Chapter 892 Failed
Shen Guanglin didn't care about this, and turned to ask the person in charge of the laboratory: "Who let them in?"

"We stopped it, we couldn't stop it."

Some of the staff in the laboratory couldn’t answer. They also felt that it was wrong to do so, but the other party was accompanied by the leaders of the school and the government. They themselves are students who have graduated from Beijing University or have not yet graduated. It’s really not good. Stop it.

Being unselfish also depends on the occasion, at least, they were not allowed inside the laboratory.

However, at this time, the accompanying officials felt a little uncomfortable, "Professor Shen, this is a foreign guest, we still have to pay attention to etiquette."

Shen Guanglin became angry when he heard it. Is etiquette important or rules and regulations important? : "What do you guys do? Get out!"

Seeing that Shen Guanglin was really angry, everyone was a little confused.

For such a trivial matter, why did he get so angry.

Shen Guanglin didn't care about their feelings at all, and emphasized again to the laboratory staff: "In the future, no matter who wants to enter the laboratory, he needs to apply from the moment he enters the gate. This is what I have emphasized many times. Yes, have you forgotten?"

The staff didn't dare to answer. Of course they didn't forget, but it was because they didn't do a good job. In fact, when the foreign guests came, they already realized that something was wrong, so Xiao Lai hurriedly informed Professor Shen.

Shen Guanglin did not completely lose his mind, and still maintained a certain demeanor. He said to these people: "Our laboratory is not doing well today, and the rules and regulations are not in place. I'm sorry. I think you should invite Go back, as the chairman has said, clean the house before treating guests. Now, I’m going to train my people on the rules and regulations.”

Although Shen Guanglin's laboratory is listed under the name of Capital University, it is actually Shen's own laboratory, and Capital University has no jurisdiction.

Therefore, these staff members do not need to obey the orders of the school.

Now, Shen Guanglin is going to emphasize this point in particular.
What is a word of speech, Shen's word of speech will be fully expressed here.

In front of the guests, Shen Guanglin gritted his teeth and said that from today on, those who have not been invited or approved are not guests and cannot enter the laboratory.

Therefore, not only can they not enter the laboratory to see, they have to go out now.

Now, everyone is halfway through the tour, so can't you wait until everyone is gone before showing off your prestige?

The school's leaders wanted to reason with Shen Guanglin. He was a foreign guest and came here with sincerity.

However, Shen Guanglin's expression was already very ugly, what he expressed was, if you do this again, don't blame me for embarrassing you.

After all, Professor Shen is a well-known professor in the country, and he has made great achievements in the capital university. The general leaders really dare not offend him.

Seeing that Shen Guanglin was angry, they could only admit that they were cowardly, so they began to apologize to the foreign guests: "I'm sorry, we didn't arrange well, let's make up the formalities, everyone wait a while."

Turning their heads, they were going to give Professor Shen a step down. Literati should be respected.

"Professor Shen, look at this. What is the application procedure for our visit here? Let's go through one."

However, Shen Guanglin didn't give them a good look, "I said before, clean up the house before treating guests."

The leaders can indeed play tricks with the management staff of the laboratory, and they can also reason with Shen Guanglin, but when Shen Guanglin is unreasonable, they can only reason with the security personnel.

Shen Guanglin gave an order, and the security personnel came in to see off the guests.

Come on, it is probably impossible to enter the laboratory to continue to visit today, so let's do this first, and wait for Professor Shen to calm down.

However, what they didn't expect was that the security personnel were a bit rigid and dogmatic when enforcing laboratory discipline, and they respected them as leaders and did not respect the visiting group as foreign guests.

You brought your camera in, right? All the film was confiscated, and all the paper things were left behind.

That is to say, even if they brought a book when they came in, sorry, they can't take it out anymore.


Totally gratuitous but methodical brutality.

They still have operating procedures to abide by. These things were not destroyed after they were taken away, but were sealed in a sorting box, and they will be returned to you when the process is completed and the procedures are legal.

In short, no matter what you bring with you when you come, you must leave naked when you leave.

Surprise, unwillingness, and anger immediately filled the chests of the leaders of Capital University and the government. You must take yourself too seriously.


You are simply too defiant!
Everyone began to slander in their hearts: Although everyone respects you as a character, Shen Guanglin, but you are too arrogant.

However, even after suffering such a big grievance, the attitude of the Fusang inspection team is still very good.

They didn't complain, only sorry.

"I'm sorry, we didn't know the rules in advance and caused you trouble. It's just that the camera and notebook are our private property, please return them to us."

This is impossible!

When the security personnel were enforcing the laboratory discipline, Shen Guanglin had already left in a "violent spirit" and went to teach his staff a lesson.

Therefore, it is useless for them to play the piano with cattle. This group of people can only enforce discipline, and they are meticulous, and even their private parts have to be checked.

They are simply too arrogant!
Seeing that the staff just sealed up the belongings, the visiting group became much quieter.

"That's right, it's our fault. Let's go through the normal application process." The visiting group quickly calmed down their anger and dissatisfaction, and began to apologize apologetically.

Forget it, the leaders have decided: give Shen Guanglin's laboratory a chance right now.

Of course, this matter is endless, let's find an opportunity to settle the account after autumn.

So much for the foreign delegation.

The visiting group did not give up and asked the leaders to apply for the visit according to the process of the journey.

According to the rules and regulations, all those who enter the gate of Shen Guanglin's laboratory must go through application and approval.

Moreover, it is true that all staff members need to be searched when they leave the laboratory gate.

This is a pre-set procedure and a rule that must be followed, and it is really not aimed at them.

Alright, now that you know their rules and regulations, then follow the normal process to apply.

Soon, the laboratory received a request for a visit, and they operated step by step.

The head of the bloody laboratory who had just been scolded didn't dare to make decisions on his own after seeing the application, so he ran to ask Professor Shen: "Do we agree with them coming to visit?"

"Did you apply according to the procedures?"

"Yes, the forms are all exactly the same."

"That doesn't agree."

(End of this chapter)

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