Start with a college teacher

Chapter 890 Blushing

Chapter 890 Blushing
Now that Xingzang has been seen through, the next itinerary will be simple, just visit it openly, there is no need to hide it.

When Professor Shen came, the middle-aged cadre was very excited, and disappeared after a while.

It turned out that he went to the security department to call the factory leader.

Sure enough, not too long later, more middle-aged cadres appeared one after another, and everyone enthusiastically supported Professor Shen, looking forward to it.

Shen Guanglin had no choice but to shake hands with everyone and say goodbye.

Moreover, not long after, not only the leaders of the factory came, but also Lao Li and that Vice Minister Liu.

Shen Guanglin never asked what Vice Minister Liu did.

In fact, it doesn't matter which department Vice Minister Liu belongs to, but it is easy to write 404. The important thing is that he is indeed a great leader.

The factory attached great importance to this surprise operation from top to bottom, and welcomed Shen Guanglin's arrival very much.

It's time for dinner, so let's have a light meal first.

There is a small canteen inside the factory, which contains all kinds of expensive ingredients, and there is even a row of iron cages in the yard, where all kinds of game are kept.

Animal protection is not strong in this era, as long as it is not pandas and Siberian tigers, other things are free to eat.

Of course, Shen Guanglin and the others did not drink at noon. Even though there was a vintage Moutai on the table, Shen still held back. Work was more important.

I don't know who spread the word, saying that Professor Shen likes the old Moutai the most, so all those who want to attack someone Shen, prepare Moutai.

After a sumptuous lunch, a group of people started their formal visit.

The efficiency of the factory is high enough, and it only takes more than an hour. The factory area is not to mention a facelift, at least it has a new look.

This group of people is very good at reception, they only need loess pavement and clean water to splash the street.

Since it was to attack Shen Guanglin, it was not the factory leader who spoke, but Director Liu himself.

"Professor Shen, what do you think of our factory? You don't know, this is the pillar industry of our capital, with an annual output of 10 tons of ethylene, and an annual refining of more than 100 million tons of petroleum. The gasoline in the entire Beijing-Tianjin area is Diesel and lubricating oil are almost all produced by us.”

I don't know if it's because Minister Liu is meticulous in his work or because he has a good brain. He doesn't need the secretary to remind him at all, and all the data comes just by opening his mouth.

When did the construction start, when did it go into production, how much did it cost, and what were the results, one by one, one by one, it was very clear.

Occasionally, when Shen Guanglin interjected a word, he answered without any hesitation.

Shen Guanglin didn't ask questions, just listened to him, this person is suitable to be a teacher, and his teaching level is higher than his own.

In fact, there was no need to mobilize at all. In private, Shen and Wang Wenyang had already reached an agreement that this factory could be acquired.

Even if their production line equipment is not good, it is not a problem to invest in a whole new set of equipment.

In the energy and chemical industry in China, the most difficult thing is actually approval, land and mature industrial workers, these are the wealth.

You must know that experienced and skilled workers cannot be cultivated in a day or two.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, why was the industry in the Northeast developed first?

Without him, there are only industrial workers there.

During the Puppet Manchukuo period, the devils planned to use this place as their rear area, so they trained a large number of industrial workers intentionally or unintentionally.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, Mao Zi occupied this place and removed a large number of machinery and equipment, but they couldn't take the industrial workers with them. This is our wealth.

Therefore, with a good industrial foundation, Huaxia's first car rolled off the assembly line here.

Of course, the decline of the old industrial base in Northeast China was actually caused by various factors. Citigroup’s Motor City Detroit went bankrupt, isn’t it the same?

In fact, when he was in Xiangjiang, Vice Minister Liu persuaded Shen Guanglin to invest in Yanshan Petrochemical. This was originally a topic brought up by Shen Guanglin.

Everyone has this need, and it can be said that it hit it off.

In Beijing in early spring, the wind is still chilly, but the afternoon sun is pretty good, and the people are very comfortable.

This is a factory planned and built by the state, and it looks like that.

However, Minister Liu said that this factory is rare on the ground and hard to find in the sky, which is a bit too much.

After all, it is already a 20-year-old factory, and the desolation and dilapidation of the factory area cannot be concealed.

The main road is not bad, it’s quite grand, the bushes and trees are old, but the steel structure and pipes that are horizontally placed in the factory area are rusted, it looks a bit like the dilapidated factory in the later CS games, it’s not like it’s okay Continue to generate profits.

In particular, walking in some dark corners, you can still smell a less strong but persistent smell of urine.

This is also normal, especially some places that are usually inaccessible have become a place for everyone to enjoy and enjoy.

After all, the number of toilets in the factory cannot be very large, and most of them are far away from the factory area, so I am too lazy to go.

Moreover, the current dry toilets are dirty and smelly, and they may overflow when it rains. If you step on them, you will be disgusted for a long time.

There is no shortage of corners in such a large factory.

In fact, not only factories, but even schools have this phenomenon.

Especially in winter, some yellow-brown stains can often be seen on the snow outside the dormitory area, even Beijing University is no exception.

The chemical plant is actually not bad, it is covered by chemical smell, which is not obvious.

Some food factories, such as soybean paste factories, such as fermented tea factories, workers defecate in the fermentation tank, and it is said that the taste of the finished product is even more delicious.

In this regard, Shen Guanglin sighed, "It is not so easy for a factory like this to turn losses into profits."

They have estimated that if it is to be rejuvenated, it really needs 10 billion, and it must be US dollars.

The leaders had been watching Shen Guanglin's face for a long time. Seeing Shen Guanglin's expression, they hurriedly explained: "Recently, the efficiency of the factory is really mediocre, but these equipment are solid. After some repairs, they can continue to be used for many years."

However, what Shen Guanglin sighed was not the production equipment in the factory area, but the management level of the factory: "Our factory doesn't produce fertilizer, right?"

"No production. The production of chemical fertilizers is another process route. We mainly produce ethylene, and synthetic ammonia is the main production of chemical fertilizers."

In fact, they don't need to explain this. As the most famous professor in the country, Shen Guanglin doesn't know anything.

Even if he didn't know, Wang Wenyang knew.

Shen Guanglin didn't say anything else, just raised his mouth.

"That's good. If the two parties want to cooperate, I have a small suggestion. In the future, we will add a rule to our factory's rules and regulations. It is forbidden to defecate anywhere in the factory area."

The faces of the leaders immediately turned red.

(End of this chapter)

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