Start with a college teacher

Chapter 895 Invitation

Chapter 895 Invitation

Professor Shen hasn't appeared in the school for a long time, but the school finally spread his legend again.

The familiar Professor Shen is back!

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. There are not only men's love and women's love in the rivers and lakes, but also the shadow of swords and swords, and blood seals the throat.

Someone Shen wrote a new page in his victorious diary, and he didn't even take it seriously, but the leader of the administrative office is no longer a leader, the ups and downs of the officialdom, that's it cruelty.

This kind of days without opponents is really lonely for some masters.

Professor Shen doesn't love money, but everyone says that Professor Shen is a bit lecherous, even the opinion conveyed by Wang Gongzi to his family is the same.

Professor Shen is a person who is amazingly talented, far-sighted, has a bright vision, and donates money. However, he has a little more confidante around him. Moreover, as long as it is a woman that Professor Shen likes, no one dares to approach her.

Others said that Professor Shen's heart went up and down.

No one dared to approach Professor Shen's woman, but someone dared to approach Professor Shen himself.

No, Shen Guanglin was already preparing to return to the magic capital someday, but someone still found him in the Beijing Hotel, and it was a woman.

Speaking of it, Professor Shen is also a poor man. He has already arrived in the capital, and he is afraid of getting along with each other. He still has a home and cannot go back. He lives in a hotel every day and is also drunk.

Even Shen Guanglin wanted to buy another house that no one else knew about.

After all, you need to live in different places when you are with your sister and with your sister, otherwise the neighbors will have doubts: Why does the hostess' appearance fluctuate? This makeup technique is too powerful. , is even better than Liu Xiaoqing.

Of course, Liu Xiaoqing is still young now, but he is ready to enter the sea. It seems that he is also planning to engage in real estate and start a film and television company. He is about to embark on the road of being the first richest woman in China.

On this day, my younger sister went out to work early. She has her own career to be busy, and she is not at all like Shen who is not enterprising.

It was 11:30, and Shen got up to have breakfast.

However, as soon as Shen Guanglin arrived at the restaurant, a girl approached him with an excuse, but was stopped by the security guards.

There are many people who want to get close to Professor Shen, and you are not missing.

"Professor Shen, I have something to do with you, I have it!"

The woman attracted the attention of others with only one sentence. Moreover, her Hokkien accent is very recognizable. It is very likely that she is from Wanwan. It is really difficult for them to change their accent.

Of course, because the other party is a beautiful girl and "has it", she can still enjoy some preferential treatment.

After the female bodyguard checked that there were no dangerous objects, the woman approached Shen Guanglin.Small leather shoes, miniskirts, and sexy walking, attracting the attention of people around.

It's such a pity to have such a girl.

Shen Guanglin was very calm, but raised his eyebrows. Wearing a miniskirt in this warm and cold spring weather, he is really confident enough, which is absolutely impossible for girls in the mainland in this era.

I have to say that this kind of outfit can really show your figure very well.

In the era when there was no beauty camera bonus, she wore the effect of the elongated legs of Miss Douyin and Gawu.

It seemed that she was ready to be scrutinized by the men, and the woman proudly puffed her chest out, her thin lips and willow-leaf eyebrows revealed full confidence, "Hello, Professor Shen, I was just joking." , My name is Lin Fengjiao, I'm from Wanwan, and I'm an actor."

Seeing Shen Guanglin sitting there ordering food without speaking, the girl also acted boldly, sitting down unscrupulously, with her thighs tilted to one side, deliberately showing a beautiful buttocks curve.

"Professor Shen, I really came to visit you because of your reputation. I heard that you are the behind-the-scenes owner of Great Wall Entertainment. I need a manager."

Shen Guanglin seemed to be belatedly aware, and laughed out loud: "Your name is Lin Fengjiao? Why not Deng Lijun?"

"You mean the one who sings? Is she as good-looking as me? It's just that she sings well."

The woman expressed dissatisfaction, but that wasn't the point. The point was that Shen Guanglin didn't understand what she was here for. Lin Fengjiao and Shen Guanglin had seen it before, and she was indeed a Wanwan star, but she didn't look like her.

"Miss Lin, right? Are you the hotel's new waiter?" Shen Guanglin asked intentionally.

"How is it possible that this hotel can afford me?" The woman expressed dissatisfaction, did she look like a waiter.

Of course not!

Although the waiters in this era are good-looking, they don't dress so boldly.

"Oh, then I understand, you are a wandering entertainer who picks up customers independently, right?"

Shen Guanglin said this very implicitly, some kind of wandering entertainer, but the woman still understood.

"You are good or bad! I am not engaged in that, I am your student, you are my idol and teacher, besides, if others have it, they can't engage in that."

"Just talk about it if you have something to do. I don't have much time." Shen Guanglin didn't want to continue joking.

Out of nowhere, a beautiful woman came up to him, and it was like an underground joint.

It's a good thing that Professor Shen didn't engage in secret-related work, otherwise it's hard to say whether it can be cleaned up.

Seeing that Shen Guanglin was a little unhappy, the woman also started to talk about business, "Professor Shen, I am Wang Wenyang's cousin, and my uncle wants to see you."

"Your uncle? The god of management in Wanwan?" Shen Guanglin guessed that this person had something to do with Prince Wang's family. No Wanwan person would dare to harass him like this.

"Yes, you've heard of him too?"

"Of course, the richest man in Wanwan."

Shen Guanglin didn't care about what he said. In fact, if Shen's own property is calculated properly, it should be more than the Wang family's wealth. Moreover, Shen Guanglin also holds many shares in listed companies, which are earned during previous economic crises. of.

For travelers, as long as they have capital, it is really not difficult to continue to make money.

"Professor Shen, my uncle wants to invite you to visit Wanwan. He wants to see what the young man who poached his heir looks like. Actually, when I was in the Lion City in Southeast Asia, I really heard your lecture." The cousin said Sure enough, she really knew Shen Guanglin, but Shen Guanglin didn't remember who she was.

"Since he wants to see me, he should come to the mainland. Why should I go to Wanwan? Besides, I'm worried about your situation. If I'm detained there, the country's technological development will slow down by five year." Shen Guanglin also said very bluntly, the people over there are unreliable.

"You!" The cousin wanted to continue arguing. At this time, President Wang came over, "Professor Shen, I am causing you trouble. This is my cousin. She came to see the Great Wall. She is not sensible, so don't mind."

"It's okay, the visitor is a guest. Since it's almost dinner time, I'll treat you to a steak. This is the exclusive steak of my Shen. It's very delicious, and others can't easily eat it."

Indeed, Shen Guanglin's black technology has been treasured for a long time, and he can't sell it for money. It's okay to enjoy it for himself.

"Professor Shen, I'm convinced if you say anything else. I don't believe the steak you say. Our company's king steak is the best steak." Wang's steak, she is full of confidence.

"Yeah, you'll know if you try it."

 Today is an update, I wish you all a happy National Day.I was stuck all the way, I just got home, and I won’t go out for a few days on National Day, so I’ll update it seriously
(End of this chapter)

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