Chapter 891

At this stage, the acquisition of a petrochemical plant is not so urgent, but my sister's real estate business is more urgent.

Especially, seeing that some people are building shopping malls, hotels and office buildings in full swing, and she hasn't even got a decent piece of land yet, so she can't be in a hurry.

If she was in a hurry, Shen Guanglin would suffer.

It's just pain and joy.

At night, it is always necessary to contribute physical strength and energy, and then sign countless unequal treaties and alliances under the city.

Therefore, obtaining land is the most urgent thing at present.

In fact, as long as it is confirmed that Mr. Shen and his Great Wall Group have no intention of decoupling and running away, everyone will be relieved.

As for whether you want to buy Yanshan Chemical, and when to buy it, that's not a big issue.

Shen Guanglin's mood for acquisitions is not so urgent, especially the atmosphere in the capital is not so good recently, the air is a bit tense, it seems a bit unsuitable for big business, why not keep more funds in hand, maybe it will be of great use.

Shen Guanglin has another idea, that is, it is better to give carbon in the snow than to add to the cake.

This is called strategic vision!
Therefore, it is Wang Wenyang, who is really enthusiastic about this matter. He thinks that it is a very correct choice for Great Wall Group to enter the petrochemical industry. This is estimated to be a turning point in the development history of Great Wall Group.

It's okay, Shen Guanglin has no intention of objecting, since you are willing to make troubles, then let you make troubles.

Now, since Professor Shen has arrived in the capital, he will naturally come to him for matters in the capital.

After all, the capital city is Shen's place of prosperity. Here is his laboratory, his biological base, and his new material company.

Of course, in the recent period of time, Shen has been a little empathetic, and somehow fell in love with the luxurious life in the Shanghai city.

Since about last year, he stayed abroad for a long time, and he didn't really spend much time in the capital.

Moreover, most of the students with strong abilities and good understanding also followed him to the capital, leaving only some research groups studying "traditional industries" to continue to struggle in the capital.

The research done by these people may be called "traditional tradition", but it is actually at the forefront of science and technology.

Moreover, their scientific research ability is also very strong. Even without the face-to-face guidance of Shen, the results can still be produced continuously.

This is inertia. A formal laboratory does not need the participation of the boss. Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Capital University is walking on such a road.

In the laboratory, as long as you prove yourself, you can choose your favorite topics according to your own interests.

Even though Shen Guanglin knew that this direction might have no future, he did not object.If you spend money, I will support it; if you still spend money, I will still support it; if you spend more money, nothing will happen!The team leader is about to be replaced.

On this day, Shen Guanglin, Wang Wenyang and others were listening to reports and doing research in Yanshan Chemical Industry. They were learning about the company's operation and financial situation. Someone from the laboratory came to him and said that there was an urgent matter.

Of course Shen Guanglin knew the person who came. He was a classmate surnamed Lai, and he was one of the newly appointed team leaders.

Seeing Xiao Lai, Shen Guanglin took advantage of the situation and asked, "How is the recent situation in the laboratory?"

"It's running well. Due to the sufficient funds and the well-organized personnel, all aspects of operation are relatively normal. However, people from the Fusang inspection team came here today, accompanied by leaders from the school and the park. According to the system, it should not be allowed We can't stop them from coming in. They want to enter the laboratory even if they come, not to mention affecting the progress of our experiments, but no, we won't let them in, and they insist on taking pictures."

The speaker may not be unintentional, but the listener is definitely interested.

Xiao Lai is here to sue, and Professor Shen needs to make up his mind on this matter.

Hearing this, Shen Guanglin suddenly changed color, and asked quickly: "Who are you talking about? The visiting group from Fusang?"

"Yes, those people like to bow very much, and they are still bow-legged. Standing is not as tall as sitting. It must be the inspection team from Fusang."

Standing taller than sitting?
Wang Wenyang savored it for a long time, then burst out laughing, "Young man, your statement is very vivid."

Lao Li also interjected: "In fact, they have grown a lot taller now. In the past, that is, when they entered the customs, they were shorter, and their height was generally less than 1.5 meters."

Everyone laughed out loud after hearing this, there were some wrong names, but no wrong nicknames.

However, Shen Guanglin was not in the mood to listen to jokes, he was already in a hurry, "Hurry up, hurry up! Get in the car, let's go to the laboratory!"

Fortunately, everyone can drive, and the distance from Fangshan to Capital University is not too far.

Without a driver, someone Shen drove the car himself, driving the car very fast.

However, as far as the roads of this era are concerned, how fast can they go?

Fortunately, Fusang's inspection team was dedicated and persistent enough. They hadn't finished their inspection after Shen Guanglin arrived.

Shen Guanglin didn't rush up to make a fuss, although he was anxious and angry, but he still had to understand the situation first.

He randomly grabbed a person from the laboratory, and hurriedly asked, "You are Xiao Wang, right? What did they watch?"

"It's these things." This classmate Wang said, pointing to the surroundings.


"It's our laboratory. They first looked at the periphery, and then looked at our laboratory's operating system and schedule. They also wanted to see the experimental records, but the team leader refused to let them see, and the accompanying leader was angry. "

Classmate Wang thought about it and felt that he should have missed nothing.

"Then have you shown them the subject and experimental plan you are working on?" Shen Guanglin asked eagerly.

"Of course not." On this point, Wang is still very confident. The laboratory's confidentiality system is well learned, but the pressure brought by the leaders is too great, and they can't bear it.

"Are you sure?"

"Definitely not."

Classmate Wang thought for a while, and then said a little uncertainly, "They seem to have taken pictures, and they started taking pictures from the moment they came in."

"Where did you take all the photos?"

"I took pictures everywhere, starting from the entrance, even the duty room, the aisle, and the outdoor equipment. They behaved like tourists. Moreover, they really took pictures of everything. It felt like they didn't need money for the film. They kept shooting. A lot of rolls."

Shen Guanglin didn't come up in one breath, he was about to yell, you are all pig brains, how can you let them shoot these things!
Grace, grace.

He could only keep reminding himself to pay attention to the demeanor of a well-known scientist.

Fortunately, they haven't left yet, and everything can be remedied.

Don’t really think that if you don’t get the experimental records, you have done a good job of protection. For a top laboratory, even ordinary rules and regulations are wealth.

Moreover, even through the equipment outside the laboratory and relying on some indirect information, many things can be judged.

There was a story circulated on the Internet, which said that based on a photo of the iron man Wang Jinxi, Fusang people analyzed a lot of things, just like a myth.

Of course, after detailed research by interested people later, it was a rumor, used to boast that Fusang people were omnipotent, but in fact it could not stand up to scrutiny.

However, everything must be prevented from unburned.

The Great Wall Group and the laboratory maintain a huge security team, it's time for them to exert their strength.

In the security room at the gate, Shen Guanglin made a phone call and immediately dispatched a large number of armed forces from nearby.

This is a real armed force, and its personnel are all retired soldiers, but there is no honor guard for retired soldiers, because they are too handsome and easy to steal the limelight, and someone Shen doesn't like it.

With everything in place, Shen Guanglin led the staff to the laboratory.

When Shen Guanglin broke in, they were still deadlocked at the door of the laboratory.The person in charge of the laboratory stopped them from entering, the leaders of the school and the district were criticizing them, and some people were filming with cameras.

Seeing Professor Shen coming, the leader-like person stopped criticizing and began to say hello with a smile: "Professor Shen, you are here, and you are here just in time. Your laboratory is too rigid, and even friends and family want to visit it." .”

The visiting group was also extremely polite. When they saw Professor Shen Guanglin coming, everyone immediately stood at attention and bowed deeply: "Hello, Professor Shen!"

However, Shen Guanglin's behavior was a little rude, and he asked, "Who let you in?"

"Professor Shen, this is a group of scholars visiting our school, from Waseda University. They came here because of the reputation." Shen Guanglin didn't know a middle-aged man who looked like a leader who spoke, so he probably spoke from an administrative officer.

(End of this chapter)

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