipment in the same factory were built during the Japanese Manchurian period before liberation, some were built with the aid of the Soviet Union in the 50s, some were domestically produced in the 70s and 80s, and some were imported in the [-]s.

It doesn't matter if the equipment is a little behind. Shen Guanglin knows that the petrochemical industry in later generations is very profitable, and it is the same now. The Wang family has become the richest man in the bay by relying on petrochemical products.

In the future, such enterprises will be sweet and sour.

In later generations, if you can work in a refinery of PetroChina or Sinopec after graduating from university, it will be a treat and congratulations.

The oil refining and chemical industry in this era is really sad. Everything is fixed, and the price of refined oil is also fixed. They can’t produce products with high added value. mean.

Now, Yanjing Chemical's life is not easy. If you don't look at anything else, you can just look at the clothes worn by middle-aged cadres. Although they are wrinkled, they are of good quality, which shows that the once wealthy people are now in decline.

Shen Guanglin and President Wang exchanged glances, such a company can be bought.

At this time, the middle-aged cadre suddenly seemed to have realized something, "You, you are Professor Shen! Are you the chief scientist of the Great Wall Group, Professor Shen Guanglin?"

The middle-aged cadre was very excited, as if he was a brain-dead fan who bravely chased idols in the future, even Shen Guanglin was taken aback by him.

"Yes, I am Shen Guanglin." Shen Guanglin could only admit generously.

"Oh, Professor Shen, we have been waiting for you for a long time. We have already received instructions from our superiors, saying that the Great Wall Group intends to form a joint venture with us. This is great! In the future, our products will finally be sold."

(End of this chapter)

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