Start with a college teacher

Chapter 893 Homecoming

Chapter 893 Homecoming
Shen Guanglin rejected their application for a visit.

This is normal, you have the right to apply for access, and of course I also have the right to refuse you.

Which law stipulates that as long as you apply according to the process, I have to agree.

This is the same as a confession between a man and a woman, that’s right, you prepared flowers and rings, found a place where there are many people, set up a stall, pretended to express affectionately in front of a group of people, and there were a group of people booing around , does this mean that girls have to agree?
There is sincerity, how much is sincerity worth?
Could it be that every time I see a beautiful girl, I go up and ask, "I want to sleep with you, I'm very sincere, look, it's all stunned."

And the other party has to agree because of your sincerity?

Can't come up with a meaning like 998?
Therefore, Shen Guanglin refused very simply: the visit application was not approved.

Applying again is still the same result.

Moreover, Professor Shen has no time to deal with these trivial matters, because the petrochemical plant is about to hold a joint venture signing ceremony, which is very grand.

With the vigorous promotion of President Wang, the matter was quickly negotiated.

The way of cooperation is that Great Wall Group takes a stake in Yanshan Chemical, and the two parties reach a joint venture.Among them, Great Wall Group holds 49% of the shares, Yanshan Chemical holds 49% of the shares, and the remaining 2% is exclusively owned by Shen Guanglin.

Of course, Shen Guanglin paid not only for technical support, but also for money in proportion.

Professor Shen is rich, which can be seen in this matter.

And he didn't deliberately take advantage of the country, and he didn't spend a single penny less, which saved people from talking nonsense there after settling accounts.

Yanshan Chemical is very special. After all, it is a very important state-owned enterprise in the capital, but it cannot be sold at a low price.

Shen Guanglin's ability to take part of the shares was also a product of compromise between the two parties, which showed that Yanshan Chemical's shares were still in Huaxia's hands, and Professor Shen was one of his own.

After all, no matter how friendly Great Wall Group is, it is still a Hong Kong-funded enterprise in name.

In this era, Hong Kong capital is almost equivalent to foreign capital. They came with Hong Kong dollars and U.S. dollars, and holding a grand signing ceremony is also the meaning of the title.

On the day of the official signing, the official bus of the Great Wall Group, decorated with colorful flowers, departed from the Beijing Hotel and drove into the factory area of ​​Yanshan Chemical in turn.

The factory area has also been redecorated now, and the smell of urine has long since disappeared. Moreover, the first thing they encountered was not the crowd of workers who came out to greet them, but a sea of ​​red scarves.

There are hundreds of elementary school students wearing school uniforms, holding small flags, and making a warm welcome, forming a unique landscape of this era.

Shen Guanglin led everyone out of the car like this, and two students with red cheeks presented flowers.

This is a complete set of procedures, and the entire Wang Gongzi from Wanwan and the foreign employees from Xiangjiang are a little ignorant.

Many employees of the Great Wall Group, especially the Great Wall Bank, are foreigners, at least from the looks of them, they are foreigners with yellow hair and white skin, and they were brought here specially this time to make a statement.

"Professor Shen!"

Lao Li and Vice Minister Liu had already greeted him at the scene, and Shen Guanglin was stunned for a moment.

It was still Lao Li's superb morality, his expression didn't change at all, he greeted Shen Guanglin with his eyes, and then began to shake hands warmly.

Those who knew knew they were Weng-in-law, but those who didn't know thought they didn't know each other before.

In fact, this is a social skill.

In society, everyone is an actor, and they have to play different roles in different situations.

For example, Li Li also got out of the car with Shen Guanglin, and she is now playing the role of Mrs. Shen Guanglin.Even those who are familiar with Lao Li's family probably only know that Professor Shen is Lao Li's son-in-law, but they may not know which daughter of Lao Li Shen Guanglin married, let alone that he married both of them at once.

In the ceremony of everyone's attention, Shen Guanglin took Li Li for a while, of course, and continued to move forward under the introduction of Lao Li.

And at the entrance of the signing hall, the leaders of Yanshan Chemical and Beijing formed a long queue, and each of them had to hold on.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin strode forward, shaking hands with the big leader first, then with the second leader, then with the third leader, and then with the fourth leader. In short, everyone has their own place. Even Li Li, on this occasion, she The performance is also very good, and this is also a convenient stage set up by Shen Guanglin for her.

In the future, when my sister wants to develop real estate, these people will be very useful. They just say hello, and things are often done.

However, what they are welcoming now is the representative of the Great Wall Group, and the current Shen Guanglin is only Shen Guanglin, the chief scientist of the Great Wall Group, not Shen Guanglin, a well-known professor at Capital University. These are two different identities.

The treatment enjoyed by the Great Wall Group is actually the treatment for foreign guests, and the whole process is exactly the same as that for foreign guests.

Therefore, the Great Wall Group's people with foreigners' faces are now very popular, and they have become the focus of media reporters' attention since they got off the car.

Even if some people are just the most grassroots employees, they have a different skin, and this is an advantage.

Obviously everyone is a person who often haunts the capital, especially Shen, who has been in Beijing University for more than eight years, but this time, facing this welcome process, he still feels very comfortable psychologically, and his mane has been smoothed out Woolen cloth.

Humans are indeed social animals.

In particular, this method is beneficial but not costly, and the cost is low. Only one welcome ceremony can make the crowd feel very comfortable, which is also the characteristic of the times and the advantage of China.

The native beetles of the Great Wall Group were even more delighted, and now they can be regarded as returning to their hometowns.

There are not many pursuits in a person's life. What to do with so much money is not to make yourself stunned in front of your folks.

I don't know what happened to other people's families, but at least Su Youpeng has achieved this. Now he has not only made money, but also has a social status. This feeling is different from that in Shencheng.

Of course, the only thing that made Shen Guanglin a little unhappy was the welcoming team for these primary school students.

Shen Guanglin saw that due to standing for a long time, some children were already sleepy and almost crumbling.

If you want to engage in face-saving projects, why don't you send some college students, preferably all female students, and the style of the Republic of China will definitely make people unforgettable.

Exaggerated, but someone Shen likes it.

Shen Guanglin has never experienced this era. In fact, in a few years, the subsequent investment policies and situation will be more radical.

When the civil servants are really startled and start to put on airs, it is estimated that there are still 20 years to go.

When real estate really booms, the government has money, and real estate developers start begging them, and these people's official prestige will be developed.

Moreover, the welcoming ceremony did not use the Great Wall Group's cars, but they put together their own cars, all of which were all Great Wall Motors.

This ostentation is already very good, and they have given enough face.

The sales of Great Wall Motors have already spread in China. No matter the model or function, they are much better than Santana. They can all become magic cars.

Shen Guanglin once saw an advertisement, which had air-conditioning and stereo, and it was already a luxury car.

Fortunately, Great Wall Group's electrical company is developing air-conditioning itself. In Great Wall Motors, air-conditioning is already standard equipment, and it was not used as a selling point at first.

You know, the first joint venture Santana has no air-conditioning, only heating.

It is very simple to have the function of heating, just make a heat exchanger and borrow the waste heat of automobile exhaust.

The air conditioner of a car is different, which requires a compressor and Freon, which is not low in cost.

Today, Great Wall Motors with air-conditioning and Santana without air-conditioning sell for the same price, but anyone with vision will buy Great Wall.

Now, Great Wall Motors has finally opened up some situations. Although it has not made any money yet, at least it has seen money back.

Moreover, the good news doesn't stop there. After not being in Shanghai for so long, good news finally came from there: a compact mobile phone has been made.

(End of this chapter)

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