Start with a college teacher

Chapter 894 Conclusion

Chapter 894 Conclusion
Su Youpeng finally returned home in good clothes.

The young and the young leave home and the eldest returns, the local accent remains the same, and the hair on the temples declines.

Of course, Su Youpeng and the others who went south to explore the world are not old yet, at least until now, Old Su has not officially married.

It's just that the girl of old Su's dream, the child, is about to start looking for a job.

Without the blessing of a suit, Lao Su still looks like a young man, but his achievements are enough for his family to brag about for a long time.

"My dog ​​leftover, shook hands with the mayor."

"If I had married him back then, the child I gave birth to would not be a dog."

All these honors were brought by Professor Shen, who changed the fate of many people.

However, what Shen Guanglin brought to people like Su Youpeng was pride, but what Shen Guanglin brought to others was embarrassment.

You know, the delegation from Waseda University is still waiting in the capital, and their property is still being seized in the security room of Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

Applications to visit Shen Guanglin's laboratory were made several times, but they were all rejected without exception.

Shen Guanglin has been busy with the cooperation with Yanshan Chemical recently, so he doesn't have time to talk to them at all, and they are still running around.

The people in the laboratory were also thinking about doing little things, so they returned the seized items to them.

Of course, all the films have been withdrawn and replaced, and the ones paid for are all brand new, Kodak, and brand-name, which is very valuable.

And the recorded video materials they took, regardless of whether they were useful or not, and whether they would leak secrets, were all destroyed anyway.

Not to mention the experimental results, even laboratory management is a science, which cannot be learned by them.

You are simply too much!
The Waseda University delegation lodged a serious protest to the school and the local government.

"Furious" was originally a very exaggerated adjective, but it feels very appropriate when used on the leaders at this moment.

You, Professor Shen, are awesome, and we admit it.

Before you didn't give face, we have endured it; if you don't give face to foreign friends, we have also endured it because of the generosity of foreign friends.

Now, we all apply for visits according to the normal process, and you still deny it again and again, which means several things.

In fact, there is no other meaning at all.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory just thinks that they are not suitable for visiting Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

You must know that Professor Shen's laboratory is the best laboratory in the world, and it contains a large number of confidential documents, so it is not suitable for outsiders to visit.

Excuses, everything is an excuse.

The news about the signing of the contract between Great Wall Group and Yanshan Chemical has already spread, and it was all on the evening news. What kind of official is the leader of the management committee? It's normal for people to ignore him.

However, the school's administrative leaders feel differently. They feel that they cannot bear this grievance.

In particular, matters involving foreign friends are never trivial matters.

The foreign affairs department has conveyed the protest to the school, which also built confidence in the school's administrative leaders.

In case, I can stand up.

Therefore, this matter was quickly fed back to the school committee.

However, there is no impenetrable wall in this world. Shen Guanglin's eyes and ears are all over the school, so he doesn't even need to come forward. There are many people who are willing to help him.

Everyone wants to sell their affection and make friends with each other.

Therefore, the leader of the administrative office said that Professor Shen Guanglin's negligence of foreign guests should be discussed in the school committee. Everyone liked it, and some even added fuel to the flames.

Therefore, this time the school committee, everyone is full of expectations.

The lengthy school committee, at this moment, seems not so boring and boring, and everyone is full of expectations.

"Professor Shen Guanglin is capable, I do not deny, but his recent performance is too disappointing. He is self-willed, talkative, and treats foreign guests like wild dogs. This is no longer a qualified laboratory leader. He It would be detrimental to inter-university cooperation if our entire Capital University is involved."

Speaking of Shen Guanglin's crimes, the leader has something to say.

"What do you suggest?" someone asked.

"I suggest that we take back the laboratory. After all, this is the school's laboratory. Although Shen Guanglin cheated some funds to come back, he also relied on the reputation of Capital University. A good reputation is hard-won and cannot be destroyed. what."

However, the demands of administrative leadership were not met, and the dean of the School of Chemistry seized the opportunity to fight back.

So, the dean said, "If those visiting groups are also friends, then I won't say anything. This is a photo they secretly took. Let's see what it is."

After speaking, he directly threw a few photos at the school committee.

It can be seen that the photo printing technology is good, and even the text on it is very clear.

Everyone shared some, one of which was a remake of the experimental document, which read: "Preparation Method of High Temperature Resistant Materials", and another article with an even more scary title, "Discovery of a New Type of Anti-radar Stealth Material" ".

If it weren't for such a topic, the leaders of the School of Chemistry would not have been able to grab the opportunity to perform like this.

For example, although Shen Guanglin was born in the School of Physics, if "Foreign Guests and Friends" was filming "On the Motion Trajectory of Outer Electrons", it would lack a lot of persuasiveness.

Seeing such an article, everyone felt their scalps go numb, and the leaders of the administrative department were about to explode.

"You are slander!"

"Then why did they insist on visiting Professor Shen's laboratory? Why didn't you obey the discipline and force them to break into the laboratory? You are ruining the image of the school."

What kind of laboratory is Professor Shen's laboratory?

Everyone knows that Professor Shen's laboratory is powerful, but some people do some unbelievable behaviors for the sake of their own face and future. Such people are disregarding the overall situation.

Then there is no more then.

No need to exist, but there are really some major issues.

Otherwise, if this incident becomes a big deal, the whole school will be ruined.

If you want to smear the achievements of Shen Guanglin's laboratory, you can't do it recklessly, it has to be a coincidence.

No, the university in the magic city came very cleverly.

The results of the laboratory came, and they never announced it in a hurry, but waited for Professor Shen to reveal the answer.

This is a kind of respect. They probably have read Shen Guanglin's pulse, knowing that this person likes this.

Everyone has weaknesses, some people are famous, some people are interested in profit, and some people are lustful.

As for Shen, he is no longer interested in profit, and now he has no choice but to be famous and lustful.

(End of this chapter)

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